Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About MDub

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    Copper Miner
  • Birthday 10/07/1986

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Wisconsin, USA
  • Interests Programming, minecraft, fishing, my wife's tiny underwear :D
  1. Do You use any TFC Addons?

    I mean no disrespect. I have submitted bug reports in the past, not so much these days. Its a number of prohibiting factors. Mostly time constraints. I don't get to play TFC often, and even then, given the nature of the game I cannot make that much progress in each of my sessions because TFC demands a lot of time from users for what amounts to small incremental steps of progress in game. Another part is the nature of the forums, which also factors into time. Its not exactly easy to find out if someone has reported a bug, and it requires more time than I usually have to commit to read through the bugs list, support questions, and the follow up chain of posts and all that. That and the somewhat hostile attitude toward posts that violate rules, which can only really be strictly followed if you have invested the aforementioned time to investigation. Not that I don't understand why the rules are there, and agree with their purpose. It just doesn't make things easy for a person in my position. So yeah... don't be sad about the mod having bugs... pretty much every piece of software does, but there being no official support for these addons that I'm aware of, its only reasonable to assume that they come with an 'at your own risk' label.
  2. Do You use any TFC Addons?

    I don't for fear of compatibility issues. TFC is buggy on its own, without throwing in addons and all of that. It also complicates the process of finding a decent server to play on in the event I want to do mp. Now I gotta go look around for the TFC addons they have, make sure they are all the same version as the server, make sure I have whatever other requirements they may or may not have, spend 15 minutes debugging when MC crashes on startup, etc. I typically only ever use a mod to add a minimap, and frankly TFC is A LOT of work. Its no small task to get a decent setup in the game and haul your way out of the stone age with anvils and all that. The risks of using addons and losing that timeor moreisn't worth it imho.
  3. How you "pitch" TFC to new players?

    When Bear Grylls finishes drinking his own piss and eating scorpions, he relaxes with TFC.
  4. Game Crashed for unknown reason plz help!

    What happens when you try to load the old world? If another crash, can we see that report?
  5. So... This pissed me off

    The idea of intellectual property has always sort of pissed me off. I think that people claiming that people cant change, or improve on an idea because the 'idea' isn't theirs is ridiculous. So much of our lives, our decisions, and our innovations could not exist without exposure to someone else's ideas, attempting to tie peoples hands, and forbid them from developing something new that's based on something old is outrightanti-progress.Don't get me wrong, give credit where credit is due, and definitely take issue with things like peopledistributingexact copies, or clones with no meaningful changes which are an obvious attempt to exploit ambiguous wording in a license. That's why the copy left type crowd always drew my attention. If the TFC devs put their code and its assets under a GPL license, they are inviting people to modify and redistribute aspects of their code and its assets. I wouldn't discriminate against those mods, and welcome those developers to try their hand at making improvements. They very well might improve on something that I didn't even think to consider. Then I can take that idea, and bring it here where the TFC devs might use it in their mod. What's wrong with informalcollaboration?
  6. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    Yeah reflection and ASM sucks. Bet you wish functions were first class in java
  7. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    Kitty... I had an idea here, but I would need to see the code. Can you point me in the right direction for where the renderer utilizes whatever data is stored in the JSON files? Sorta thinking it might be possible to just marshall whatever objects the JSON files represent and inject them into whatever resource pool the render uses at runtime to avoid IO entirely, and circumvent the init limitation of the renderer. Depends heavily on the implementation though...
  8. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    bummer I love chiseling
  9. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    Right, thats why I suggested doing it at runtime when the entities are created. If there truely are that many variations, and you require a 1:1 ratio to potential variations and json files, it would be improbable that any one user (or event a team of users for that matter) would generate enough distinct detailed entiites for it to be a signifigant fraction of the total number of possible variations. If they need to be there when the game loads, that implies that are part of the classpath, which ive never personally seen... but honestly dont know if cant be that way.... -Edit After thinking about it, I could see how the renderer could preallocate the content of those json files at startup as part of its init. If thats the case... youre totally screwed. I dont think there exists enough memory even if all the bits were written on individual atoms in the universe to store 512! permutations.
  10. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    Would it not be possible to dynamically create these json files? I suspect they are treated as a resource... perhaps programatically creating them at runtime is a possibility. I do know of some rather speedy JSON serializers. Maybe an example would be to create a simple object model that extensible enough to define the layout of any block that can be chiseled, and a generic JSON serializer implementation to quickly generate the file when / if that block variation becomes a real entity at runtime. The IO is scary, because that tends to be slower... but NIO is pretty quick, and there also exists native libraries which could be used to get even faster implementations. That would complicate deployment, but its not entirely beyond the realm of possibility.... rather I should say that deployment of natives isnt any more complicated than say, LWJGL deployment. you just need the right natives on the system, and the appropriate JNI adapter to utilize them in the JVM.
  11. Strategic Mode

    As in C&C style build it, train it, deploy it style RTS? I'm struggling to see how that would work out. Maybe like... build an army of creepers and skelles, then take down Steve's house? I have to admit, that would be slightly cooler than the fanatics from C&C 3. - I think I just admired a terrorist strategy....
  12. 2016

    @anony +1 for standing up for free speech and freedom of the press. People don't have the right to not be offended, and they seem to forget that. Freedom of speech should be treated as immutable due to it being absolutely vital to a free society. Censorship does in fact equal oppression. -after thought- I would like to add that any STATE run media outlets should be required to give equal representation to parties on anything related to politics, but private entities should never have their freedom of speech infringed because of someone else's 'feelings'.
  13. 2016

    You're telling me you would want to live in a country that is essentially a tumblr nation? One where your elected officials claim that the native population don't have a culture, and claim that only immigrants have anything of value to add? One with a crippling housing and job shortage in light of one of the highest rates of immigration in the world (nearly a quarter of the population is first generation immigrants)? A country that festers with anti-nationalism andsuper political correctness? Where everyone is a racist except the immigrants? Where if you're a muslim and you rape a girl you can get off with community service because you 'didn't know any better' (more PC double think)?Or perhaps you enjoy the government actually entertaining the idea of mandating that men sit down to urinate? No thanks, I'll skip the self flagellation.... You have some screwed up perspectives.Sweden is a social experiment gone awry, and I pity the fool who thinks it would be a decent place to live.Don't get me wrong... I'm all for compassion, but the fact remains, we live in a world driven by scarcity, and we MUST compete to survive, and in light of that fact we have to have a balance between self interest and humanitarian outreach.
  14. 2016

    Oh god... Sweden... If it was a choice between moving to Sweden, or dying a slow death by exsanguination through a million tiny cuts, while being buried up to my neck in salt.... I would almost certainly choose to bleed to death.
  15. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    DO ANYTHING FOR DEATHCLOCK! More seriously though, does Tool count? If not probably mudvayne