Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About CalangoMC

  • Rank
    Stone Miner
  1. Do you check the forum everyday?

    Not every day, 1 time a week moreless.
  2. Food + Taste + Hunger

    +Happyness, all food fullfill your hungry needs! But only things you like, make you happy! Onions!
  3. Look at 79.25 TFC version
  4. Advice from the more experienced.
  5. Vanilla vs TFC battle

    TFC of course, have much more durability and damage! But many tools to cut metal is made of diamond abrasives.
  6. Magic!

    No, have a bit of mods full of magic, i dislike the way of TFC going to Magics and fantastic, aproach. I know, zombies and skelletons, not much believable, but any game need a bit of "suspension of disbelief", nothing is true realistc in fact means.
  7. Diary Of A TerraFirmaCraft Noob

    sad, my stone knife pickaxe is gone!
  8. Diary Of A TerraFirmaCraft Noob

    dont kill, all animals around, make a saw to store your itens and go far searching a exposed copper vein, break this with a knife (is very slow). (RIP) Take all stick you can, make ladders to digg verticaly around ore nuggets. Use a knife to gather seaweed, is a easy food source.
  9. StoneAgeCraft

    Make ricotta, milk and lemon, rennet, is maked from stomach of cowns, maybe you use the leather water sac, blade from sheeps. IDK how to make the script to change barrel/largevessel process, to replace the vinegar for the rennet. recipes.addShapeless(<terrafirmacraft:item.Vinegar>, [<terrafirmacraft:item.Lemon>.withTag({foodWeight: 100.0 as float, foodDecay: -24.0 as float, decayTimer: 1}), <terrafirmacraft:item.Wooden Bucket Empty>]);
  10. Suspend Decay on preserved food

    Remember the point about makinig cheese is very easy, if you have 9 familiarized female cowns, you have a way to make 1 cheese a day, and milk in barrels, dont decay, this way and hard preserving ways make you never be lacking in cheese. In RL, the not industrialized food, rotten in the market, bread, fruits,, vegetables and grains while the time pass. Thanks.
  11. [Solved] What is this ore

    terrafirmacraft wiki is your best friend.
  12. TFC Myths

    Animals have a timed re-spawn or never respawn? (deers, bears, cowns, pigs, chickens, horses)
  13. I can't find mud bricks?

    Decorations have mud bricks.
  14. No problem in "olive oil processing hopper" breaking blocks?