Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dulakaba

  1. I know I have not said much about the mod lately, I have a family member going through  some major health issues and have been dedicated to their recovery. I will be back with the mod soon.

    In the meanwhile I am still working on it as I can.


  2. Hi,

    My name is Will and I go by Dulakaba here on the forums. I am a new modder and with no knowledge of java or forge modding I set out a little over a month ago to create a simple mod for TFC.

    My little mod is a minnow compared to the whale of a mod that is TFC and I can't imagine doing work of that scale.

    As I have slowly learned about Java and delved into TFC code, I have gained a profound appreciation of the immense effort that has gone into the creation of  TerraFirmaCraft .

     I would like to to take a moment to give Bioxx, Kitty and Dunk a huge thank you for all the work they have done to produce this epic mod, maintain a forum and a wiki.  



  3. Quote

    If you need only relatively small deposits of stone in matrix of other stone type, you can simply add it to TFCOre.cfg.


    ??? The in game config file? The stone still must exist in some manor (I must make it) and TFC stone does not function like vanilla minecraft stone so i am not certain if vanilla style stone spawns.... I guess  I need clarification 


  4. Hi guys,

    As a new modder sometimes TFC's code can be rather overwhelming. I am trying to find out what is required to add a new ore or stone type to TFC.  I want to add catlinite a type of stone, however it does not need to be entire regions of stone since it will be a crafting component for my TFCshaman mod. I am not certain which is easier adding a new stone or a new ore, or even where to start. Some insight from Kitty or the modding mavens would be a blessing.




  5. "

    I'm playing now on server, which have Stellar Sky mod (v.0.1.29) and following strange behaviour was observed - calender is going backward, there was May 1001 yesterday, today morning was March, now is February.

    Can anyone confirm such issues? Is it possible, that Stellar Sky time settings interfere with TFC calendar system?

    Or maybe something else is messed up?"

    You need to be sure that the stellar sky year length is set to the same as the tfc year length in the stellar sky config stellar sky is set to 365.5 while tfc default is is 96 or 98 (can't recall)


  6. Just wanted to take the time to thank Pefffern for all the help tracking down my issues and helping a new modder. We are lucky to have peffern and I want to make clear that all issues have been cleared up.

    Thank you for all your work to help us modders make our TFC plant dreams come true!


  7. So I still can't get it to go I thought it was working but then it did not... 

    The weird thing is that  I downloaded your IE Hemp project,  unzipped it, ran setup.bat and then imported  it in Eclipse and when I run it , it gives me duplicate file warning for  tfccrops because of the tfccrops-dobf. If I remove tfccrops-dobf, it get the same error as on my project.  " cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.peffern.crops.BlockCustomCrop.func_149676_a(FFFFFF)V "

    I am really at a loss because this is your Github project. What method do you use to run it without getting dup error  and what method do you use to set up the files in lib

    Also what version of Eclipse are you using?

    I tried it with just having the files in lib and also with  buildpath / configure buildpath/ libraries 'add external jar' and selecting the lib folder


  8. Actually it appears the issue is based in how I set up my mod in Bletch's template.  

    Previously I had coded my mod in vanilla 1.7.10 and then  did a  lot of copy and paste of packages and classes from the vanilla forge eclipse work space into a new  TFC eclipse work space made with Bletch's tutorial.  I had basically just deleted all Bletch's mod template files under source/main/java ,  and source/main/resources and then put in my own packages, classes and resources in the appropriate locations to make a copy of my vanilla mod.  Everything worked fine for my vanilla coding. However clearly somewhere in this I deleted something in his template that hooks into  tfc in such a way as to make your api get recognized. I went back and redid the Bletch tutorial and set up in a fresh copy of eclipse, made all the name changes needed for a new  add on project  and then put in your plant add on jar in the lib folder. After pointing eclipse to your jar it all loads.

    I either need to find out what I cut out from Bletch's Template or else start the tedious process of  moving everything over to his template. This is a big problem as I did my coding based on the tutorials by MrCrayfish and his overall structure / approach is to do things mostly in the main class file where as Bletch has so many packages that I can barely make heads or tails of it.

