Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Diego il Catanico Jr

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Posts posted by Diego il Catanico Jr

  1. Honestly, thats not the problem. There are around 100 blocks or more above sea level, wich is enought to put some decent mountains in it. The problem is in the generator that puts most of the terrain near sea level and the only mountains are almost at the maximum height, with a lot of ugly overhangs at the sides.


  2. 28 minutes ago, Pyr0mrcow said:

    My one complaint is that the Blue Steel design looks a slightly more carrot-like amalgamation of the regular Steel and Black Steel designs, while Red Steel looks amazing and unique.

    Well that was the point when i designed them, i think it's intentional...

    29 minutes ago, Pyr0mrcow said:

    The original Red Steel armor specializes in blocking slashing damage, and both of the current Red Steel shapes look good for catching/moving a blade slash.
    Blue Steel is meant to block Pirecing damage.

    Well i didn't remember this but, actually i got it luckly right: to me the blue steel looks appropriate for blocking piercing (a large, well defined surface) while the second alternative of red steel looks perfect to block slashing.


  3. First, mosters should spawn only deep underground and in specific conditions/places.


    The main feature would be a more dangerous and more complex animal AI:

    • All animals should be scared when hurt.
    • Wild animals should get scared when the player suddently appears near them (like, they didnt see you uintil you popped 16 meters from them).
    • Wild animals should get scared when the player runs or jumps.
    • Wild animals move or run away and get at least 32 blocks away from fire and 8 blocks from torches when held. Domesticated animals should get closer, but not more than 4 blocks from a fire.
    • Scared animals should try tu run away from the player and they could run over the player when it is the only way to escape. This would deal damage based on size of the animal. Animals with horns or hoofs would deal more damage.
    • Cave ins could make animals run away too, maybe from far away.
    • Most animals should be capable of running faster than the player.
    • Any aggressive animal should run away when below 25% health.

    Specific animal features:

    • Wolves: Usually move in packs and will attack when hungry. Will attack if scared if not alone. Any wolf will counter attack if hurt. Lone wolves can be familiarized by leaving meat on the ground near you. A tamed wolf could attack you if not fed for a long time. Only their puppies will become actual tamed dogs. Speed should be slightly higher than player's.
    • Bears: Will attack a lone player if scared. 2 players could get close (less than 1 meter) and have a 50% chance of scaring away the bear. 3 would always scare the bear away. If you get attacked by a bear you would have 2 options: counter attack, if you think you have good enought weapons, or shift and watch the ground and hope for the bear to think youre not a danger anymore (75% chance?). Running speed should be higher than that of the player.
    • Boars, wild pigs: Females aggresive when piglets are around but will not chase you far away. Run speed same of the player or more.
    • Deers: Get scared twice the distance away as for other animals. Run away much farther at maybe twice the speed of the player?
    • Sheeps and cows: Move in herds. If one member is scared, all the herd will get scared. Males could attack when scared. Move faster than the player.
    • Chickens: If one chicken is scared, all nearby chickens wil be scared. Run as fast as the player. Dont move in groups but tend to stay close(16 meters?) to the rooster, maybe?
    • Pheasants: Should be able to fly please stop slaughtering pheasants.
    • Horses: Same as sheeps and cows but peaceful (thought don't get ran over by one of them).

    (Scared is a status effect)


    Then, If the devs want to, we could have some more basic animals:

    Bisons (alternative for cows and ships), lions (replacing bears and wolves in the predator niche), gazzelles (replacing sheeps), gnus (replacing cows) and of corse goats (to provide some milk everywhere).

    Fishes (we already have the bass for the lakes and sawmps, lets add salmons for the rivers, cods for the ocean). This would work well with Dunkleosteus' TFC+ fishing. Sharks could make the deep sea a bit more dangerous without making the coasts dangerous.


    I think this work would be totally worth the efforth. It doesnt even look really THAT complex to me...


    Of course after 1.0, but maybe working with this in mind before could make the work easier for the devs after.

    Tell me what you think.



    If you still think dangerous animals are too dangerous by running faster than you, they could be made more rare and spawn only in a given territory. This territory would be primarly a zone you should avoid in early game, and will be recognizable by, for example,scratches on bark signaling the presence of a bear in the territory. Or maybe wolves howling during night. Things like that. I think this could improve a lot the early survival experience. Predators should be more a thing to be feared and avoided than a thing you should actually fight. And you wouldn't have all these out of place mobs in the surface.


  4. Wait I have done more accurate designs. I'm not that good with metal textures so you can use these any way you want.

    Now, black is metal overlay and white is wood (or banner). Red is invisible overlay.

