Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Carthang

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/30/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Sweden
  • Interests Minecraft, logic puzzles(both pen and paper ones like sudoku, as well as thinks like the Rubik's Cube and similar puzzles.)
    Reading, mainly from the fantasy-genre.
  1. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    Well, Celsius to Fahrenheit is "(Degrees in Celsius x 1.8) + 32" Conversely, Fahrenheit to Celsius should obviously be "(Degrees in Fahrenheit - 32) / 1,8" So those would be roughly: 15.6, 21.1, 26.7, 32.2 (so 15,20,25,30 is indeed close enough, as mentioned above. xD) I've yet to understand how it is considered logical to base a temperature scale on freezing point for brine at 0F, freezing point of water at 32F and the rough temperature of a human body at 96F(on the first scale, then changed to 90, and now approximately 98). I get that the relation was originally 0:1:3, but I still don't see why. =P Again, logic would dictate that the Celsius scale is more consistent(and once learned, easier to use. Though this could be because I'm used to it. =P). Though I guess that is why Kelvin is used for scientific purposes most of the time.
  2. effective ways to mine?

    That is some seriously awesome stuff to get from just small rocks. Knowing for a fact now that you have garnierite is awesome, not sure how it is now after build49, but before that it was possible for a world to spawn with practically none of it at all.
  3. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    A kilometer is 1000 meters. one mile is ~1.6 kilometers(1609meters). The funny thing is, there is a thing in Sweden called "mil" which is 10 kilometers(10000 meters), and when translated is called a mile(this is however not an SI unit, and only exists in sweden and norway by that name/size combination as far as I know.)
  4. effective ways to mine?

    I have to agree that surface rocks have become a lot more helpful. Usually, I get half a stack of sticks, a stack of rocks and two stacks of small ore(usually Casserite for some reason, despite everyone being very adamant about Sphalerite being the most common metal by far). So basically, if I find some clay the first day, I'll have my first bar some time during the night for most worlds I've played in since 49 was released. Copper have only been showing up to me on two world though, but I haven't done too much exploring, only picked up rocks around my house. And I usually don't play on peaceful, so I can imagine things being a whole lot quicker then, if you don't have to stay indoors at night. xD
  5. Clay texture not working?

    It is bugged, it will be fixed in the next version. So basically, clay is still there, it just looks identical to grass. Dunno if it drops clay as it should, haven't gotten around to testing that part yet.
  6. NEI plugin

    Technically, if the world "remembers" the recipes, then theoretically a plugin/mod should be able to read whatever file it is stored in, and show it to you. If it is randomized every time you put an unworked ingot and a pattern in the anvil, then yes it would be impossible(though I dislike absolutes, as there will always be someone who thinks it's not true. xD) for the plugin to tell you the recipe.(Not even sure it should be called a recipe, but the word will have to do. xD)
  7. Had you read the whole post, you would have seen that he said it wouldn't work for TFC, only that it is theoretically possible to add new blocks by changing already existing ones. (I'm not sure I agree with that reasoning, as the client also needs to know how blocks behaves, to render things properly and interact with the world. But what do I know, I could be wrong about that. xD)
  8. Fintite/Infinte water

    From what I've read, though do not quote me on this as I can't say for sure, liquids are intended to be finite, because it is more realistic, and I think also as some kind of balance against sluices(otherwise you could create sluices at any location, regardless of depth/altitude, or being biomes away from the nearest body of water). If all natural spawning water is to be changed to finite as well I have no clue, and I'm not even sure if it's possible. There has been talk of finite solids, though if that was only fans discussing it or the devs actually had a say in it I can't remember at the moment. This was discussed as a countermeasure against dirt/gravel/sand pillars. One important thing to remember is that if oceans were to be changed, thus making water sourceblocks disappear altogether, sluices would have to be reworked for one. I doubt that any changes like these, if they are even considered, have a very high priority at the moment. Currently, agriculture is the main focus, and when that is done it's time for the kingdoms. (See Kingdoms Brainstorming in the suggestions section for more information on that topic.)
  9. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I would like to apply for editor status. I have found a lot of inconsistencies in wording, and a multitude of dead links, both of which I would like to take care of. I also have an idea on making the metals pages more readable, and possibly more informative as well. As it is now, the links aren't even consistent. At the metals page for example, some of them links to unshaped metals, while some of the links to ingots. Basically, making the wiki more readable and more consistent would be some of the things I would contribute to. The wiki name is Carthang, the same as here.
  10. Fintite/Infinte water

