Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mod Update for Severe Bugs

8 posts in this topic

After some learning curve and Kitty's help I was able to figure it out how to fix some corrupted chunks in my server. All I have to do is to stop the server, download the world to my computer, delete the bad block and upload the world back to the server. Because of the size of the files and also my own inexperience with MCEdit, this is always a lengthy job.

I would like to ask the developers to have any bug that breaks servers to be put in a different category, that would call for the immediate release of  an update as soon as is fixed.

What I mean is like this instead of trying to fix every single little glitch that causes item duplication, or exploit an update should be release as soon as a severe bug is fixed.

I can see in the support page that the hot item barrel bug is already fixed for .79.15, but such update is not available yet.

Right now I don't know if I should try to get my server up again, or wait for the update. Is really upsetting when you have to fix the same problem 4 times, because new players keep messing with the barrels.

I have no idea how troublesome is the process of releasing updates, so I apologize in advance if i step over my boundaries. Piece and Love. Thank you very much for all the hard work .


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The server I'm currently playing on is also waiting for the same build before going live. Mostly because of the graphite spawning, though.


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Something to keep in mind, the hot item barrel bug has been around since barrels were first added. This isn't a new bug by any means, and it's obviously a very rare case to occur considering it made it this long before we even realize it existed. If you suddenly have a bunch of players causing the crash, it is possible that they are doing it intentionally. Make an announcement on your server letting players know that they need to avoid putting hot food in an empty barrel, and that there will be punishment for anyone who does so on purpose. Also let them know that there is absolutely no benefit for putting their food in a barrel, it will still decay at the same rate as if they had put it in a chest. If they are doing it to help preserve their food, they should put it in a small ceramic vessel, not in a barrel or a large ceramic vessel, which do nothing.


It should also be noted that you do not need to download, fix, and reupload an entire world to your computer to solve this bug. Using the coordinates provided in the crash report, and dinnerbone's coordinate tools you simply have to download the much smaller, single region file that the block is located in. Then load that single region file in MCEdit, delete the offending block, and reupload that single region file back to your server.


The standard policy for severe bugs is that we do indeed release the hotfix for it ASAP. However, this bug is not considered "severe enough" to warrant an immediate new build. We're currently waiting on finalizing and fixing a few other things before .15 is released, as it will hopefully be the last version for 79.


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Yeah I realized that after the second time. It is a lot quicker to download and upload just the region file. What bothers is that it happened 4 times in my server. and only admins with access to the ftp are able to fix this issue. Since I have a full time job, it means that the server can be out for as many as 10 or 12 hours before I get home and notice that there is a problem.

In any case thank you very much for all the help, we can always count on you.

Just a question, and please don't get mad at me. How come a bug that can take down a server is not considered severe enough? What difference would it make if we would need to have another update in a few days for all the other fixes? Again, not trying to be a smart or anything, just trying to understand the logic behind it. I am pretty sure this is not the last time we will have a bug that breaks chunks and cause the whole server to come down. The only thing I am asking is for the immediate release of updates once a fix has been found to any bug that causes chunk corruption.

I see no problem on asking my players to download an updated version of TFC everyday until all bugs are fixed. I think they not being able to play because another player broke the sever either by ignorance or on purpose with a bug that has already been fixed, but not released yet is a lot worst.

Again, If I new how to make mods I would be doing them myself. I have no idea how much trouble is to manage a huge mod like TFC and a forum with this magnitude. I am only so grateful to all of you guys. 


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Even though the bug can take down a server, the fact of the matter is that it is fairly rare for the bug to actually happen and take a server out. Your server is a rare case in that it keeps happening. Putting hot food in a barrel is something you shouldn't be doing anyways in the first place. Bugs that warrant an immediate new release are ones that are caused by something that is required to do in the game in order to progress forward, not ones caused by players just screwing around doing things just to see what will happen. Also note that this bug does not actually cause chunk corruption, it is simply a single ticking block. Everything is still recoverable once you remove the one offending block. It's not like entire chunks or maps have to be reset. If it was actually causing chunk corruption, you would have to delete a much larger area, and it would have to be reset to original world generation state, which would likely destroy entire buildings on a server.


Also remember that TFC is open source, you are more than welcome to compile a fixed version off of github and create a build for yourself to put on your server until an official release is given. The biggest issue with putting out a release as soon as one thing is fixed is that we are often working on fixing multiple things at once. So while one thing may be fixed, other fixes and new features are still in progress, and releasing that in-progress code sometimes causes more issues than the original fixed bug did.


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The biggest issue with putting out a release as soon as one thing is fixed is that we are often working on fixing multiple things at once. So while one thing may be fixed, other fixes and new features are still in progress, and releasing that in-progress code sometimes causes more issues than the original fixed bug did.

That's the explanation I wanted since the start. Thank you Kitty. 


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Sorry, I definitely should have started with that. When a bug is "severe enough" to warrant an immediate release, we have to go through and either get rid of all the in-progress stuff, or power through and finish it to a point where there won't be any outstanding issues with it. The hot item barrel bug isn't bad enough that we want to do that with all the current projects.


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TFC wouldn't be the as good without you, Kitty. Thanks for the hard work.


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