Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Kincora

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    Freshly Spawned

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  • Gender Male
  • Location United States
  1. Do you have your calendar set to 360 days or is it still on the TFC default?
  2. [Offline] Vanilia 78.17, UK based server

    People are waiting for zakhads spot if it open up
  3. Insane lag all of the sudden [SOLVED]

    This stuff all look way above my pay grade hehe. I really haven't had issues except an occasional pause when loading new chunks or it looked a little sketchy when it started to snow and freeze water. Thank you for the explanations and the site links. I am trying out in this order-Xms4G -Xmx4g -Xmn2gXX:+DisableExplicitGC-XX:+AggressiveOpts Hopefully the order its put in doesn't matter, probably going to add the -d64 though I would think it would automatically do that on a new machine like mine but just in case.
  4. Insane lag all of the sudden [SOLVED]

    With 16gigs of ram what you recommend setting it to? I simply changed the -Xmx1g to 4g on mine but I didnt place all those things you listed. Is it worth setting the min?
  5. Configuration option question

    So when should I change the time setting to a year then to not screw everything up? *Update: Switched it to 360 day year with it being Jan 4th and then logged in to find that its now showing June 1st year 1000. Sooooo is my calendar/map borked and going to require a fresh start?
  6. Configuration option question

    Thank you again for the info, guess I will wait til I am in the spring tome to go in and make it a longer year.
  7. Configuration option question

    Thank you for the quick reply, that is good new. Not to be a pest but if I do switch to a 360 day year I am wondering if that changes speed of food decay or plant growth. If so then I might starve long before any new crops have grown, guess i can just make the change and find out but if someone can tell me the difference it would be greatly appreciated. Rather not be living on nothing but protein and cheese for months.
  8. Configuration option question

    I was watching Kittychanleys episode 1 of playing and she mentioned that she set the option to 360 days instead of 96 days for a year. I was wondering if its possible for me to change that setting and have it be ok on my map I have been playing on. Its my first map with a good starting area and I am learning the ropes and put some good time in but it would be nice to make the year more realistic I am just worried about corrupting the map and losing it. Thanks for any info you can share.