Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 31 results

  1. For my 3rd season of a let's play TFC series, I'm doing a bit of a role-play thing. I'm stranded in a hardcore world, all alone, just trying to survive at first. But if I can acquire a specific set of "end-game" materials and supplies, I just might be able to escape and make it home! I hope you enjoy, and I'd love to know what the TFC community thinks:
  2. Its been about a 4 month break but I'm back at it again.... Enjoy!
  3. I've just started a brand new series ofTerrafirmapunk 2.0 and will be uploading a new episode at least every 3 days. Here isEpisode One I'm editing down several hours of gameplay for each episode so things will move along very quickly and am even composing original 8 bit style chip tunes to make montages to. My channel is quite new too so any new subscribers will be welcomed with open arms! PEACE x
  4. Hello! My name is Memeparable! and welcome to my TerraFirmaCraft for miners(sorta) series. I have always loved TerraFirmaCraft but I've never really been that great at it... So i took it upon myself to try and sharpen my skills and create my own beginning! I Hope you enjoy it! Here is the playlist Episode 1 <>
  5. Started a new world and a new series for build 79! This time with some friends, Doom and Flea. See our new adventures and new builds!
  6. Ok, i don't really know if i'm allowed to post portuguese videos... So if i can't i am sorry.Fala manolada aqui é o Life e hoje vim aqui pra divulgar uma série que estou começando no meu canal com o modpack TerraFirmaTech, que se basea no terrafirmacraft e greg tech. Não conheço quase nada de nenhum dos 2 mods então se puderem passar la e me ajudar em coisas que eu tiver deixando passar eu agradeço xD
  7. New video series where I play and drink a lot. Old Checklist: New WIP Checklist: Episode 1:
  8. UPDATED 11/3/14: Here's my let's play, started a few months ago. I'm into survival and building beautiful houses. So with the TFC mechanics, blocks and chisel, this is definitely my kind of mod! The link here is to the whole playlist, but go to the replies for the latest episodes. I just wrapped up the series for build 78 and I'm starting a new one very soon for build 79.
  9. Hallo, wir haben vor 3 Tagen eine Neue Serie gestartet in der wir TerraFirmaCraft zum ersten mal spielen und dies auch lets Playen! Seit dabei und schaut uns zu. English: Hey all, we start since 3 Days a new Lets Play Series. We play first Time this Mod so we hope for some Visitors Terra Firma Craft #004 - Clay backen Brennen [TerraFirmaCraft German/Deutsch]
  10. So basically i just started to make a TFC Let's Play of my own, and than it hit me, who cares? lol their is probably tons and tons of people doing single player TFC Let's Plays. What i dont see too often is groups of people together making TFC Lets Plays, maybe theirs like a hand full people and their series do very well and are very enjoyable to watch. What i'm thinking of is like a mini version of like the mindcrack team, just TFC instead of vanilla, lol that would be pretty cool, but youtube and videos and what not aside, i think it would just be fun in general to play together with a few good people. If you are interested, i would expect you to have at least some what of a good understanding of TFC just to make it easier on everyone. Im not looking for to many people, more than anything im looking for people who will play alot and be on consistently . The actually amount will depend on how many people are interested really, if any lol, but anyone who is interested let me know either by replying here or you can email me at [email protected]. I will host the server of course and im open to add any TFC addons, i will add NEI, i also like Extra TFC alot too(love those lanterns lol) so will probably add that as well, i am also open to any suggestions. Looking forward to your reply XD. P.S. Please post a reply before msging me on skype ExtraFirma download link
  11. For people who don't have time to read and would rather listen (I made this for you): Whatup everyone, my name is Nieztro, and I'm a Youtuber from the days of old TFC (we're talking the beta days of 2012). I started making content about the mod in its most early stages, and through my content became goods friends with Dunk, even doing an SMP series with him. Then disaster struck! I suddenly had far less time on my hands, for a multitude of reasons I'd rather not go into, and my YouTube channel suffered for a long time. That being said, I'm attempting a glorious return to my favorite hobby, and the first thing I'm doing again is a TFC series I'm calling "New Beginnings". If you want to check out the series, I humbly invite you to start with Episode 1, here: I also make videos of some other games, including Hearthstone, and occasionally I'll have an urge to play a custom map. If you're interested in my channel as a whole, this link will get you there: Now for some other random backstory I feel like sharing. Back in the days of old TFC, the mod was only covered by a few people on YouTube, and it was a really cool experience to be one of those people. A lot of my current viewers are people who have been deeply invested in the mod from the start, and as a result I'm truly thankful to the TFC community for giving me a chance on YouTube. There's a lot of content out there, good and bad, and to be viewed at all is somewhat of a blessing. Today I see the influence that my videos and even random comments I made to Dunk in passing had on the mod. Seeing that has been incredible and a big hope I have for my new series is that it will have that same influence upon the mod, at least to some degree. And finally, thanks to all the people that have: 1. Read to the bottom of this post It's kind of a wall of text and I'm frankly impressed and flattered that you made it here. 2. Checked out my series or channel because of this post A big problem with YouTube nowadays is being discovered by anyone, and I'll happily welcome you lovely forum browsers to my audience. 3. Contributed to the ongoing creation of the awesomeness that is TFC You people are awesome and intelligent and the hard work you put in has entertained tons of people and will continue to do so as the mod evolves.