    My assumption is that your IE hemp mod and Pumpkin mod MUST have the same code type that I cut from Bletch's template and I am hoping that a hard study of them will help me figure out what I am missing.


  9. Hi again, 

    So I thought I had everything ready to go. but I think i have somehow missed something.

    I think I missed a point of setting up. 

    I downloaded the jar, put it in my lib folder in my tfcshaman project, right clicked my project and selected buildpath - configure build path - chose the 'Libraries' tab,, chose add external jar and then navigated to the lib folder in the src folder of my project and selected your jar.

    having done that Eclipse added the your mod's little jar icon to the bottom of the jar list in my project ( there are many jar icons and then your jar below  a folder icon with 3 zeros labeled 'start' (that has some gradle stuff in it and a cache)

    if I click the jar icon named after your jar, it has all your packages in it (com.peffern.crops etc.). 

    I have made no changes to build.gradle  since I must study how to configure gradle to know about the tfccrops.jar and I assumed that could wait until I was ready to do the jar build.

    when I run the game in eclipse  it starts minecraft, begins the loading process and then crashes. here is the crash report

    Minecraft Crash Report

    any insight as to why?

    after more investigation  I see this in the console after crash:

    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.peffern.crops.BlockCustomCrop.func_149676_a(FFFFFF)V
                          at com.peffern.crops.BlockCustomCrop.<init>(


    The line in BlocCustomCrop that it refers to is:

            this.setBlockBounds(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2f, 1);


  10. Thanks,

    I think I know how to do all you mentioned:

    1. Download the compiled jar (tfccrops.jar).DONE
    2. Import it into your mod project (into the libs folder). DONE
    3. Make sure you configure gradle to know about the tfccrops.jar or your code won't compile when you go to export your mod. (Done in I think that's right but I figure i would ask to make sure.
    4. Add the jar to your project as a dependency jar. Done via buildpath / configure buildpath/ libraries 'add external jar'
    when you say item set up area you mean in a new item class for the plant file rather than where i register items? So not in the file where I use     public static Item itemZombieDust;: and itemZombieDust = new ItemZombieDust().setUnlocalizedName  and GameRegistry.registerItem(itemZombieDust,itemZombieDust.getUnlocalizedName(),etc... right?


    looking at your files for  TerraFirmaPumpkins and TFC with IE Hemp to get some insight.

    Sorry for all the question.


  11. You are a wonder!

    O.k. here come the noob questions....


    1.after i run setup and point eclipse to the working folder:

     Do I add your packages to my mod project folder via copy and past,


    do I just add your project folder to my project eclipse workspace along with my own?


    is it better to use it as an independent mod in its own eclipse work space?


    in BaseCrops it says:

    "If you just want to implement a crop so that it works with TFC, use this implementation."

    in read me it says "

    The entry point for TFC Crop Index is the static method CropsRegistry.addCrop(). This method accepts as an argument an ICrop instance, which is how you define the crop you want to add. The registry will use information from the ICrop to create a new TFC crop with the appropriate parameters, as well as creating a seed item with the appropriate crop ID

    "All of the parameters are in the constructor, so you should be able to just pass in a load of values and then pass the BaseCrop to the CropsRegistry.

    If you want to change the rendering behavior you can override the appropriate method.

    Reflective pass-throughs to TFC's crop rendering utility methods are static on RenderCustomCrop, so you can use them.

    In practice this means you pass a bunch of parameters to the BaseCrop constructor, pass the result to the CropsRegistry, and the mod handles it from there"


    So to create a new crop I would edit  BaseCrop?

    i so i decide to give my crop the number  3654  (so it is unlikely to conflict with other crop indexes from other people then in BaseCrop,java ....


  12. Hi guys I am working on a mod called TFCshaman.  This mod carries forward the idea of a primitive system of magic and healing based on the world of TFC. While it's first iteration is specific to my TFC360 modpack, once I have ironed out the play balance I will be doing a build specifically for vanilla TFC. As I make progress I will update this post.

    I am doing a vlog with the features development as I progress.

    TFCshaman Dev Vlog 1

    TFCshaman Dev Vlog2

    TFCshaman Dev Vlog3

    TFCshaman Dev Vlog4


  13. With announcement of Pefferns's planned crop development modding asset i will be holding off the release of the TFCshaman mod for a little longer. The ability to add some special shamanic  crops is worth the wait!.


