Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Dries007

  1. TFC1 1.12+ port

    I'm focusing on worldgen first.T Thanks to my seed gen program I have enough experience with it to get everything going. Now I'm finishing up the various decorators. I'll post another picture soon. I'm planning on opening up for contribution once I hear back from Bioxx/Kitty.
  2. TFC1 1.12+ port

    For now no. I won't release any builds or code. Not until I hear back from Bioxx or Kitty (or an unreasonable amount of time goes by, maybe a month or so). Thanks to the new stuff in forge, the mod will be a lot more compatible already, that includes the water. I don't know how exactly I'm going to handle that yet. (For now the water is stained glass, which makes debugging worldgen also easier.) By now I've also gotten the basic world decoration going. No trees yet though. EDIT: Although if anyone reads this who attempted to port TFC before, I do welcome any information you want to send my way.
  3. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Hi all, long time no see. I'd just like to post this one image. Teaser As you can see, it's a long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of it already. There might be more in the future, who knows.
  4. Look in the config files, there will be one for TFC Tweaks
  5. I'll look at it once my exams are over. If I haven't replied in 2 weeks, please remind me if you don't mind. You should be able to play with -Dnet.dries007.tfctweaks.asm.disableadded to the java arguments.
  6. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    Finally uploaded this to curse, for all the modpack makers.
  7. Now on curse, download from there preferred.
  8. Actually, let me upload it to curse, to get me some sweat curse points They should be happy with a link to the license on github surely?
  9. The license is MIT, as included in the downloads of both source and the mod jars, but I'll put it in the post.
  10. I personally don't think there is any reason not to merge foods. (which is why I made the mod in the first place :p) Also, I don't need the crashlog if it was just the first time thing. You can include the mod in any modpack, just be sure to include the injectdependecies.json file, so it won't (or shouldn't) crash the fist time people start the pack.
  11. It should be, if you can send me the log that would be great!
  12. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    You can Control Click (at least in intellij, but I think its the same for eclipse) the name of the class (then part after the 'new') to open the file it thinks you mean. If it opens the wrong file, look at the top of your file in the list of 'import' lines. Look for theline 'importcom.bioxx.tfc.Handlers.ServerTickHandler' and remove it. Intellij (or eclipse) will now tell you your code it wrong, but should suggest a couple of classes to import for you, make sure you pick the right one. If you ever need to use 2 classes with the same name in one file, remember that you can always specify the full name as its called 'com.bioxx.tfc.Handlers.ServerTickHandler' and use that just like you'd have used 'ServerTickHandler'. Have fun Java-ing!
  13. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    Possible, but I don't think so in this case. Since the error can only happen on the client anyways.
  14. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    Would you mind checking with build 25?
  15. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    It may be an error due to one of the recipes Bunsan added / changed. I'll look into it on my side and fix if possible.
  16. I don't think so, but I can look into making the ice turn into TFC water?
  17. Ok, from that it seems like it may be an issue isn't at all related to TFC, perhaps its a bug in the mod in other packs as well? Idk.
  18. If you could provide me with the crashlog, that would help! It depends on what is going wrong I guess.
  19. OK, I'll the injectDependecies maker, the next build will be up in 5 minutes or so. You'll have to start the pack once, the file will be made, it will crash. The second time FML will load the file and all should be good. Make sure you include the "injectedDependencies.json" file in your pack, otherwise people will crash the first time too!
  20. Its already up, Could you test it in the full pack? I only did Forestry and railcraft.
  21. I overlooked a method, the next build should have it fixed:
  22. Yea, I need to look into why Forestry doesn't want to work, I tried forcing the load order quick, and that doesn't help, so it needs more work.
  23. I need the Forestry version, as bunsan said. I assume it crashes, since it contains a crashreport? And from examining the code, it seems Forestry tries to register capsules/cans of liquids. Overriding the load order of the mods (tfc first, then tfctweaks, then anything else) should fix this problem.