Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kev12east


    I do not know if I can post it here, I'm sorry.
    Congratulations this modpack and very good unfortunately my PC can not run all the mods together (problems to live in Brazil where technology costs too much)
    however removing some mods could
    Again congratulations for the work you could do terrafirmacraft get even better (thought it was impossible)
    sorry for my bad english,s not my native language



    Glad you like it :)


  2. Looking for help with updating the physics system currently in the pack. I plan on replacing Enviromine with Block Physics, a mod that is cooler, and would fix all of the current issues with physics in the pack (ships dropping air blocks, physics being broken on servers, etc.). This, of course, means that I have to remake the entire physics config in order to have physics work at all. Therefore, I am looking for assistance in the creation of this config for all the blocks in the pack. 
    How the config works:
    Even submitting part of or the whole section for one mod's blocks will help.
    Please submit config file via PM, or post.
    Note: Not currently compatible with Fastcraft. I do have a replacement for Fastcraft in mind, and have contacted the authors of Block Physics to see if they can fix this incompatibility.

  3. Alright, is this lockServerWeatherMode in the Weather2 config unpauses game? The button you see when you hit esc, at the top of the screen.

    Yes. All the options are in that menu (sometimes you need to press advanced in the bottom left), or in the config file.


  4. Update 2.12.4


    Clean up scripts, they are now logical thanks to Elexorien
    Fixes nodes not spawning, they will retrogen
    Fixes some item weights
    Updated IguanaTweaks
    hidden Buildcraft facades from NEI
    Fixes not being able to make shards out of every type of shard
    fixes not being able to use TFC charcoal directly in a coke oven
    hides IE coke oven & blast furnace blocks from NEI, as they are nonattainable
    Some various config tweaks

  5. The Hotfix 2.12.1 is available on the launcher now, but it gives an "Error unzipping modpack" message when trying to update.  I can delete and reinstall 2.12.0 just fine, so it's only the new one that has an issue installing.


    That is a  bug on FTB's side. I have notified them of this issue, and it should be fixed shortly.


  6. Hotfix 2.12.1 has been pushed to FTB, when they update it should correct the inability to connect to Technofirma servers, including the OPS. Also fixes not being able to obtain the 3x3 crafting grid and boats, and being able to obtain the 3x3 crafting grid with greatwood planks.


  7. Really looking forward to diving in on a new map. And ImmersiveEngineering. Thanks for putting in the work to improve the pack! NEI and EA back! woohoo!


    Very curious about this automated ingot production you mention...


    With the arc furnace, you smelt 4 normal quality ore into 1 ingot of that metal (currently this can be done for: Wrought Iron, silver, copper, gold, steel, and platinum). Rich quality ores can be run through the grinder to produce 1 normal quality ore piece and 1 poor quality ore piece per rich piece added.


  8. Just sent an update request to FTB.
    Update 2.12.0
    Forge Version:
    Added CTMLib
    Added CreativeCore
    Added CustomChestLoot
    Added SpecialAI
    Added MobProperties
    Added Immersive Engineering
    Added JourneyMapServer
    Added MerchantsContainers
    Added CustomModpack
    Updated to TFC 0.79.22 and updated several other mods
    Fixed EA blocks vanishing
    Added recipe to make silverwood saplings
    added chest cart recipe
    added automated ingot production
    fixed several bugs and broken recipes
    added recipe for quicksilver
    added TFC gold to vanilla gold conversion
    fixed NEI vanishing
    Added new music
    Fixed ingot heating
    Did various other things
    Official Public Server will update after the update goes live on FTB, with a map reset.

  9. Looks like a great mod, and I've enjoyed it thus far as it is playable, but I'm having some issues. I got an error extracting libraries message but deleted all the files and reinstalled everything, so that went away. It seems, however, that I may be missing some functionality. There are a number of red messages on load-up including some Throwable$WrappedPrintStream, Invalid framebuffer operation, some sort of "codechicken" thing, and problems opening IGW-Mod.jar.


    I can see there are a lot of new features, but I don't know what all of the mods are supposed to add. One of the things I've been interested in doing is using the tucker bag from the Udary mod. However, that recipe doesn't work and neither do the drying mats or evaporator looks like I have no functionality from that mod at all as it isn't even listed under Mod Options. I also have found some flax, but it's not in NEI and it doesn't seem to do anything either. I believe that may be an addition from the Ye Gamol Chattels mod which does show up in the Mod Options list. I haven't played a ton of Terrafirmacraft, so I don't know what's base and what's an add-on.


    The version of Udary with the tucker bags and evaporator pans is not currently in the pack. Flax currently does nothing.


    so yeah, I downloaded the files from the FTB launcher to run my own private server with this pack...


    That config folder... what the hell happened to it?!


    Why are there so many configs??? most of them are for mods that aren't even in the pack!


    You now see the history of mods I have tried adding to the pack, or have added in the past and removed later on. 

  this out! Would this be a good fit in your pack?

    Now that it's going to have TFC support, yes. I will consider adding it.


  10. Have you ever considered adding Glenn's Gases mod to this pack?  ;P  It is a rather amazing mod.  Unfortunately it does not have a version optimized for TFC.

