Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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    0.78.10 Released

    • Hey guys, 78.10 is now available with an expected very large performance increase for clients. I've even heard reports of double fps vs previous patches.

      It is recommended that you create a new world when playing 78.10 to get the full effect of the changes, but is not required. Since 10 changes a number of worldgen settings and makes trees spawn properly where they weren't before, there is a fairly noticeable difference in worldgen between this and previous versions.

      Please note that users are having issues with the most advanced versions of Optifine due to the new chunk rendering update in TFC. I'm hoping to make this a non issue in 1.7 but for now, Optifine HD C6 is the newest confirmed working version for now.

      Full change log after the jump.

    Version 0.78.10


    • Inverted vanilla minecraft chunk rendering via core mod so that it renders from the top down instead of bottom up. I expect this to provide a large performance boost as well as clearing up a number of chunk loading bugs that have existed since the dawn of TFC time. Most specifically, you should no longer see the caves at the bottom of the world before the surface of the world has had time to render.
    • It is recommended that you create a new world when playing 78.10 to get the full effect of the changes, but is not required. Since 10 changes a number of worldgen settings and makes trees spawn properly where they weren't before, there is a fairly noticeable difference in worldgen between this and previous versions.

    Bug Fixes

    • Removed accidental 50x burn length for logs.
    • Getting the background rock for an ore block should no longer return an IndexOutOfBounds when it somehow gets wrong metadata.
    • Fruit tree saplings should once again use the correct localization.
    • Fixed snow piling on things that it shouldn't such as fences.
    • The firepit now properly heats the bottom slots which should properly allow for liquid metal molds.
    • Fixed rounding error when checking for freshwater at the players feet for thirst restoration.
    • Correct invalid plum sapling drops from 78.8, saving worlds with the invalid sapling items.
    • When it is cold enough, snow should be rendered instead of rain when there is precipitation. Although there was previously an implementation of this, the new method uses a core mod override the vanilla handling of this.
    • Meals can no longer be put in the ingredient slots of food prep.
    • Fixed Ice generating in a checkerboard formation as well as a few other ice formation bugs.
    • Fixed a major issue where all EVT layers were returning an evt of 0.
    • Implemented several fixes and optimizations in forest generation. The world shouldn't be so barren with only occasional redwoods anymore.
    • Caves and ravines should no longer cut through water causing ugly floating water.
    • Fixed a few blocks that weren't rendering all sides properly when next to another block.
    • Fixed support beams having full block sized collision boxes instead of matching their shape.
    • Fixed stalactite/stalagmite having full block sized collision boxes instead of matching their shape.
    • Fixed Stalactites and Stalagmites not removing themselves properly when part of their base is destroyed.
    • Bears should no longer despawn.


    • The gold pan now drops nugget item on success, so that success is more obvious.
    • Tweaked river ravine spawning parameters to no longer attempt to spawn a river multiple times per chunk.
    • Adjusted EVT and Rain datalayers so that zones with flora should be more plentiful overall.
    • Male pheasant should no longer crow like a rooster.
    • Lowered chicken max health to 50. Matches pheasant.
    • Tweaked the spawn parameters of a few tree types to be less generic.
    • Snow now piles up beyond the initial dusting at a much reduced rate.
    • The goldpan now operates on a grid similar to crops. This grid determines the types of metals available. Chunks have a 75% chance to contain copper, 50% silver, 25% Gold and 100% Platinum. This amount is only determines if the chunk can provide these metals, the chances to actually retrieve these metals remain the same.
    • Slightly expanded creatures spawn parameters.

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