  14. COMING in 2.0 TFCshaman, a custom mod that adds drums, a rattle, flute and medicine pouch. You will be able to become a shaman and tap the mysterious forces of the Endermen, Spiders, Zombies, horses, Bears and other denizens of TFC! ETA FEB 15 2017.


  15. Hi Guys,

    I Have recently taken the plunge into the world of modding for 1.7.10. I am DEFINITELY in over my head here. I currently have eclipse working and am making progress, however I cannot for the life of me find a tutorial that details adding custom sounds to 1.7.10.

    I have found lots of info on 1.6.4 and 1.8.9, but they differ from 1.7.10. I have found lots of info on the JSON file to organize the sounds and commands to play  the sound files once they have been added, but I can't find the info on how to register the sounds via a registration method. I know I must add some code to my main mod file and create a class file where I add the actual sound files to a sound pool, but every tutorial I find starts out with "find a tutorial on google about how to register your sound files.." then goes on to talk about calling the sound from the json and assets folder. None of them tell me the actual methods to add them. Currently my only hope is a tutorial in German that I hope might get me there.

    My mod in process is the TFCshamanism mod, it seeks to add shamanistic practices to the early game.

    Here is what i am trying to accomplish. among the items I am creating I have a rattle and a drum. on right click the rattle plays a custom rattle sound and activates a potion effect. The drum if right clicked with a drumstick plays a drum sound and activates a potion effect. I have my right click effects and can call a vanilla minecraft sound (like the bass sound for a note block or the enderman stare, however to get my custom sound I have to add them.

    I know how to write a JSON and I know how to call the soundevent, what I don't know is how to add the sound to the sound pool. @subscribeForgeEvent is deprecated ( a 1.6.4 method) and it seems that the methods used in 1.8.9 differ from those sed in 1.7.10

    My biggest problem is that I am an artist not a coder, thus I can easily make all the assets but am having a devil of a time coding them..



    June 1st 1000 B.C.E...
    Dulakaba sat in his dugout shelter staring ahead as he gnawed on the chunk of roasted pig.
    The hole in the clay bank was small but it was a blessed refuge from the Night Things.
    The walking flesh and bones of the restless ancestors growled and moaned as they shuffled past the entrance he had blocked up with sturdy logs. He still reeled with disbelief...Everyone was gone, every last member of his tribe had perished to the night things, he was the last... He knew much about living in this hostile world. However being pushed out of the safety of the village in this - the cold new spring - meant that things were going to be hard at first... very hard.

    Old Atuku had taught him the rudiments of working copper and bronze, and dear sweet Ereketh had shown him many times how she nurtured and coaxed the green shoots from the giving earth. Paku the weaver had told him stories as she twisted cordage and even the medicine man Agaru had freely shared his wisdom. However Dulakaba was a hunter, indeed his javelins had taken down the old boar that now warmed his belly and its skin would soon provide a new quiver. But here he was, needing to do the work of a whole village. He now must be hunter, farmer, smith, weaver... and medicine man. As he wiped the juice from his beard and longed for a drink of water he recalled Agaru's words...

    "360 days is the cycle of the year, then the stars return to their places, day is the time of  'that which is good', the night holds the restless ancestors. Honor the bounty of the land and do not let the sun set upon you unless you are a mighty warrior..."

    Dulakaba swore an oath then speaking to all and none...
    " Atuku, Ereketh, Paku... Agaru. I am Dulakaba, you know me, know I will honor your spirits by using all you have taught me to survive and become a mighty warrior that I need not fear the sun's setting! But know that if I find you walking among the restless ancestors I shall not spare you!"

    A guttural growl from outside reminded him that he was not alone and he fell silent...

    Welcome to the TFC360 modpack. This modpack is currently hosted on theFTB portion of the Curse ClientFOUND HERE

    This mod is not available through the legacy launcher of FTB, It can be located in the Curse Chat Client by

    1. Launch CCC 

    2. clicking the minecraft Icon on the left side (looks like a creeper's face), it will ask you to install Minecraft if you have not used the app before.

    3. , select the "Browse All Modpacks" button.  

