Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Solved] Fruit tree growth in cold climate

5 posts in this topic

I'm currently living in a somewhat cold area :



Temperatures are negatives from october to late april. Here the screenshot was taken in april 4th, 1001. The fruit trees (plum and green apple in the distance) where planted on april 1st, 1001.


My understanding of fruit tree growth was that temperatures need to be positive to create branch/leaf blocks. Also to get any fruit, temperatures must also be positive at the harvesting season. Is that right?


The thing that worries me is that both trees already grew a leaf blocks, while temperature were negatives. I know temperatures were negatives because it was snowing (actually temperatures were temporarily positive on the 1st, but went down for a few couple of days).


That would be a bit disappointing if fruit trees could grow/give fruit with negatives temperatures... heck, if it were up to me, I would stop growth for anything below 10/15 degrees.

Edited by Kittychanley
Topic moved from Discussion to Support

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They do require positive temperatures to grow and fruit, although a temperature of 0.00 is sufficient. Considering that your current temp in that screenshot is only -1, and I've seen temperatures fluctuate as much as 5 degrees during the day, I'm going to guess that the growth you have seen was when the temperature was just barely at or above 0.

It's also important to note that fruit trees make up for lost time when growing. So if it's been 60 days since the last growth, and now the conditions are right for the branches to grow, it's going to grow 3 branches. We do this so trees in unloaded chunks also grow.


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So I've double checked, and there is a bit of weird duplicate code that causes trees to grow faster than they should, as well as in freezing temperatures if it between March and August. This will be fixed for the next released version.


I'm moving this topic to Support, since it is technically a bug report.

Edited by Kittychanley

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Alright, thanks for the clarification. It there is a catch up time, I just realized there is no point to increase the temperature at which growth is permitted, 0 is fine. What really matters is the temperature at the harvesting season.


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Having fruit trees (or any other plant for that matter) play "catch-up" when the temperature is just right is very believable.


Just look at all the plants that grow, flower and die in about a week in the Australian deserts when there's a little bit of rain - or plants in the Arctic that flourish for just a couple of weeks when the temperature creeps above zero :)


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