     I had some issues with it in the past, but I coult try again, or use enviromine's gasses...  

    I seem to be experiencing quite a bit of lag after playing for a while which comes as a surprise since my system is sufficient to handle it. Tried installing Optifine and adjusting all video settings and I've encountered the same results.  When looking at the profiler graph I notice that root.gameRenderer.level.terrain (sortchunks and undefined in that category the most) seems to be running quite high. Also, unsure if it's unrelated but the game does take a quite a while to launch from the launcher.

     TFC is intensive on its own, and with other mods added it only increases load times and world gen. TBH, the FTB launcher is horrible, and I would recommend trying to use MultiMC (it can import FTB instances) and/or trying some Java parameters. For example:

    -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -d64 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+AggressiveOpts -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

  11. To get around natural caves collapsing, couldn't stalactites be added to the scan, and if within x range, the block won't cave in? Caves tend to have at least a few in them, so this could stop/limit the destruction of natural caves when mining.  


  12. I'm not exactly able to find the wiki you metnioned earlier and am trying to figure out how to get started in thaumcraft in this modpack, the only way I know of is to get the thauminomicon by making an iron capped wand and right clicking a book shelf with it but I see no way to make an iron capped wand nor am I able to go into creative spawn in a wand and right click a terrafirmacraft bookshelf. I'm really wanting to make some boots of the traveler so I can get around a bit easier to find the ores and rocks that I need but have no idea how to get the thauminomicon


    Always check NEI. The thaumonomicon is using incorrect recipes for most things. The iron wand cap is made on the anvil.


  13. For what I could understand looking in google, coke is made with coal.


    "Coke is a solid residue that contains carbon derived from low-ash, low-sulphur bituminous coal that is free of volatile constituents by baking in a oven at temperatures as high as 2000 F so that the carbon and residual ash are fusing together. Coke that is obtained from coal is grey, hard and porous." here:


    Am I missing something? I have no real knowledge of coke production, only from google.


    Coke is made from coal, hence "coal coke." Keeping with standard RC, coke ovens would make charcoal.  


  14. Yes, but this is a "technical improvement" we are talking about right? What's wrong with technical improvement being more efficient? Pretty sure the oven is considerably slower that a pit and isn't suited for mass charcoal production, so even with this both methods have their niche.


    If the coke oven uses a 2:1 ratio, than it is an improvement, as it would always produce the maximum amount of charcoal, while pits will vary in outputs.


  15. not sure if it's just me but when I try to go to the 6th page in the creative inventory the pack completely crashes. I uninstalled fastcraft and installed optifine


    I have no idea how to do the spoiler thing to post the crash report, if you need the crash report please let me know >-<


    A crash report would be helpful, you could simply upload it to pastebin and link to it here.


    Likely the plant mega pack crops tab. When crops are disabled in config it creates a render crash. The devs solution was to remove this config option in newer versions.

    Plant Mega Pack is not in Technofirma, I tried it put disregarded it as it broke immersion (topical plants in the arctic circle are "meh").


  16. Update 2.11.0
    Forge Version:
    Added Custom Main Menu, Lumien
    Added In-Game Wiki, MineMarten
    Added Light Control, Tmtravlr
    Added Not Enough Keys, Mr. Okushama
    Added Pneumaticcraft, MineMarten
    Added Resource Loader, Lumien
    Added Hotkey Ore Dictionary Conerter, MattDaEpic
    Added MDEcore, MattDaEpic
    Added TFCRailcraft, vidaj
    Fixes many issues, including Coke Ovens producing vanilla charcoal.
    Some new recipes
    Noob Protection is now enabled by default, it can be disabled in the DarkserverUtils config.
    OPS has been updated

  17. If you go down that road then one should mention that modding Minecraft is already illegal...!


    And if you read the rule it states "We do not support the use of the Technic/Tekkit launcher on these forums. You are welcome to create a Technic/Tekkit modpack or server with TerraFirmaCraft, you just aren't allowed to advertise it here." - so its not a question about the mod distribution, but Technic itself. Why? It pioneered the easy distribution of mods, which expanded the public awareness of mod overall.


    So Im still curious whats the official statement on that, not guesstimations...!?


    I can not speak for the TFC devs, but Technic has a bad history. Also, modding is legal. Just go and do a ctrl+F and search for "mods" without the quotes and you will find that it says this:

    If you've bought the Game, you may play around with it and modify it. We'd appreciate it if you didn't use this for griefing, though, and remember not to distribute the changed versions of our software. Basically, mods (or plugins, or tools) are cool (you can distribute those), hacked versions of the Game client or server are not (you can't distribute those).

  18.  I was playing my world and got down to lower levels (about level 30) and suddenly an earthquake. I let it happen for about 15 minutes and it seemed it would never stop and got completely annoying. I was wondering if you were planning on disabling earth quakes or atleast trying to shorten the length of them?


    They should already be disabled. If you activate cheat mode (either at world creation or by opening the world to lan), and you can write "/enviroquake stop" without the quotes to remove that earthquake.