    4. lastly in the new window choose sort by Author (top right box) and then search for Dulakaba or TFC360. The Icon that appears will be a photo of a Grizzly Bear with the word Kache.


    As a trained survivalist, and hunting & fishing guide versed in the craft of neolithic and 1st nations wilderness living I found TFC to be a thrilling experience that sometimes felt devoid of some of the  aspects of wild living, and the default TFC year (96 days) felt too short. The purpose of this pack is to create a play experience using a 360 day year and to integrate the PlantMegaPack into TFC . This allows some PMP assets (plants of several sorts) to be used in the fashion that they were used by the First Nations peoples of our planet.

    THIS MODPACK IS SET TO PLAY A 360 DAY YEAR, this is not only so that the Stellarsky mod works in harmony with TFC, but also so that one must play a true hunter gatherer at first. It is also to insure that any PMP additions don't over power TFC.
    NOTE: Please give the pack a try in its default state before changing things. Due to the limitations of the mods involved as well as a desire to not break the progression arc of TFC the config files for many of the mods are preset. 
    Ores are a little more populated than in default TFC and mining collapses are turned off. Many people find the load time on a fresh map to be quite long due to the mod weight, so I have included a great starting map so you can load up and try the mod right away.  I suggest putting your render distance on low and using fast setting for initial map load, then crank it up to your preferences on a second map load. This pack is meant to be a learning experience both for me as the assembler and for you the player. Thus while I will provide you with some basic information of where to look for recipes, I will leave it to you to discover the particulars via NEI. A Documents folder is included in the pack directory with the pdf files for the udary mod and a copy of the information in this post.

    Getting started:
    When you first enter a map use the 'u' key to turn off the Stellarsky HUD. 
    This scenario starts at June 1st 1000 B.C.E. There may likely be ice still in the waters if you appear very far north and the early crops have just begun approaching maturity. One starts as a hunter-gatherer and so fish, fowl, and animals will be a prime food source. Augment your diet with TFC seaweed and the few ripe food plants that will be available..
    A 360 day year means everything matures more slowly. If you are patient and survive the difficult first month, a bounty of crops awaits you. Use that initial time to get your tools in order and to get a garden going.

    PMP is set to remove all bamboo related recipes and to reduce the over all plant spawns so that finding fields full of raw materials is unlikely to happen. NONE of the PMP foods function in TFC and while I took the time to make recipes to craft the extensive hanging plant collection and hangers of PMP, any PMP berry bushes will need to be converted to their TFC equivalents, and PMP crop plants will need to be converted to TFC seeds. One MAY NOT convert PMP berries or crops to actual food, this represents finding a wild cultivar of a species with fruit / crops from the previous year that must be grown to be domesticated. One may convert PMP items by simply placing the bush / crop in the crafting window. Toss those old PMP berries away, they are too old to be edible...
    Mine Tweaker Recipes I have added many custom recipes using Mine Tweaker. (remember to see recipes, open inventory with 'e' then use the search box at the bottom of NEI for the final products, mouse over the item you want to craft and use 'R')

    PMP Hanging plants:

