Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Disappearing ceramic vessels

7 posts in this topic

I have noticed that 2 of my ceramic vessels have disappeared without reason and one got emptied. I've placed multiple of those in my shack and went to search for ore. I got away approx. 200m from my house and when I came back the vessels were missing. There was no crash in between the time I've left and the time I came back. The vessel that got emptied had a lot of tetrahedrite, bismuthinte and sphalerite ores. Vessels that disappeared had food in them. I've been experiencing the sequoia trees bug earlier but I think that is not relevant. Did anyone else experienced this? 


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This has not been reported before, and unless you are able to duplicate the bug and explain exactly what we need to do to reproduce it, it's a lot more likely that you either misplaced the vessels, or threw them on the ground instead of placing them and they despawned.


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This has not been reported before, and unless you are able to duplicate the bug and explain exactly what we need to do to reproduce it, it's a lot more likely that you either misplaced the vessels, or threw them on the ground instead of placing them and they despawned.

I'm 100% sure that i placed them via shift-click and I am also 100% sure that at least 2 of the vessels went missing because of the order I put them. I'll try to replicate this and figure out the reason it happened.


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This has not been reported before, and unless you are able to duplicate the bug and explain exactly what we need to do to reproduce it, it's a lot more likely that you either misplaced the vessels, or threw them on the ground instead of placing them and they despawned.

I actually just experienced this and it is quite upsetting :/ I lost 3 full vessels of food with only one left in the block. I speculate that the game only registered that one thing could be on the block because, I noticed my frame rate was extremely jumpy after I put them down. I changed my render distance, logged out (to fix the frame rate issue) then noticed it went back to normal only to return to my house with 3 full vessels of food missing (good thing one lasted so I don't starve). If I can replicate what happened I will definitely let you know (last time I place down ceramic vessels lol)


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Yeah, it just happened to me as well :(. Just finished making up four non-terrible meals, placed them in a vessel, and the vessel promptly vanished along with the meals. (Actually, I'm not 100% sure whether it was the meals that vanished out of the vessel, or the vessel that vanished along with the meals, since I'm not sure how many empty vessels I had on me at the time. ) But the meals have completely vanished.


Unlike the others, this happened entirely in my own inventory -- The vessel and the meals were in my inventory, I put the meals in the vessel. A moment later, and none of the vessels that I was holding had any meals in them.


I'm pretty sure I used shift-click to move the meals from my inventory to the vessel, rather than drag-and-drop, if that helps to isolate the bug. If I find a way to repeat the bug reliably, I'll report back here with the info.


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I have had a similar experience. Placed food in vessels for storage, and by the following "day" (no logout) the food had disappeared from one vessel. Others filled at the same time were still full. This has also occurred with minerals stored in vessels. It seems to happen with no particular pattern of placement of vessels, items in vessels, or length of time left alone. Also, one vessel was newly crafted, and another was old. Hope this helps.


I cannot replicate on demand sadly. I tried, but whatever combination of actions I use does not replicate reliably.  Using 78.17.


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I couldn't say for sure, but I think this might be related to a desync or lag. I've had vessels pop up after being placed due to a desync and it looks deceptively similar to a placed vessel, which can be difficult to notice. Beyond items not making it into vessels in the first place and vessels not making it into a block, I can't see how this could be happening, although that may just indicate a deeper issue with the system.


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