Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Tall Grass, Saplings, and Spawn Protection

14 posts in this topic

Occasionally I get tired of continually trimming tall grass in my little village. I had the thought that tall grass spread could be connected to the spawn protection value to prevent tall grass spread in high traffic areas. This could simulate the "trampling" factor.

Sapling spawning could also be connected to spawn protection, preventing saplings from spreading in areas where the player spends a lot of time.


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Occasionally I get tired of continually trimming tall grass in my little village. I had the thought that tall grass spread could be connected to the spawn protection value to prevent tall grass spread in high traffic areas. This could simulate the "trampling" factor.

Sapling spawning could also be connected to spawn protection, preventing saplings from spreading in areas where the player spends a lot of time.

... Looks pretty well for a first suggestion ·-·

Thouuuuuugh, i'm not sure about the saplings... i mean, a tree will leave it's seeds and grow anyways, evne if you pass over the seeds a great number of times. Now the sapling can easily die due to you trampling it, but still, most of the times you wouldn't tramp a sapling. So, why them?

Welcome to the forums, i hope you enjoy the time you spent here :)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, i forgot... no offense, but, WHAT A F+CK IS THAT THING?!?! *points at the avatar :*


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I cant agree with this. I would think that instead grass has a chance to act like redstone ore>lit redstone ore and and 'downgrade'

Tallgrass>shortgrass(new block)>grassblock>dirt

when walking over a block, there would be a 1/10 chance of tallgrass turning into shortgrass, 8/100 tallgrass becoming a grassblock(meaning its air and only the grass block is left) then 5/100 for grass to turn to dirt.

this artificially simulates tracking.


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EDIT: Oh, yeah, i forgot... no offense, but, WHAT A F+CK IS THAT THING?!?! *points at the avatar :*

I swear.. The one off topic Edit the first poster always makes ends up into a derail...


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Ms. Tall Grass, Saplings, and Spawn Protection

'Derailed at post #2

Th'ar be fis' in these waters'


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Tallgrass>shortgrass(new block)>grassblock>dirt

That's actually a really good idea. It would be remniscent of real world camp sites etc. (more activity means less foilage on the gorund).


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Actual trampling leading to dirt would be much cooler, but I believe that has been suggested before.


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I dunno, I think I'd go for a sort of hybridization of Starcitsura's and ECC's ideas: There's a chance that grass will "downgrade" each time it's walked over, but it begins as a very small chance, only increasing to substantial levels as the protection level increases. At full protection (or somewhere up there), tall grass will not grow back unless specifically planted.


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Ehhh... I think bare dirt blocks all over the ground near your home would be insanely ugly. Do not want. I do support the long grass>grassblock, though, since i find myself continually clearing my yard of the pesky stuff.


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I just cover the entrances and let animals eat it all.


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it would be along common paths, this kind of stuff naturally occurs. if you dont want ugly, make a cobble path like the romans.

to be quite honest, I have for a looong time wanted dirt roads, but due to the damned grass block its impossible to keep them dirt.


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I agree with the spawn protection thing, except for the saplings. The saplings should only spawn near existing trees. Spawn protection may reduce this though, that would be nice.


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I cant agree with this. I would think that instead grass has a chance to act like redstone ore>lit redstone ore and and 'downgrade'

Tallgrass>shortgrass(new block)>grassblock>dirt

when walking over a block, there would be a 1/10 chance of tallgrass turning into shortgrass, 8/100 tallgrass becoming a grassblock(meaning its air and only the grass block is left) then 5/100 for grass to turn to dirt.

this artificially simulates tracking.

Or what ECC suggested or my suggestion. Tall grass should have 2 other growing stages:

-Old tall grass

-Dead tall grass

These 2 stages only appear in high traffic zones.

The first stage happens when some players walk on the grass. The second happens after some random time. The second happens only in old tall grass.


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