Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Skavaro

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    Wood Cutter
  1. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    Best death yet was in 78 build. I went about 2000-4000 blocks from my base always searching for sand. for some reason all my "beaches" were basically hills dropping into the water without sand. I crossed to ocean to find some other type of landscape in the hope for sand and finally also found it. got off my boat, took my shovel, removed a block of sand and the whole beach collapsed. I guess you remember the old ravines covered by a few layers of sand/earth/grass but no solid block underneath it? i found one of them, on my first beach, dropped right into it and died . I am really happy about the current landscape system, ravines are open and you can find sand easily.
  2. Stair(mode) vs Slabs

    back to the torch discussion, if i am not mistaken one can now place torches on any side of a block that has less than 16 mini-blocks removed. would it be possible and simple to implement the very same logic to the torch check for going out? so if a torch checks if rain drops on it it sees a block that is chissled and then looks if one of the horizontal layers has less than 16 blocks removed? or just if one layer is still complete might be even easier. you could argue now that the top layer and the bottom layer might cover the entire block but still have no untuched horizontal layer but it would already be a good improvement.
  3. Cross-Mod Weapon/Armor Compatability

    You are running into a problem due to different amounts of health points in vanilla vs. TFC. As you can see if you are playing TFC, the health bar has numbers written on it - usually like 1000/1000 in the beginning of a new map. So you have in fact 1000 hit points and if im not mistaken skeletons and zombies and so on have even 1500. Now your vanilla minecraft has 20 hit points (10 hearts counting every half heart) and so do the vanilla mobs. Therefore vanilla swords or swords from mods for vanilla do lets say 7 damage. in a vanilla world you hit a 20 hp zomibe for 7 dmg, killing 1/3 of his health. Using the same sword in TFC reduces a zomibes health from 1500 to 1493. Way to go to beat him down to 0 . TFC weapons on the other hand do a hell of damage compared to vanilla to match with the increased health points. To make the mods compatible you have to change the stats of the swords in the code itself. So you basically have to make a compatibility patch for your vanilla mod.
  4. Chisel: mode slab

    ah - now i got the point.. so simply remove all the little blocks in the same layer as the one you would if it was on detailed. hm... when would you need such a feature? i do use the chisle rather frequently but compared to the recent cange with the "stair" mode which is awesome (even tough i havent had time yet to try it out), i cant see any situation where i could have used this mode for the chislework i did.
  5. Chisel: mode slab

    I am not perfectly sure wheather i understand you right or missed some point. But doesnt your new feature simply do what 4 klicks on current slab mode do? i am not sure if it is a good idea to introduce a mode that does what could be done by 4 simple and fast klicks.
  6. THE forest

    ah perfect munin. guess that topic is therefore closed. might be an idea to add a sentence on that jungle-generation on the bug-page if you happen to be editing it anyway kitty
  7. THE forest

    ehm... no i didnt check if they are willows or acacia... somehow i just assumed they are willows. however is thate rough transition in your worlds as well? for wetcheerios it seems to be the same if i understood his post right. maybe dunk wants to look into the forest generation when it comes to those trees.
  8. THE forest

    I happened to stumble across a HUGE forest of willow trees when i traveled towards the equator. I was exploring with the new 79.12 version and i am not perfectly sure wheather that is a bug or a feature. The forest itself is very dense what i would say could be a feature, however the forest starts in a very precise line from east to west as far as the eye can see and in the south it only ends once raindrop falls low enough so willows can probably not grow any more - however the small part of that region i have yet seen has no other trees at all. So before i made a bug report i wanted to know what you guys think of the landscape - i provided pictures below. In one picture you can see a "normal" forst to the left, a very sharp transition, and then the willow forest. Skavaro
  9. Way to Turn off Monsters?

    peaceful gets you wolfes and bears. wolfes do not attack you unless provoked. Bears i think will attack you if you get too close. Not sure about how much damage they deal on peaceful tough.
  10. Grill taste discrepancy

    so 2 things to report: that with different tastes happened to me as well. in my case i could observe it at leat once (was paying more attention on getting all different degrees of cooking than the accual values) and i cooked (i think) 7 or 8 different vegetables over all their 5 different states. secondly - i can now make meals without getting ridiculously savory every single time yey . If i had put some though into my problem i might have figured out myself that eating the potatoes raw might be a stupid idea - i mean i never did it in real live, not sure if thats even healthy... I dont think so .
  11. Grill taste discrepancy

    Wait??? one can cook vegetables??? i didnt know that. due to my vegetables i always got ridiculously savory food - probably i should have cooked them haha... going to try it out and see if i can reproduce the bug in the process of it.
  12. [Vanilla Bug] ice - graphical bug

    I`ve had the same bug on my world. it is not static so if you move, the area also changes i think. however in my case it was a small fresh water lake so the effect couldnt be seen as well as with the pictures provided on top. I am using mapwriter or so.. no optifine.
  13. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    Many of the "hardcore" features like caveins, torches burning out, crops dying, food decay and so on can be turned of in the config. I suggest you to have a look at the config options if you prefer to make your live easier. the ore spawning can be changed in the config as well - so if you for example want to find the graphite/kalinite/garnierite/silver that tend to be difficoult to find more common, just go to the ore spawn config and change the values to your likeing. For example you could add them to several other stone types as well, a change that is very simple but makes finding them easy. you could also install NEI and give yourself some rules on what you are allowed to "cheat" yourself into the game. For example i go for all the saplings i have already found myself in the world since some trees such as white ceder never give enough saplings to regrow them. you could also install mapwriter, a mapping tool that allowes you to teleport - give yourself some rules here as well so you do not change the game all the way to creative and therefore loose all difficulty .
  14. Agriculture on different soils

    My current problem is that i can barely make any food that is not considered as savory. i figured out that in my world and for my taste pine logs reduce savory values most, but if i use best combination of meat/bread/cheese i have at hand i still already get to perfectly savory - add cranberries doesnt change it. but as soon as i add any kind of vegetable i get instantly ridiculously savory food. I guess this has to do with the soil of my farm wich is basalt. now is it possible to just gather some soil from somewhere else and bring it to my house to get different taste values or do i have to move my entire farm? the first one would be kind of cheaty, the second a lot of work since distances from one stone type to another are rather huge now...
  15. Beardedwombats Smoking and Drying meats Guide

    i just smoked my first meat - thx for this awesome tutorial . I dont think i would have figured it out on my own. Tough a few questions: 1. the smoking and drying - do they change the texture of the meat or how can i see that the process is finished? sun went down, sun went up and i was like - lets see what happens if i klick the meat - it was finished but i had no indication for it... or couldnt i remove the meat if it wasnt finished? 2. if you prickle stuff it changes the taste doesnt it? so is there even a point in doing so if you have afterwards only food that has probably ridiculusly sour stats? i mean since combining food into sandwiches stacks the sour values and doesnt take the mean of the values you end up with rather bad meals dont you? skavaro