Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Delta7707

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  • Birthday 09/27/1980

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  • Gender Male
  1. Unfortunately I somewhat have I do apologize Im busy with work and have lost interest sadly BUT?!? I wish to give the server to erian so he may continue it and turn it into the next best thing
  2. NOTICE: Server upgrading this week expecting completion on 11th and many server tweaks mods and plugins will be updated and integrated. Simpletowns will be removed and towny will take its place. which will include economy plot/town claims. Also we are working on turning to technic for a custom launcher for ease of access for all. New addons:
  3. That would be super interesting and convenient seen some leaked items for the next version of tfc that involves coins being a craftable item... Aswell as coloured beds but could be fan made. All I would need is the tradomat from IC and Ide be set
  4. That would be super interesting and convenient seen some leaked items for the next version of tfc that involves coins being a craftable item... Aswell as coloured beds but could be fan made. All I would need is the tradomat from IC and Ide be set
  5. Ill be setting a form of economy where you can buy land claims from spawn city once its been built Thinking bout finding a Money mod so there can be an actual physical item currency but still reviewing ideas and browsing mods and plugins. Majority of my staff have left this project so I'm doing my best to run everything by myself there are seats open for moderators. checking my forum in-between breaks and keeping in touch with my people's. Improvements are on the way but hard to do when I'm on a remote island working 12 hours a day. There are rules for the Internet here so I'm limited to what I Can cant do unfortunatly. :/
  6. I really liked Archimedes had great ideas for mobile oil Derrick platforms in the oceans also making generator platforms mobile. Decided to test to see if I could break it and surly I did had a decompiling error occur so Archimedes is a no go unless people can be responsible and not go over board with it which someone is bound to do at some point in time but I think it takes away from the fun of setting up a worksites and as for protection ill figure out a system but for now ill gladly come claim and set land protection to anyone who needs it for there home
  7. No the seed stays the same the map will always regenerate exactly as it was even if I made a brand new world and used the same seed everything spawns exactly where it did before via trees ores trees terrains ponds & oceans
  8. Not many at the moment. Being truthful it's been In beta phase for a while until oil gen got fixed. Maps still flushing it's taking super long for it to prune all unused chunks and I don't know why but it's working just need to be patient. once everything's running again I'm hoping it will draw people in. I didn't wanna wipe and have people who've joined already leave due work being gone, people place a lot of time and work into there projects and I respect that I've been a victim of that once to many so I make my best effort to find the problem repair and fix the map and also keeping people's inventory intact rather then wiping.
  9. Still finishing map LOTS was explored and MCEDIT is having a really hard time pruning the chunks from people's work trying to save a world here hahaha but ya over 100000 chunks are being wiped and it's a slow process when your trying to save peoples work
  10. Its set to default 96 minecraft days in a year i believe but i've considered making it realistic and placing 365 minecraft days in a year.