Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Crucible improvement: add (liquid) metal from ceramic vessel

3 posts in this topic



I do mine a lot of gold just for fun and to fill my vault with gold ingot stacks. I know this is not the most common way to play TFC, but well - it's Minecraft.


Here is my suggestion:

I would like to be able to dump metal ores from ceramic vessels in to a crucible. Currently the crucible holds up to 16 ores in the input slot which makes me lurke around the forge a lot of time. It would be nice to put different ores into a ceramic vessel and use this as kind of a funnel to fill the crucible.


To allow the input of various different metal ores or ingots in to the crucible prior to heating it up would be nice too, but mean a lot of work and changes of basic mechanics. Extending the use of the vessel in the input slot should be a lot easier to implement.


Of course I can handle 4 forges with 4 crucibles to melt 4 stacks of gold ore simultaneously. Of course I can put 4 vessels in to one pit kiln and melt a lot of gold ore at once. But the crucible should be a technical improvement: I gathered a lot of recources to build it and I feel like a cave man when still using the pit kiln. Directly near my forge. Besides that, it is very difficult to pour 6400 units of gold from 4 vessels into ingots before the last vessel is too cold.


You can't add a vessel to the forge to keep it's temperature, can you? Maybe that could be a feasible way too.


I know time management and tedium are carefully balanced. I just feel like I waste a lot of time when I come home from a mining expedition with 24 vessels filled with gold ore ready for processing. Of course you could say I waste a lot of time mining gold ore at all.


Anyhow - any ideas or additions to this?

What is your experience with en masse ore refining ?



Edit: typos




Edited by McOrigin

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I usually just set it and forget it. Time how long it takes in general for the forge to either burn through all 5 pieces of coal, or for it to melt all of the gold ore, whichever is shorter. Then fill the lit forge up with coal, throw your stack of ore in the crucible and just walk away. Set a timer and go do something else in the game and just come back once it goes off to restock the fuel and the ore.


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I think an easier solution would be to make it possible to put a hopper on top of the crucible. With the cost of a hopper, I think that it's fair to allow it to be used on a crucible.


Still, you would need time to fill the mold. What I would do is melt one stack, then let the crucible heat up while pooring the metal in the mold, then drop half a stack, it will quickly melt some pieces as the crucible is hotter. It might only be to find the most efficient way to use it.


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