Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Dries007

  1. Are you sure you enabled it in the config, because I just tried it and it seems to work.
  2. Can you post the exact versions of the mods you are using please? I'll try and reproduce the issue.
  3. I would like to have inventory tracking, but its simply impossible to do reliably on a modded server. Forge has no hooks for it, so the only think I can think of is to make some hacky (asm) packet inspector. The logger we have now is purely forge event based, so it should be compatible with everything.
  4. OK, since it seems to be related to textures it would make sense it only crashes on the client. I'll look at it some time after the 27th probably. I have a lot of school work right now.
  5. Oh well, I'm guessing I fixed it with the railcraft fix.
  6. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    This is an issue with TFC itself, and has since been fixed. Will be gone in the next TFC build.
  7. That would be greatly appreciated. I can try to fix the bug. I thought I fixed most of the ASM issues when I fixed the railcraft incompatibility, but I guess not. Just to be sure, you are using build nr 15 right? (Otherwise you'll have to try that fist)
  8. I'm dyslectic, that tends to happen more often then you'd think. I would like to know what mods you think are incompatible, plus the log of the (I assume) crash when you start and/or use any water/lava related item. I'll try and fix it. The reason I make the ASM hack disableable is to make it easier to fix out what is happening, but since it makes the mod kind of useless, I don't want people to have to use it.
  9. [TFC 0.79] GooglyEyes

    Yes it does, only when the item is equipped of course.
  10. [TFC 0.79] GooglyEyes

    GooglyEyes I think that is about as much info as you really need... Should be compatible with all .79 builds. (Only tested .26 though) For more information, see the link below. Preferred download link (Cuseforge, Stable versions only) Secondary link (Jenkins, May be unstable) Source + Licence here. This mod doesn't need TFC, but since it has specific comparability for the TFC armor types, I felt it was appropriate to post it here. The recipes are a helmet + a glass pane. The item inherits the stats from whatever items you make the googly eyes with.
  11. You can try and see if tfc-tweakscovers your needs.
  12. Well, if you are already using a bukkit system, then by all means. But we didn't want to have to use bukkit just for the logger. We where of the opinion that a good logger is all that is required to keep players in check, and it has proven true. Of course we don't run a PVP server, that may require a bit more structure then just being able to ban people when they misbehave. The only thing missing ATM is that inventories are not tracked. As in: you can see that someone was messing with the inventory, but you cannot track exact item movements inside of them. Since we'd like to make the code generic (aka applicable to vanilla and all mods) that would require some serious work, and we didn't have the time when we wanted to start using the mod. It ended up not being an issue, because we set the rules to be: don't snoop in other people's chest.
  13. It only works with MySQL (its the prism port for forge I was working on a while back)
  14. Oh, if you want a prism like mod for forge: It works fine for logging, but rolling back can be a PITA. I wouldn't recommended it. It also makes a TON of data, so make sure you are ready for gigabytes of MySQL DBs. (We have been using it on Deadpine's sub server with great success)
  15. The issue has been fixed, go grab build 14 and it should work
  16. For TFC .26+, use build #14 or later.
  17. Some of the food handling code has been changed, I'll look at it today. Could you please post the log (from the server, use pastbin please)?
  18. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    What versions of everything are you using?
  19. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    You are using the wrong version of the plugin, if you want to use TFC .22, you need to use build 23.
  20. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    The event system uses any method with "@SubscribeEvent", it looks for the type of the argument. You should be using example: @SubscribeEvent public void onWorldLoad(WorldEvent.Load e) The bold parts are important, and shouldn't change. (Unless you want another event, in which case you should only change the argument. The method name doesn't matter.) You can also register for the same event multiple times, if you need that for some reason. Class name doesn't matter. I tend to stick with one (or two) event handler class like this: Two in the case of Client only events, to prevent the server from crashing when it tries to load client events. public class EventHandler{ @SubscribeEvent public void onWorldLoad(WorldEvent.Load e) { // Do stuff here }}To register the event handler do in your @mod class What eventbus you need to register your handler with depends on what events you'd like to catch. To be safe, register it with both. BUT ONLY ONCE! @Mod.EventHandlerpublic void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){ MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandler()); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new EventHandler()); if (event.getSide().isClient()) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ClientEventHandler()); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ClientEventHandler()); }}Also, by using the "if (event.getSide().isClient())" you can avoid having to use a client proxy.
  21. 2016

    I can't think of very many things that can ruin you life earlier then having to care for a child you didn't want / are not ready for. (That you can blame on on proper education.) We got the very basics at 12. Which is good, because its right around the average age of first menstruation. The more detailed stuff came at 14 to 16, depending on what you did when in school. But that can be too late (girl in my class had her first serious boyfriend when she was 14, and she is still with him now 5 years later). Another major issue is the internet, you don't want young kids to get google'ing. I guess I can agree with what Darmo said, it depends on local culture. But better be safe then sorry. It is the Off-Topic section after all .I decided against creating an anonymous account, because I hoped it would help avoid this discussion turning into a extremist shit-show. (You decide if it worked ) Or most easily brainwashed by there conservative parents. This sword cuts both ways. At least in a school there can be oversight.
  22. 2016

    I guess you are right, I do advocate the right of private entities to censor content (websites banning hatefull users and such), so I should also accept the right of private entities to refuse service to anyone at will. Though I still think all criteria should be treated equally. Agreed. And we do have the option to homeschool, its just so strict hardly anyone uses it. Its mostly used by diplomats who don't want to send there kids to a school where they'd have to be thought in Dutch and/or French, so they hire a certified professional. So, yes, it needs to be an option. Also, I was unaware of standards set by states, all I read about mentioned the federal gov. Yes, it is that important. It is possibly the most important single bit of education a child/teenager can get. Then I'm afraid I can only disregard your thoughts on anything with basis in more then just subjective opinion.
  23. 2016

    So, as I said, nations should evolve. So is comparing normal socialism to fascism or nazism. You are completely wrong aboutrealisticsocialism, I suggest you readthis. School != Government. Children need to be educated by professionals, and by standards set not by government and/or churches, but by experts. (That step is where is goes wrong most of the time, including here sometimes) Parents are generally incapable of providing a proper schooling, so over here, if you want to homeschool your kinds, you have to be certified. School also provide an environment where kids can be more then just son/daughter of there parents. I don't go to church, so I should not have that social experience? Another example of substituting a proper, neutral environment (at least that is what it should be), by an environment of indoctrination. The Hitlerjugend is a great example of extremism, and incredible social engineering, but that is about it. Its just as bad as slavery." The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to bothinternationalistMarxist socialism andfree marketcapitalism. [...]It rejected the Marxist concept ofclass struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses. In other words, Nazism isn't socialism at all. This is exactly what churches do too. I mean, teaching creationism instead ofevolution? (I don't mind teaching both, in context) No proper sex ed, because you have to wait until marriage? There is probably more examples, but I hope you see my point.