Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About CFLPlayer

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  1. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):YesAnswering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. A while ago I set up a private server for myself and 15 close friends that all wanted something new and interesting. I loved tfc and based the entire servers mod list based around it. We enjoyed the core tfc and its more realistic additions but found it lacked the qualities of the fantasy setting we wanted. We dabbled with many mods, one such was armourers workshop, we used this to make our custom swords and armour, giving a personal flair to all our personas. This sparked an idea from a discussion we had one night whilst I was designing a Roman centurion helm. Tfc1’s tool and weapon crafting system was brilliant. Truly amazing. But I believe items you made could be more personal. Now I'm not suggesting a tinkers construct replica that does no justice to tfc crafting. I'm suggesting either a purely aesthetic customisable weapon system, or a semi aesthetic system. This would involve an armourer's workshop esc style of creation, except more modular or as a less complex alternative; a customisable system similar to tinkers construct (but in no way as ‘hacky’ or ugly). The Fully Custom system: Okay, so this was my first idea based around an armourer’s workshop esc system (for those of you that don't know armourer's workshop allows people to build custom weapon skins that are easily built in the 3d world using paintable blocks and easily applicable to objects) So, with this idea, let's say I want to make a sword, I'd need a cross guard, blade, pommel and hilt. I'd enter another dimension through the means of a planning table, in said dimension, the user can place down a component block; upon placing a laser outline of a set sized box is produced. I build a structure inside the box and return to the component block, each block adding to the complexity of the plan. Once finished, i fly over to the component block that upon right clicking I'll exit the dimension and (presuming I have ink and paper) will have a plan in my hand of how to craft that blueprint, shifting on the item in the hotbar shows the components needed and the plan’s success rate at an anvil (based on your blacksmithing skill). I'd continue this process until I have all the components for a sword. Then once again in the anvil, I forge the blade to the crossguard and hilt to the pommel, then I forge the products of that to create my blade and whala! Although this system is more complex it offers less limitations. Idea 2: This idea is more focused on the tinkers system, where in the player crafts variants of different components to assemble into a weapon or tool that looks aesthetically different to its original counterpart. This system is less complex but limited. Both ideas would require significantly more time spent blacksmithing though, and in tfc2 where magic will presumably be present, either of these systems may offer a reason to go for metallurgy over magic. So that's my idea! Hope you enjoyed it, please say if you did! Give feedback and criticize too.
  2. Future of Building in tfc2

    Biox, will it be possible for us to see a valley screenie any time soon?
  3. A reason to leave the land!

    I agree with you Kitty, but I really don't want the ocean to become useless besides gathering seaweed...
  4. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Darkagecraft or Stoneagecraft? DarkageCraft Minecraft user name: CFLPlayer Your Age: 18 Your Time Zone: GMT Location Country and State: UK, England Tell us a bit about yourself: I started playing MC when I was younger, joined pvp factions servers and enjoyed the idea of trade and alliances more entertaining than wages wars themselves. How can you help us? Other than being an active and possibly charitable new player, I can't really offer much. I'm currently studying english and would be happy to write long articles on the forums or guide books i game etc. Hope to see you soon, Player.
  5. I like the idea of adding combat as a skill based ordeal but just slightly increasing damage based on skill may not be the best way about this. You'd end up with what you see on a lot of pvp / pve servers with mcmmo, people grind combat based skills solely, as being able to kill and bully those who invest time more in artistic pursuits like building or other grind fests like armour production, is easier than doing it yourself. TFC2 if it keeps similar damage/armour system will already be pretty balanced, with builders being able to be on equal odds damage wise with a sword in comparison to an elite pvper. On the counter side to this, I think more bloodthirsty tendencies should be catered to. Maybe subtler changes like an increase in swing speed or less duration on debuffs against you. I really don't like the idea of armour skills as in a believable situation I don't think a knight would get better at wearing something, in fact I don't think anyone anywhere can get 'better at wearing something'. It just sounds a bit, well, silly.
  6. Bird and Squirrel mobs!

    Could you not make it so that a squirel can only climb wood blocks (like a spider would climb anything) and keep leaves as things you can walk through? You could have a setup where if a squirel sees a player within 15 block it runs to the nearest set of vertically positioned blocks and climbs it. Just an idea. I occasionally find TFC a little empty when I've killed all the useful things in the vicinity and maybe birds and insects etc would fill that for me, but I'm not really bothered as i'd probably kill them anyway...
  7. Volcanoes

    -COUGH COUGH- PLES GIMME DRAGONS NESTS NEAR VOLCANOES, I WANT TO BE THE MOTHER OF TFC2 DWAGONS PLES -cough cough- Seriously though, if TFC2 is taking a more 'loose' / 'fantastical' approach to things, a place like a volcanoe would be a beautiful spot to have a high risk high reward resource like a Dragon babby.... Ofc you'd have to fight and possibly kill de momma dragon just to steal an egg but... I personally, would love to see Bioxx flying amongst his children as Daenerys... They'd be something to fight over, search for and could be an interesting venture if we get an Animal Husbandry-esc skill in TFC2 (if we get skills at all )
  8. Metal Tiers

    Going back onto alloying a little, could we have a testing bench? So we make a new alloy and we don't know what it's like, it seems wasteful to make a tool just to test it. Maybe we could have a testing bench, on it you can run various little options like heating it, trying to scratch it, trying to bend it ect. This'd let quicken the process of making new alloys and just generally be neat.
  9. Metal Tiers

    Going back onto alloying a little, could we have a testing bench? So we make a new alloy and we don't know what it's like, it seems wasteful to make a tool just to test it. Maybe we could have a testing bench, on it you can run various little options like heating it, trying to scratch it, trying to bend it ect. This'd let quicken the process of making new alloys and just generally be neat.
  10. A reason to leave the land!

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yus Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. I'm kind of sad that I possibly won't have long ridiculous boat journeys to suffer through if the whole 'portal/fast travel' stuff becomes realit. But if it does, please give us something water related to do? With an island based world gen all we'd ever see is water, just give us a reason to journey out into it. Coral for potions? Better fishing rewards the further from land you get? Passive fishing nets? Something, anything, to not make the oceans redundant...
  11. Magic!

    Actually, I really like gxbits idea of the LOTR like system, with awesome anomalies like out of endless legend it'd make the world feel less normal and increase replay ability...

    I finally found it after a long hour of searching, the seed is "Mayan" or "74120242" (without quotations of course) spawn is a lovely granite desert covered with Cacti and pockets of freshwater! Enjoy you ultra hardcore TFCers!
  13. Sounds

    Oooh, danke for adding my lil comment
  14. Hey.

    Winds whooshing noises at higher y cords?
  15. Clothing

    I think if a temperature feature was added and clothes against the environment became a thing it would make the game slightly more difficult and gives you something else to deal with (in my opinion a good thing). On my first few days of tfc1 I didn't have a home, I just ran around dodging mobs until I had planks and nice materials, with temperature, building a shelter could be a first day task. A basic thatch and log hut to protect you from the cold and wet. A shaded thatch and clay hut to run inside when you catch heatstroke or sunburn. Then as you continue on your journey, clothes become a thing and then all of a sudden tempersture becomes more manageable, unless you travel to extreme enviroments of course.