Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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331 posts in this topic

/me says It's on my watch! (your watch must be 3 hours slow)


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/me launches singularity cannon into corki's central galactic hq, destroying everything.


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/me says reflected, laughs as your power is seized by the Kronatayan Federation


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/me reveals the fact that I am the server admin, resets the map to a time when the only empire is my own.


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/you realize that the Kronotayan Federation might have came after, but not the Kronatayan Empire(although it is not as disireable because the Empire was a capitalist monarchy)


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/me force-initiates the resetting of this dimension, causing all energy and mass in the multiverse to coalesce into singularity clusters, thereby effectively doing a complete reset of this dimension

Before doing the above stated, I moved my entire empire into the Nth dimension.


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/me says : You fell for the trap !

Explodes the rigged Nth dimension while the enemies shields are still down !


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/me says: I'm sorry, did I say Nth Dimension? I meant N79th. *Explodes all other dimensions, Maximum power to shields*


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/me says : "Good luck with that , pal , i was lying ! I rigged the entire universe !"

*Explosion was larger than expected and as such your shields didn't last .

*Observes debris from the cosmic castle .

Edited by Krski

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/me enjoys peace within the kronotayan federation, thank you for eliminating all other competition.


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/me says: I believe I may have caused a misunderstanding. Allow me to explain the definition of dimensions as I am using it. Mathematically speaking, the 0th dimension is a dot, the 1st dimension is a line, etc. Using this dimensional interpretation, we perceive the universe in three dimensions. However, dimensions as I use the term are separate planes of reality, some of which are close enough to our own to be travelled to. Different planes of reality, hereafter referred to as dimensions, can take many forms. For example, one dimension could contain massive amounts of energy, most often in lethal quantities. Another may be composed solely of matter, lacking any amount of energy whatsoever. These are also lethal, as they are completely devoid of heat. A rare few, much like our own, are able to maintain a sort of balance between these two examples. They seem to do this through a delicate cycle of expansion and contraction, alternating between ultra-dense clumps of matter, much like an enormously dense black hole, and far more widely spaced miniscule particles of "cosmic dust". The N79th Dimension is one of these. I don't know what sort of dimensional travel your empire has come up with, but we use a highly advanced Quantum Field Generator system to create a sort of "wormhole" through which we transport whatever it is we feel is necessary to transport. Theoretically, an explosion could travel through said wormhole, but it is far more likely that the wormhole would destabilize, releasing tremendous amounts of energy on whichever side the blast occurred. Therefore, it is, for all intents and purposes, impossible to destroy multiple dimensions with the same device. You only destroyed the dimension you are currently residing in.



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/me discovers alien artifacts that could explain the origin of our race


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/me says pretty sweet, let's put them in this cloning machine so we can preserve the originals but still do any number of tests on the copies. Then we can figure out where we come from. You know, I once came across a dimension where I thought I could see the remains of a highly advanced civilization utterly destroyed by what looked like nuclear weapons. Huge craters everywhere. Shame the planet's sun went nova before I could examine it more thoroughly...


/me finds Krski's so called cosmic castle, fires nuclear warheads the size of the empire state building from railguns the size of manhatten


/me watches as entire left half of castle goes BOOM


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/me says : " Do you find me so foolish to not have a backup plan , never mind the anti matter shields , my cosmic castle exists across all plains of time , it's structure is organized in such a way by my field generators that the world lines of this universe will always be in my favor , and if ever are subject to change the universe will simply end . Mwahaahahhahahaha ! In regard to that , remember when you said that a explosion carrying through the worm hole was improbable ? "


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/me says: Yes, the explosion cannot travel through the wormhole, but the nuclear warhead can. Planes of time? Is this the T.A.R.D.I.S. or something? Planes of existence, my dear Krski, planes of existence! what exists in one does not necessarily exist in another! Have you gone to every dimension and constructed an identical castle in each of them? Or have you somehow created some form of artificial dimension? Your science must be quite advanced do accomplish such a feat, not to mention the energy cost! Have you done as I have attempted to do in tapping into a dimension of energy? How many tries did it take you before you could create a somewhat stable wormhole? I find it rather tough when connecting to energetic dimensions. Have you tried an extremely powerful magnetic field to limit the flow of energy? I would greatly appreciate your input on this, it has indeed been quite the nut to crack. We almost had it, but then the magnetic field shorted out for an unknown reason, and the facility was immediately destroyed. I personally suspect unusually high nuclear energy levels.


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/me says : "I think you misunderstand , this is the same dimension ! But i can micromanage every event that takes place inside it , making my caste virtually impenetrable even when neglecting other mundane defenses i have at my exposure .