    Wood:   Exterior Wooden Shield Shape.png   Interior Wooden Shield Shape Interior.png   (Yes it is identical)

    Copper:   Exterior Copper Shield Shape.png   Interior Copper Shield Shape Interior.png

    Bronze:   Exterior Bronze Shield Shape.png   Interior Bronze Shield Shape Interior.png

    Bismuth Bronze:   Exterior Bismuth Bronze Shield Shape.png   Interior Bismuth Bronze Shield Shape Interior.png

    Black Bronze:   Exterior Black Bronze Shield Shape.png   Interior Black Bronze Shield Shape Interior.png

    Wrought Iron:   Exterior Wrought Iron Shield Shape.png   Interior Wrought Iron Shield Shape Interior.png   (We already have it thanks to @eagleyes005)

    Steel:   Exterior Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Steel Shield Shape Interior.png   (Identical too)

    Black Steel:   Exterior Black Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Black Steel Shield Shape Interior.png

    Blue Steel:   Exterior Blue Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Blue Steel Shield Shape Interior.png

    Red Steel 1:   Exterior Red Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Red Steel Shield Shape Interior.png           Still               sure                    red

    Red Steel 2:   Exterior Red Steel Shield Shape Alternative.png   Interior Red Steel Shield Shape Alternative Interior.png                    not                 about               steel




    Actually i just discovered the spoiler instrument                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ur mom giey














  5. On 8/6/2018 at 6:17 PM, Diego il Catanico Jr said:

    Couldn't we render all the models from the textures like almost minecraft item does and then add the handle or the leather strips, instead of making a separate model for every shield?

    We could have 2 textures for every shield, one for the interior and one for the exterior... the model would be generated by the interior  and the front of the shield will have another texture, or viceversa.

    example interior.pngexample exterior.png

    By the way, eagle i like your textures but i dont think we need stripes of metal everywhere, an umbo should be enough for most shieds


    Here is how the overlay textures would actually look: example interior texture.pngexample exterior texture.png (they will be 16x32 for this shield of course).

    I was thinking... we could still put banners in the front face of the shield, covering the wood. Of course the umbo and other metal parts would cover the banner but a lot of decoration options would still be there.


  6. 2 hours ago, eagleyes005 said:

    This could work...

    Yes. Maybe without the vertical metal stripe in the interior it would be better. Not sure.

    I was thinking.. Couldn't we render all the models from the textures like almost minecraft item does and then add the handle or the leather strips, instead of making a separate model for every shield? This would be much easier. We will have flat shields, for it isn't a problem. This way we could also make 2 versions for every shield, one with the handle, one with the leather strips. The first would be faster to draw, the second will reduce knockback more than the first.


  7. 17 minutes ago, eagleyes005 said:

    We should keep textures multiples of 16x to make models creation easier.


    17 minutes ago, eagleyes005 said:

    Ho, yes. I liked this shapes of shields. Can i work whit some of these?

    of course yes, they're here for that :)


  8. I made (front) shapes for all shield tiers, not textured or modeled yet. I designed the shields, i didn't really like 16x16 shields that were being designed here (thought, good textures were being made, sorry). I think shields should be bigger than 16x16, like vanilla.


    Wooden: Wooden Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Copper: Copper Shield Shape.png 16x16

    Bronze: Bronze Shield Shape.png 20x20

    Bismuth bronze: Bismuth Bronze Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Black bronze: Black Bronze Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Wrought iron: Wrought Iron Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Steel: Steel Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Black steel: Black Steel Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Blue steel: Blue Steel Shield Shape.png 16x32

    Red steel 1: Red Steel Shield Shape.png 20x32

    Red steel 2: Red Steel Shield Shape Alternative.png 24x20

    Unsure about the red steel. What do you think is better? Are they too fantasy? In any way red steel is designed to go to the left hand so it will have to be mirrored if the player is left handed.


    EDIT: Ok this thing is more complicated than I expected. Anyway i want to clarify that these are now not meant as textures or models but just as design ideas. just the shape of the shield.


  9. I posted a link to this suggestion before in another topic, but i decided to make a separate suggestion to see better what people think.
    This is how i would do it. 1 is the relative actual hardness of stones in TFC:
    • Chalk, Rock Salt, Schist: 0.5
    • Limestone, Shale, Conglomerate, Chert: 0.75
    • Claystone, Marble, Phyllite, Slate: 1.0
    • Dolomite, Gneiss, Rhyolite: 1.25
    • Quartzite, Dacite: 1.5
    • Gabbro, Andesite: 1.75
    • Basalt: 2.0
    • Granite: 2.25
    • Diorite:2.5
    These multipliers should work for blast resistance of the blocks and for their tool's durabilty, too. We could have different textures for every stone type for tools, or simply a tooltip that indicates what's the tool made of.
    I think all this would make gameplay ever more interesting, I did experiment this with customzed Iberia mod and it is really good.
    EDIT: i don't know what the heck happened with the fromatting please help

  10. I have been testing textures:

    -Andesite has been modified Andesite Raw v2.png and can now be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Basalt can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Chalk can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Chert can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Claystone can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Conglomerate has been modified Conglomerate Raw v2.png and looks good rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Dacite can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Diorite Has been modified Diorite Raw v2.png and can be rotated/reflected any way;

    -Gabbro has been modified Gabbro Raw v2.png and can't anyway be rotated 90 or 270 degrees as it looks bad;

    -Gneiss must not be rotated 90 or 270 degrees as it looks bad;

    -Granite has been redone Granite Raw v2.png and can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Limestone must not be rotated 90 or 270 degrees;

    -Marble has been modified Marble Raw v2.png and can now be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Quartzite can be rotated/reflected in any way;

    -Rhyolite can be rotated/reflected in any way;


  11. 6 hours ago, MiaMia said:

    On most servers, "dry" areas are mostly unpopulated, because everybody prefers to build their starter base close to a clay source and most people never end up moving.

