Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  • Announcements

    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

      Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.

Banned Suggestions

3 posts in this topic

The following suggestion topics listed in the posts below will very likely never be included in TerraFirmaCraft. Suggesting any of these mechanics in either a new topic or a reply to an existing topic will result in the new topic or reply being deleted. The first offense will simply result in a private message to the author with a link to this topic. Secondary offenses will result in a warning point for spamming. Any further offenses will result in either temporary or permanent bans from this forum.


As developers of this mod we are not required to provide explanations for why we refuse to include these mechanics, but for the sake of transparency we will try to include at least brief reasoning when necessary. We also reserve the right to change our minds and reconsider topics we had previously banned, or ban topics we had previously considered implementing. While reversing a suggestion topic ban is a possibility, that does not mean that you should ever post a banned suggestion with the hopes of changing our minds.


Although these mechanics won't be included in TerraFirmaCraft, addon developers are more than welcome to create their own compatible mods that do include the banned suggestion topics. If you are an addon developer and in the process of creating your addon come across some restriction with TerraFirmaCraft's code that does not make compatibility possible, please create a comprehensive issue on TFC2's github repository and we will attempt to work with you to fix the restriction.


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Removal of Hexagon, Island-Based World Generation


A great deal of thought, research, and effort has gone into the current system we are using for world generation. The current system may be expanded and fleshed out more in the future, but the core concepts of island generation and the use of hexagons for generating the islands will not go away.


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Things that may be considered "disgusting" in nature


Suggestions may fall under this topic depending on developer discretion. A general rule to follow is any suggestion that would likely make either developer uneasy or uncomfortable if they were to write the code for implementation. It may help to note that both developers live in the United States, so their perspective is generally based on western societies and culture. This includes, but is not limited to: feces, urine, bodily fluids, genitalia, and graphic diseases.


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