The essence of my power is the control over the dialution number (the difference between alpha and beta lines in their mismatch percentage) , so as you can tell , everything you do , can be undone !

As such you may now understand what i meant when i said i that my castle exists in planes of time , it actually exists in every possible world line , this castle escapes reality itself ! 


With that the creaton of the explosion , to clarify , was more than easy , every portal had been calibrated to not implode and thus allowed the explosion to be carried throughout most of your empire simultaneously by reaching every part and non part of the observable and unobservable universe !


You mentioned energy ? It's really not a problem , if you can change the outcome of every particle or field interaction then iterating energy isn't as hard , you just have to tap into the energy already existing in the past and utilize it's flow for powering what you need . On that note , i also use time to void the same energy when it's state changes from one level of usable to another of unusable entropy , you know , so the universe doesn't over expand ...  "


*Utilizes anti mater to create a field which destroys any particles incoming , practically creating a little pocket unobservable in the universe (pocket dimension) (I'm jumping time right now)


Also says : " Did you know that anti matter shields if in high enough density can be time machines aka pocket dimensions ? "#


(The lenght of my posts is getting out of hand ...)

Edited by Krski

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/me says: So..... you're a time lord? Is that what this is? Some sort of doctor who thing? Also, with the antimatter, it would just implode on contact with any form of matter whatsoever. Therefore, you cannot has antimatter shields. You said something about world lines, what are those supposed to be, interplanetary conduits of some form of mystical energy? Alpha lines? Beta lines? Are you trying to hack yourself into god-mode or something? The wormholes, if exposed to any kind of explosion, WILL shut down, quite violently, as a matter of fact. Believe me, I have attempted numerous experiments of all kinds with them. Why do you think wormholes to Energetic Dimensions never stay open? The integrity of the trans-dimensional field is compromised and the whole thing goes BOOM. I believe there may be a way to link up a Material Dimension and an Energetic Dimension to equalize the energy contents, thus creating two Earthlike Dimensions, but as I stated above, it's rather tricky. I may have to think up a way to generate a trans-dimensional field from a completely different dimension. Anyway, what were we talking about, again? I lost track.


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/me explains : "Let me clarify some more , when a decision is made by human beings it splits the possible outcome of the world in two , the first outcome is the alpha line , and the second is the beta line , controling these and applying that power to particle physics can force lock a certain object into an unchangable state , allowing advanced engeneiring , anti gravity , weightless floating and more advanced space-time control , thus a source of infinite energy . Utilizing this even anti matter shields are possible , this technology is by far more advanced than any kind your scientists could create .


Now to elaborate the dialation number ...

To change reality from one world line to another you must fundamentally change it's events so it leads to another time convergence , that can solely be done by altering the past .

To elaborate further i will have to explain the structure of a world line . A world lines structure can be comprehended as that of a rope , woven together by many other smaller strings , thus it will share some of the same events/strings with other world lines , the difference in percenatge between them is the dialation number . It has experimentally been proven that 1% of subjective difference to the line is necessary to force the change . This way of world changing is entirely relative to a single person , so if you and another person have been good friends for example and they don't change their world line along with you , you will meet their original "copy" which will have no recoletion of your time together in the other line , offcourse that is not to say that future lines won't converge , but as of yet it still hasn't been proven proven .


Now , as you may have noticed time can't be rewritten by this aproach , but it's effects can be changed , all in a single plane of existance .

You may bee wondering how i can affect objects by this , but simply put i can change their age , thus levels of entropy , state , even the rate at which they age !


So yea , i can have anti-mater shields , pocket dimensions , infinite energy , control over time change , and finally by making part of the universe around my castle unobservable with anti-mater i can jump to when the shield breaks/when i again come into existance/become observable again , aka when i arrive to my destination . So yea , i also have the power of space/time jumps .


All thanks to my little friend , anti matter !


El psy congroo ! "

Edited by Krski

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/me sends probe into the orbit of Thanatos, a Venus like planet, to scan for resources and other such things


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/me says to Krski: Yeah, exept that I took away your powers in the last comment wins thread.

/me says to Corki: Ever tried harvesting a gas giant? They have a suprising amount of solid materials in addition to the gasses. I can lend you a mining colony or two...


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/me says : "They are a bit of trouble anyway , always had to explain them , sigh ... However , i don't think you can change the reality of this even with multiverse theory , this is a local physical phenomenon ."


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/me says:

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*melts steel beams


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*Mines asteroid field 


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*Uses jet fuel


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