    use a stick, the normal plant and a ceramic bowl to craft hanging plants. (The hangers themselves are easily found in NEI for details.)
    Wedge splitting softwoods: A stone hammer, a stone knife and a softwood log placed in the crafting grid will give two lumber (knife is lost due to breaking under the strain). Uses Pine, Fir, Spruce, Willow and Kapok. Other woods are too hard for the simple stone tools.
    Camp fire charcoal: Some but not all Hardwoods like Oak, Ash, Hickory and a few others can be put in the campfire to make a single piece of charcoal. You will have to experiment to see which ones. This process takes a long time and it will use much fuel for a small return.
    Lime chunks from coral fragments. If you brave the depths and harvest some coral, it can be broken into fragments in the crafting grid. These fragments can be heated in the campfire to make a simple calcium compound usable in the place of limestone. This is a delicate and slow process, the coral must be heated ever so slowly to avoid the release of carbon dioxide or the ruining of the final product, so be patient! To insure that one does not gas themselves or burn up the coral, use Ash, Oak, Maple or Douglas Fir as fuel, no other woods hit the right temp. Break up the resulting lime with a hammer.
    Flu-Flu Arrows. Feathers are not the only fletching material used by our ancestors. One may use a stone, a stick, some string / yarn and a tuft of wool to make 2 arrows. This represents the use of 'flu-flu' fletching
    Alternate bed recipe: 3 burlap cloth, 3 thatch blocks, and 3 lumber creates a functional (if somewhat uncomfortable) bed.
    String and rope.
    Our ancestors used many materials for rope and string. Use the recipe function in NEI to find sources of string and rope made from:
    Dwarf Palmetto
    Pale Yucca
    Sphagnum moss
    Fertilizer from zombie flesh
    Are the walking dead making life hard? Well use them to make life better! Grind a stack of 10 zombie flesh in the quern to make a single fertilizer.
    Tannin from ash wood, use standard TFC tannin barrel recipe with an ash wood log.
    Fire clay. While graphite and kaolinite are indeed used in modern fire clay, our ancestors were not so fancy. Any block of sand and 3 clay balls will make a single ball of fire clay. Remember to scatter the clay around the sand rather than stack the clay balls.
    Fire flint: a piece of magnetite picked up off the ground and a piece of flint make a basic flint and steel. Note that poor magnetite wont work (it is too impure) also magnetite and rich magnetite mined from ore blocks is too large to fit the hand comfortably. Udary mod allows one to use a hammer and ore in the crafting grid to break large ores into smaller pieces.
    Potions: The following potions are made by adding the correct plants and items along with an awkward potion in the crafting grid. Check NEI for the recipes.

    Night vision 1

    waterbreathing 1

    regeneration 1 (takes many items to make)

    Swiftness 1

    10 bottles of awkward potion are gained by sealing a stack of 10 woolly Gompus (a rare mushroom) in a full barrel of vinegar for 8 hours.

    Drop empty potion bottles in your crafting grid to get a TFC bottle back out.
    Any issues with this modpack should be directed to me rather than the mod authors.
    Mod list with notes
    TFC 0.70.29 (Bioxx, Dunkleosteus, Kittychanley)
    Not Enough Items (Chickenbones) all custom recipes show in NEI
    Terrafirmacraft NEI Plugin (Dries007)
    Fastcraft (Player)
    Damage Indicators (rich1051414)
    Decorations(TFC) (Aleksey Terzi)
    Leather Waterskin (Emris_Morath)
    Terrafirma Stuff (Bunsan, AnodeCathode)
    Terramisc (Powerman913717)
    TFCPewter (Peffern)
    Cellarsaddon (sladki)
    Better Boat (SanAndreasP) due to the mod syncing boat and server locations these boats can rubber-band a bit.
    Bibliocraft  (JDSinclair)
    BibliowoodsTFC (JDSinclair)
    Farseek (delvr)
    Mine Tweaker 3 (Stan Hebben)
    TFC Tweaker (Stray Wolfe)
    Plant mega Pack (10paktimbits)
    Skinport (zlainsama) This allows you to use your current minecraft skin in 1.7.10 complete with outer layers
    Stellar Sky (Abastro) Set to the actual sky for june 1st 1000 B.C.E and adjusted for correct sunrise and sets. (use the 'u' key to close the Stellarsky HUD)
    Streams (delvr)
    WAILA (ProfMobius)
    Udarymod (Bletch)
    Fingerintheiwnd (Konlii)

    Code Chicken Core (Chickenbones)
    IVtoolkit 1.0.3 (Ivorius)
    Bookshelf 1.7.10 - (darkhax, lclc98)
    sciAPI 0.5.2 (Abastro)

    COMING in 2.0 TFCshaman, a custom mod that adds drums, a rattle, flute and medicine pouch. You will be able to become a shaman and tap the mysterious forces of the Endermen, Spiders, Zombies, horses, Bears and other denizens of TFC! ETA FEB 15 2017.


    Note: While I am a big fan of Dynamic Lights (AtomicStryker) it is not included in this pack due to Licensing issues via Curse.  Also I tried adding Cooking with TFC but could not get it to work. I have not added some of Peffern's other coolmods like the well and pumkin mods but I HIGHLY recommend them.

    Edited to add tags
