Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Teircen

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  1. [Rule #1] Crop irrigation

    I suspect something along the lines of my idea has been posted at some point but after looking around a bit I didn't see it so, just in case it hadn't been proposed, I wanted to offer it up.I like that moving source block water requires high end / end game level abilities. Actual source block water is a powerful thing.One thing I'd like to be is less dependent on making crops near lakes. I don't necessarily need to have water drawn massive distances but extending the range to make nice crop areas would be an improvement to "civilizing" an area.The best way I could see to do this would be to allow for piped irrigation. Typically in an early civilization you're going to run into issues with water pressure moving water any distance. Once easy solution is to create a water wheel (even a small one) perhaps turning an Archimedes screw to lift water up to a holding tank from which water pressure is created. This would mean players would still need to craft the water wheel, the Archmiedes screw, and the holding tank then after that pipes, or even just troughs of some sort, could act as "flowing water" over a tiered distance. Bamboo works well as a simple piping system and perhaps we could substitute reeds (vanilla minecraft sugar plants) as a component for making reed pipes that could be used to move water from a pump station or holding tank out to the crop area.Having never tried creating actual Minecraft blocks and mechanics I really don't know if the idea would be feasibly implementable but the real life idea is simple enough that I think the theme would fit well with Terrafirmacraft theme. Maybe it could be as simple as using an Archimedes screw or some other pump to create a source block near a water source but at a higher elevation and then just leave it up to the players to create their own wood water passages. This would allow them to create flowing water on a tiered system at least without having to either dig massive (shallow) crop pits to extend length or without having to move the source water blocks themselves.So, that's the idea shared. If it's completely unusable due to mechanics, not in line with what you think works, or just plain nuts I won't be offended if you said so. I just wanted to share the though.TFC is a great mod and my clear favorite. Thanks for creating it and all the work you put into it!