  12. YAH! Thats me!
  13. Yo guys Still doing my lets play, I fail quite a lot too! But don't forget to click this one too
  14. Hello everyone, Krimarie here! I have recently started a new Terrafirmacraft series on my channel! Here is the first video, I hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful, wonderful day! Playlist for series:
  15. Hi All, Decided to do a LP series on terrafirmacraft as it's a really nice counterpoint to my FTB series and is so much fun. 1st episode is now live where I get scared of the dark and build a straw "fortress" for protection Also have Modded Kerbal Space program and FTB minecraft LP series going so please stop by and check them out.
  16. Hey guys! I have started a new series where I use this mod. I am really not good at this mod so you can expect to watch me fail and waste sooo many materials in the process! Hope you enjoy and if you did like it, feel free to subscribe
  17. Me and some of my friends are taking on the world, by playing some TFC. I'll try to post episodes every weekday, but I won't make aguarantee. We plan on going thru everything in the game, as well as the addon mod ExtraFirma. Every season is gonna last in a version of the game, so when it updates we will start fresh. Also if anyone has questions about what we did in that particular episode, you can ask them in the comments and I'll redirect you to the correct wiki page or explain it myself. *Note: Currently not uploading, a single player lets play is gonna happen instead at the same channel. This is due to problems dealing with but not limited to working with servers and making sure other players are online to record with me. Playlist: Channel:
  18. Hi everyone! My name is Pandoomic, and I stream TerraFirmaCraft every day from 1 pm until 5:30 pm MST (GMT -7). Today's stream will probably be focused on building our new farmhouse and renovating our old house into a blacksmith's workshop. I hope you'll come by and hang out! Feel free to ask any questions and comments you may have; myself or another person in chat would be happy to help.
  19. Hello and welcome to... Let's play TerraFirmaCraft! Come with me as I brave the wilderness in order to build a new civilization! New episode every few days! First Episode Second Episode Third Episode Fourth Episode Fifth Episode PlayList :
  20. In this series I only allow myself to eat food from crops, not animals, in an attempt to focus a bit more on the farming aspect of TFC:
  21. Greetings fellow rock knappers and cheese makers! I am Thalarctia, and have for the last year been part of a YouTube group called High Stakes - We primarily do Co-op Survival Minecraft series with various modpacks, but have also been known to dabble in other games. We always strive to have a blast when recording, and we love to share the fun with our viewers! About a week ago we started a series on TerraFirmaCraft, and my hope with this post is to catch the attention of you lovely people who want to watch videos of the mod in action - You might end up liking our stuff The series is using multiple point of views to always keep the viewers in on the action. We are all pretty decent Minecraft builders, so once we get past the initial stages, expect a bunch of differently themed structures being constructed. The series is recorded using vanilla textures in beautiful 720p, with all participants using decent microphones and edited with utmost care, so the technical stuff should not put you off. If you fancy checking out the first episode, you can check it out here: The following link will take you directly to the youtube playlist containing all episodes currently released! But of course, the easiest way to follow the series is subscribing to our channel, and have the videos pop up directly on your youtube homepage!
  22. terrafirmacraft

    this video has the better quality but if you skip to this one it might confuse you without watching the videos below ep 003 --ep 003 beware this video has bad quailty only for this and the last video my apologies fraps screwed me ep 002 --- ep 002 beware this video has bad quailty only for this and the last video my apologies fraps screwed me ep 001 -- ep 001
  23. So, yesterday i've started a let's play (or a guide) with TerraFirmaCraft 0.77.22 in spanish because there's not none on youtube for this version and i thought it will be good to post it here for spanish people who search help in the TerraFirmaCraft forums.First video: Regards!
  24. Hi guys, I'm starting a series in which I show you the progress I make in my SP world. I will try to upload this weekly. I am not new to TFC and as so I am going to try to show you some tricks I discover while playing. Here you have some screenshots of the biulds I have done so far. Please forgive my pronunciation since English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy.
  25. Hey Everybody!Started a series with the new version of TFC along with a mini tutorial series for the old version.I am some what new to TFC so I wanted some input from the community to let me know what peopleexpect from a GOOD LP. I try and put out good content and keep every episode entertaining. If you'rebored and want to check out a new LP stop on by. Thanks everyone. [ E P I SO D E 1 ]<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> *Before you comment about bad audio in 1st episode. I caught it and have adjusted before uploading episode 2. [ E P I SO D E 2 ] <iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> THANKS FOR WATCHING! -Dizzy