    Well, when picking the water up, it is intended to be finite, and as far as I know, it is meant to take away the source block you picked up as well. Generally, if the water block you pick up is only one block deep(as in the water you pick is directly above sand, gravel or any other block) and has at least two water sourceblocks next to it, it should be fine, as vanilla sourceblocks can still create infinite water, it is only placed water that cannot. Hopefully this will help prevent ruining your beach next time. As to fix your beach right now, just place blocks under the empty blocks that used to contain water, the water flow from the remaining source blocks should do the rest, unless you took away blocks that had only one sourceblock next to it, in which case it will be tricky or impossible to fill it up as it originally was. If there is something playing together with my friends have taught me it is to manipulate waterflow in minecraft...They are like a plague to my oceans, leaving small whirlpools wherever they go, not to mention that they flood half the city by accident when miss-clicking with a bucket of water. xD
  11. fruit trees problem

    Doesn't it work to plant them, or does it just take a long time for anything to happen? If I understand things correctly, fruit trees grow very slow, and they don't grow anything at all during the winter months(which should be December, January and February if I'm not mistaken.) When planted, it only looks like a stick or a fencepost placed on the dirt, then they grow branches, and leaves, then they grow another block higher etc. It isn't like log trees, where the whole tree grows all at once(though this too will probably be changed eventually). If you can't plant the sapling at all, it may be an issue with the temperature of your region, possibly altitude or some other environmental factor. I'm not too familiar with these mechanics as of yet, so don't quote me on that though. =P
  12. I'm not entirely sure as to how things work when added to the creative menu, but I think at least some of it is auto added. Since most tools aside from prospector's pickaxes are in the tools section, and all rocks should be in the materials section, along with all the logs. Either way, as mentioned above, NEI(Not Enough Items) Is a great tool, it also comes with shortcuts for changing time(without breaking the calendar), healing yourself and some other stuff. And the mod is specifically for survival yes, and saying to someone that it is just their opinion is as much of an opinion of yours. Regardless of how people feel, the only opinions that truly matter in a topic such as what gamemode this mod is tailored for is that of the developers. Even so, having all of the blocks added to the vanilla creative interface would be greatly appreciated nonetheless.
  13. I'm not in any way trying to be elitist, but to be perfectly frank, if you have a video tutorial, or even just a written tuturial on how to install it, it should not take more than five minutes, maybe ten if you really don't know what you are doing, to install forge, playerAPI and place TFC in the mods folder. I do it in under a minute when I have everything installed. What I was trying to say was that with so many complex mechanics, like the newly added agriculture, fruit trees, smithing and smelting, anyone who can't install the mod is likely going to have a lot of trouble in-game. If someone helps them install, fair enough, I didn't say they shouldn't be given a chance to test the mod, just that they might not be to comfortable with all the new mechanics. I'm sorry if I came off as a little hostile, but I wrote that around 4:45 in the morning, right before going to sleep. =P
  14. Making TFC Bukkit compatible would hardly solve the problem, and last time I checked, spout/spoutcraft(the plugin that enables syncing between client and server) hadn't implemented a good way to add blocks, items and entities to server and client. Not sure if it was a limitation in bukkit itself or just not finished yet in the plugin. It's been a while since I read up on it, but last I checked this was the case at least. I can see why you would want this feature, and I would be lying if I hadn't wished for it myself, but on the other hand, if someone can't properly install tfc and it's dependencies, would you really want to play such a complex mod with said person? Just a thought.
  15. Help oej98!

    You really need to look at the date of the last post, it's three months old. And someone really need to start locking topics that are no longer active, to prevent these things from happening all the time. =P