    I don't see how this is a problem... You should expect lìfinding less people in dry climates and deserts.


    Anyway, I don't think we need this. Sure sometimes clay is hard to find, but life is sometimes unfair, too.

    Thought some things should be tweaked and changed in the world generation, i think i will make a suggestion sooner or later.


  12. Well honestly i wasn't expecting that... But im not sure, we should test the rotation for all stones and with bigger grids. I think im'g going to edit them a little (that ugly 2x2 square on the diorite!!!).


    56 minutes ago, eagleyes005 said:

    like the diorite one, it look like vanilla ice cream haha, sorry

    LOL here in Italy we call that ice cream Stracciatella... However, the diorite textures is one of these that i like most, i think it's subjective with the diorite if you like it or not.


  13. 1 hour ago, eagleyes005 said:

    The latest versions of minecraft add roation textures, this could solve the grid like partern.

    I know, but it is really complicated to make textures that don't look bad by doing that. With vanilla stone it's easy because it only uses 3 shades of gray. Thought you could try doing that, if you think you can.

    I will be doing cobblestone, bricks and other textures if the devs say that they agree on changing at least some textures: Andesite, Basalt, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Comglomerate, Dacite, Diorite, Gabbro, Gneiss, Limestone.

    Also i think some of these textures look more vanilla than most TFC stones. If devs don't agree I think i will be doing just a texture pack.


  14. For what I understand, in vanilla the damage depends almost linearly on the cooldown: so if you manage to hit the enemy with a weapon that has 4 seconds cooldown 2 times in 4 seconds or 1 time in 4 seconds the total damage nearly is the same.

    So WTH is the point of all cooldown mechanics??? Annoying players?


    When they first implemented cooldown the eqution was not linear but exponential. I think that was a way better solution, as it would really give a reason to wait for the cooldown to end.

    The equation should be then   d*(t/c)^2   with d being the weapon damage, t the time passed, c the weapon cooldown time.


    This way a sword that deals 200 damage and has 1.25 seconds of cooldown will deal: 

    8 damage if used every 0.25 seconds, wich in 5 seconds will deal a total of 160

    32 damage if used every 0.50 seconds, wich in 5 seconds will deal a total of 320

    72 damage if used every 0.75 seconds, wich in 5 seconds will deal a total of 480

    128 damage if used every 1.00 seconds, wich in 5 seconds will deal a total of 640

    200 damage if used every 1.25 seconds, wich in 5 seconds will deal a total of 800


    Also, you shouldn't be able to use the weapon until it is at 50% cooldown (to avoind spamming to keep away the enemy or similar behaviours)


    Another suggestion, the swing speed should also depend on the material of the weapon and on the skill of the smith. A broze mace is way heavier than a steel or wooden one and a skilled smith would make more balanced swords.


  15. On 18/5/2018 at 2:23 AM, Bunsan said:

    Pixel Art Needed:

    • Fruit tree bark textures. I'd like to have unique bark textures for various fruit trees.

    Do you like these?

    Banana Banana Log.png

    Cherry Cherry Log.png

    Green Apple Green Apple Log.png

    Lemon Lemon Log.png

    Olive Olive Log.png

    Orange Orange Log.png

    Peach Peach Log.png

    Plum Plum Log.png

    Red Apple Red Apple Log.png


  16. I have made this suggestion on TFC+ forum, it would work here too:


    Time ago I made some new/modified versions of TFC stones. Some were kept unchanged, some were slightly modified and some were totally re-made. I have tried to make them grid-like pattern-free.

    Andesite Andesite Raw.png

    Basalt Basalt Raw.png

    Chalk Chalk Raw.png

    Chert Chert Raw.png

    Claystone Claystone Raw.png

    Conglomerate Conglomerate Raw.png

    Dacite Dacite Raw.png

    Diorite Diorite Raw.png

    Gabbro Gabbro Raw.png

    Gneiss Gneiss Raw.png

    Granite Granite Raw.png (Not sure if I like it, but still gives me more the idea of granite (don't judge me for using vanilla granite))

    Limestone Limestone Raw.png

    Marble Marble Raw.png

    Quartzite Quartzite Raw.png

    Rhyolite Rhyolite Raw.png

    If you liked the idea to replace these textures, I could make all the other variants, dirt, sand and gravel included... thought im not really expert in texturing and the result could be horrible. i will be trying at least.


  17. On 11/11/2017 at 9:35 AM, Little Whispers said:

    It's usually just who ever can click the fastest, and now with the newer updates, It's still who can click the fastest while timing the attack charge bar.

    If one good hit of sword was enought to kill someone, like irl, this wouldn't be a problem.
