Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Maxames7

  • Rank
    Wood Cutter
  • Birthday April 05

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  • Gender Male
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  1. Roanoke 7?

    I would be interested at least.
  2. What is your Minecraftusername?: DoopyDoopz Your Age?: Seventeen years Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly): I first started playing in 2016 I believe. (Terrafirmacraft that is) What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc): I quite enjoying doing Mining, Blacksmithing and possibly designing structures.
  3. [Peaceful] Estasi l'Ateaum | Roleplay |

    IGN:DoopyBoop Age:15 (Years) Timezone:CST (Central Time Zone) Owl 0v0 Have you read the rules?:Yes Do you understand that Estasil'Ateaummany not be suitable for individuals under the age of 15?:Of course What interests you about Estasil'Ateaum?:It's one of the first TerrafirmacraftRP servers I have ever seen, I would want to try something as this out, I believe it would be a fun experience for me as I am a huge fan of RP and medieval European time frame. How experienced are you with TFC?:I've played on and off for 2-3 years now Do you think we should add more mods? Any ones in particular? (TFC Addons and other simple mods.):I have not kept up to date on the new addon/mod for MC (Minecraft) or Terrafirmacraft for a long while now
  4. [Peaceful] Estasi l'Ateaum | Roleplay |

    IGN: DoopyBoop Age: 15 (Years) Timezone: CST (Central Time Zone) Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you understand that Estasi l'Ateaum many not be suitable for individuals under the age of 15?: Of course What interests you about Estasi l'Ateaum?: It's one of the first TerrafirmacraftRP servers I have ever seen, I would want to try something as this out, I believe it would be a fun experience for me as I am a huge fan of RP and medieval European time frame. How experienced are you with TFC?: I've played on and off for 2-3 years now Do you think we should add more mods? Any ones in particular? (TFC Addons and other simple mods.): I have not kept up to date on the new addon/mod for MC (Minecraft) or Terrafirmacraft for a long while now
  5. [1.7.10] [TFC 79.28.908] Prospect Cavin'

    IGN: DoopyBoop Timezone: CST (Central Time Zone) Age: 15 Date of birth: 04/05/02 (2002) I love Jute
  6. Hey, is there something where I can look at all the custom recipes. Thanks.
  7. [Offline] Whitelisted Small Community Role-Play TFC Server

    Application: Full Name: Ummm, no. I'll give you my first namethough. Logan Time-Zone: CST (Central StandardTime) Skype: yes or no? Yeah (If you want it, I will pm you it) Ingame Name: Naxams Age: 14 Experience with Minecraft: Two years PC, with an additional 2 or 3 years with console Experience with TFC: About a years worth Why you wish to join: I'm bored, and I want to see how the TFC community has evolved/I don't know, it looks fun.
  8. [79.26] TFC Community Server. Fresh World! Whitelisted.

    1.) Name?: Logan 2.) IGN?: Naxams 3.) Age?: 14 4.) How often will you play?: A lot, if fun. 5.) Skype?: I'd prefer not to put my skype on a public forum post, please PM me if you want it.
  9. [] Small server [Whitelisted]

    1. 14 2 I would not like to post my skype on a public forum I will P.M. you my skype instead
  10. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    IGN:MaxamesTheAwesomDo you pledge to not be a dingus?:Yes i Pledge with all my soul not to be a dingusAge:13How often would you be on?:maby 1-2 hours get off then after a 1 hour ill be back on for 1-3 hours maby depinds What timezone are you in?:UTC-5
  11. 1 ign:MaxamesTheAwesom 2 where about are you from and what is the timezone there?:U.S.A O.K CST 3 do you use skype or teamspeak i do run both:same i run both XD 4 the answer to number 4 on the rules Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier5 how well do you know terrafirmacraft?:pretty well im need to know some of teh new stuff bet im pretty knowable 6 do you record if not its ok but if ya do then would like to watch what you have done im a major youtuber watcher i treat it as if it was my tv: yea i dont watch any tv i just watch youtube 7 please tell me a little about yourself who are ya and why do ya want to join us on this adventure?:im a friendly person i like to help out but me still being 13 im get into trouble i dont mean to get in

    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: MaxamesTheAwesom 13 CST WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Because i just love tfc and i want to play with a commuinty thats not a dick HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: about maby 5 mouths to like a i dont know how long SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I like to play with friend and making new friends and relistic survival im bad at spelling as you prob see but im genraly a kind person
  13. [Offline][0.79.15]MonsterPlay TFC, New WhiteList Server.

    IGN:MaxamesTheAwesom AGE:13 TIMEZONE:CST WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: becasue i frackin love terrafirmacraft and i would likewto play on a friendly server thats just nice INFORMATION ABOUT YOU:I love to play with other pepole im a bad speller,i loves cats but thats not inportent, im a usely friendly person and i think thats all you need to know.