Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Thatch/Straw bedding

9 posts in this topic

As of a recent update, a metal saw is required before a bed can be made.  I recommend implementing a stone-age sleeping method, so that we cavemen/cavewomen can sleep the night away instead of spending the night in a hole (and walking away from our computers, etc)


In order to keep the regular bed still valuable, thatch bedding might have 2 uses or 50% chance of being used up when slept in.


the current mechanic of pit kiln could be used, laying straw in a 2x1x1 (bed sized) area then right clicking with an empty hand.


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Edited by Kittychanley
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urbanmacgyver seems to not know about the straw and hide bed, but since urbanmacgyver wants to sleep the night away, urbanmacgyver might as well be suggesting the mechanics in the original post be added to the straw/hide bed


I'm amazed that urbanmacgyver thinks the ability to skip the night is worth having to harvest straw every other day.


I wonder if urbanmacgyver would rethink the suggestion if urbanmacgyver knew hides would be consumed every other day as well

Edited by Kittychanley
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I've just been reading "The Night" topic posted a few days ago in suggestions. I believe that it is more or less the same topic as i'm addressing: Being productive during the night vs. "alt-tabbing" as kitty mentioned.


if Straw/hide doesnt pass the night, then its not what im looking for, i wouldnt mind gathering straw for it, and i wouldnt use hides without an animal farm in place, but it seems it still would not make the nights pass any faster



currently for me, the stone age has been only productive in the daytime and until mining is available, there's not much to do. If skipping the night is the only option to remain productive, then thats what i would like, but i would gladly choose another option if i had one.


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The stone age is actually one of the few times during TFC where there is a plethora of things to do during the night.


To name a few:

  • Mold clay and start a bunch of pit kilns
  • Knap a stack of each tool head - they stay stacked until you craft them with a stick, so they're easy to keep around.
  • Trim all of the decay on your food and combine pieces.
  • Cook any of the raw meat you have gathered throughout the day.

During the stone age, your day time should be focused on gathering materials such as clay, rocks, straw, and food. Use the night to actually utilize these materials to create things.


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I think there are options that allow you to productively use a majority of the night.  When I'm traveling in search of plants/rocks/ores/animals I'll collect gravel & sand during the day and then find a patch of water and partially block myself in with straw to pan for ores overnight. I'll also use the time to cut decay off food, cook any meat, make torches, consolidate inventory into pots and make new stone tools.


If I'm at my home base I might also craft clay into vessels and moulds to fire later.  If I've been in the area for a couple days I can usually farm, chop trees, gather thatch and work on building in the general area.  Roofs/second stories are possible even with mobs around.  If I see mobs approaching I can go into my shelter, for the last couple minutes of night, but its usually no more than the time it takes me to get a drink or look up something on the wiki.


When looms come out that will be another good nighttime activity.


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These are great suggestions!  Knapping and molds are usually finished within a few days tho.


After that I kept traveling in search of sheep & ores,... to make a bed



But as long as there are things to do around camp, it wouldnt be nesessary to rush into the copper age in order to make said bed.


Also, panning while away from camp is a great idea!


Someone else suggested multiple camps, which might work as well.


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The first idea that jumped into my mind after reading about pure hatch bed was: itching :)

So when you can not find any hide for the "normal" bed, you just use this pure straw bed, with decreased result, like randomly wake up at night, and after waking up start to itch for a day :)

I.e. the damage animation and sound are preformed on you at random times, but without actual damage :)

I don't expect this suggestion to be taken seriously, so at least smile ;)


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