Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by KoiThorn

  1. TFC Reloaded world corrupt after power outage.

    Alright, Region Fixer worked. My method of deduction for finding out which corrupt chunks were the issue: Recreate the world ensuring to explore near my base (was only a short trip and I noticed the Olive Tree where my base was made). There were seven region files, so using the recreated world I replaced these with the possible corrupt files from the original. Loading the recreated world with these region files, the game crashed confirming that one or more of these were corrupt. Replacing one at a time, I found r.9.-14.mca, r.9.-16.mca, r.10.-14.mca and r.10-16.mca were not the problems. r.9.-15.mca and r.10.-15.mca both caused the game to crash. I had both recreated by the game (loading the game with them deleted). I then used these as a backup for the region-fixer.exe --replace-wrong --backups option. Exact command I used with v1.3.0 Region Fixer was: region-fixer.exe --replace-wrong --backups "E:/Backup/MRF/A Newest Backup" "E:/Backup/MRF/A Newest World" Several Chunks (7 total) were replaced, but very little was actually lost. I've not yet found anything within my base that was lost even. My Livestream can continue next time.
  2. Was continuing my livestream when an abrupt power outage occurred. Seems my world was corrupt and I'm not sure how to fix it from the crash log. Advice welcome.
  3. TFC Reloaded world corrupt after power outage.

    Investigating further, regionfixer seems to crash when attempting to replace from a fresh generated region file. Edit: Was due to using Version 0.2.0 of Region Fixer, must use 1.3.0 or earlier for Minecraft 1.7.
  4. TFC Reloaded world corrupt after power outage.

    So I managed to get it to scan the corrupt region files, with a result of 7 "Wrong L." but doesn't appear so simple as to fixing these regions.
  5. TFC Reloaded world corrupt after power outage.

    No, I hadn't heard of it before. I'll see if I can find and download it.
  6. TFC Reloaded world corrupt after power outage.

    I have determined that the corrupt regions are r.9.-15.mca and r.10.-15.mca, the areas that contain my base saving absolutely nothing from my building. Would it be possible to salvage these at all?