Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[32x][0.78.17][v3 FIX]Faithful TFC textures + DEV Build! 9.6.2014

178 posts in this topic

Love your texture pack but also could you change the vanilla parts of minecraft please? I wouldnt like to mixx 2 texture packs... It would look quiet weird!

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That's why you use it with the rest of the Faithful pack, the TFC stuff is done in the same style so it doesn't clash.


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Love your texture pack but also could you change the vanilla parts of minecraft please? I wouldnt like to mixx 2 texture packs... It would look quiet weird!

How Mead said, there is a Faithful Texture Pack, download that and this addon and youre good to go. Here is a link if youre to lazy to jump to page 1. And by the way its not my texture pack, this is just a mod support.



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How Mead said, there is a Faithful Texture Pack, download that and this addon and youre good to go. Here is a link if youre to lazy to jump to page 1. And by the way its not my texture pack, this is just a mod support.


Here thanks!


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This is missing terrasprites2.png, which means no ores, beds, or logs show up in the world. As a fix, I placed the 16x16 one in, but this should be fixed.

Would you share your texture files? Thanks in advance.

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Would you share your texture files? Thanks in advance.

you guys know that you need the normal 16x16 textures from

Here is just a download of these files ive reworked so far.

So go and download the TFC_Textures from and put it in your minecraft.jar

By the way there is an install guide at the first page which links you to the download page where the original textures are. And ofc i dont upload all the 16x16 files because it would take to long and they are allready downloadable at the


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Dead, I added you on Skype, we need easier methods of contact. Also I made a log texture for terrasprites2.PNG but I'm having trouble recoloring it for the other logs.


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just a few miscellaneous textures.

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Posted Image

WOW, nice job man,

wanted to work on the anvils too, but i had to repair my computer and i wasnt doing textures for 2 weeks i think.

What is your name in skype, i havnt got any friend requests there.


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WOW, nice job man,

wanted to work on the anvils too, but i had to repair my computer and i wasnt doing textures for 2 weeks i think.

What is your name in skype, i havnt got any friend requests there.

thebeatles8371 or Mikey Rivnak, also you do realise that I'm PAKAM45T3R, right?

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yeye :D

just confused me a bit. but saw it at the 2nd pic which you posted at the minecraftforum too


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I'm getting an issue where stone tool heads and stone types aren't showing up. I mean the rocks at item ID 16970 which are located at the bottom of terraRock.png from the original resources, and 16972 - 16990 which are the stone tool heads from the terratoolheads.png file. I checked the sheets that you added, and these are missing. I have the original resources added to my jar, and I see them fine when using the default texture pack, they just show up invisible for this one. Are you still maintaining this pack and plan on adding these items into it?

btw, great work. I love this, but unfortunately, having invisible rocks makes it rather unusable right now.


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I'm getting an issue where stone tool heads and stone types aren't showing up. I mean the rocks at item ID 16970 which are located at the bottom of terraRock.png from the original resources, and 16972 - 16990 which are the stone tool heads from the terratoolheads.png file. I checked the sheets that you added, and these are missing. I have the original resources added to my jar, and I see them fine when using the default texture pack, they just show up invisible for this one. Are you still maintaining this pack and plan on adding these items into it?

btw, great work. I love this, but unfortunately, having invisible rocks makes it rather unusable right now.

Hey steel,

had to repair my computer, im here again for 2 weeks i believe,

I give you guys a pre which was normally only for a friend.

look at the changelog for pre 4 :)


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Ah, it's looking great now! Thanks for the update.


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Ah, it's looking great now! Thanks for the update.

ure welcome :)


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On terrasprites2.png, there is a small issue that I've been noticing. The logs that are dropped when you chop down trees are shifted a bit too much to the right, causing about 1 pixel width of the previous sprite to show up on the item.Posted Image


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On terrasprites2.png, there is a small issue that I've been noticing. The logs that are dropped when you chop down trees are shifted a bit too much to the right, causing about 1 pixel width of the previous sprite to show up on the item.

Thanks steel,

its fixed now, next update its normal again


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There is a small black dot on the texture for Native Copper in the current version. Looks like a bit of a misclick.


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Hey, I was planning on making a texture pack for terrafirmacraft too but do you need the permission of the owner of the original texture pack or do you just make one?


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Hey, I was planning on making a texture pack for terrafirmacraft too but do you need the permission of the owner of the original texture pack or do you just make one?

I dont think you need permission because its just a support for the textures.

Faithful has many people who help the mod support.

Im pretty sure the texture artist you are doing it for will appreciate your work :)


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I really like the texture pack, i was sad that i couldn't use faithful, then i saw you come as a blessing XD


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^^ ty man gonna upload a new version tomorow i think, with the new tool textures i made


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Someone on the forums was begging for that, so it would be appreciate, =


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