Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Leosallespoli

  1. The game I'm Making.

    I have to confess that I've never played dayz, all I can say on this subject is that my intent is not to have a HUGE openworld, it is openworld, but in my view it will be far more detailed and with more things to do and interact, in a huge world either this would need big open spaces with nothing interesting on or be too heavy and require a huge amount of optimization. So it will be big, how big? I'm not sure, depends on how far I can go with the generator. This is all in the artstyle department, which I am asking for help I'm not very good at it, I have a friend that is learning 3d modelling... Unity makes it relatively easy to do, but I'm focused on the programming side. If is just us two then it will probably look more like Left 4 Dead...
  2. The game I'm Making.

    I just need more people to work on this, mainly on the art, else it will only be done next year...
  3. The game I'm Making.

    The post in the unity forums
  4. Kerbal Space Program

    More importantly you should post your channel on the OP, I don't see it. Btw face cam??? 0.o
  5. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    And I was looking for something profound/mysterious/terrifying... you suck!
  6. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Like every modder. Relax and take your time
  7. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    A suggestion, avoid making the Nether, figure out a way to don't do it. If you want to know why look at tfc world provider and how nether is generated you'll figure it out... I think.
  8. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    multiheaded creature?? That's new... and you're just another guy... a kind of creepy-"multiheaded creature"-guy
  9. framrate

    You should use java7 for 64bits and increase the use of ram if possible
  10. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    And you work on all of this by yourself or you play MP?
  11. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe? (repost from Off Topic)

    RP... you know Red Power is the first thing that comes to my mind now... Maybe you should be a little more clear on the name of the thread.
  12. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Maybe you should have gone with the verb 'ardeo', incendia means like a when a house catches on fire, for the occurence of the fire, 'ardeo' is for the burning.
  13. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    This is not cubic chunks but allows HUGE height maps, although lag is a major here. What it does is it creates layers of world gens, so you got the vanilla gen and a world on top and bellow it, the problem is that it is generated at the same time and with different world gens. MineUp
  14. Your gamer's obsession?

    I am quite the game-freak, I love games, I really do. I thought I was the only one that freaked out about Amorphous+, I got like 90 achievements and lost it all from switching up PCs... A great game indeed. Elder Scrolls is a great franchise, but I thought the biggest achievement in those series was the ability to "craft" your own spell, wich got lost in Skyrim... Too bad. My childhood... 'nough said. Bethesda has great games indeed, but Fallout was great until the third one which is just meh... Pokémon is an outstanding series, a trully amazing game, good little stories and addictive. Terraria made me sad when I got to the point I haven't nothing else to do... GTA series was good, not great for me. The sims, when I played it I felt bad for myself... My sim had more accomplishment in his little life than me in my whole life... COD and BF are great in MP, SP is just sad... Are like tutorials for MP... I have to add some games here: Harvest Moon, until it got to PS2, skip that. Uncharted Waters, snes, trully beautiful game, done an amazing job at exploring, trading and meeting NPCs. Borderlands 2, borderlands 1 was good, but the second is AWESOME! Great story, amazing characters... Awesome Diablo series, even the third one got me hooked. Witcher, great story and the second one has trully amazing graphics. Gameplay wise is meh... X3, F**k YEAH, whatever you want from a space sim game is there. Space Empires 5, had this feature where you could design your ship however you wanted and a nice science tree. Crysys, well... Great game, and inspired a lot on new games. Rage, Amazing surroundings and the AI/movement of enemies is great. Prototype I like the concept. Guitar Hero got me a girlfriend... Far Cry 3, great game, is like a revival of tomb raider. Project zomboid, has a good premise, the RC3 promises a LOT. Dwarf Fortress, the Fortress got me so amazed, how it inspired the new generation of games and all... is just awesome. Heroes of might and magic, until the 4... I shall add more when I remember
  15. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Not because of the license, just because it's open source and more accessible.
  16. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    You should have posted when/if you do have something to show, but I got to admire the attempt... Such a Huge hole between mods... I like your idea, you should try that. Thaumcraft 3 is open source, but beware of RP... maybe try BC before messing with RP since it's open source too.
  17. Particles

    You should use the standard particles sheet in particles.png, each sheet should have 16x16 textures.
  18. Particles

    To do list: 1. Falling Blocks 1.1. Path 1.2. Physics 1.3. Custom Texture 1.4. Animation. 2. Leaves. 2.1. Path 2.2. Physics 2.3. Custom Textures 2.4. Animation
  19. I'm a musician

    hmmm... Music programming... Interesting...
  20. soooooo

    1million is much too cheap for a rail.
  21. Oceans

    Nah... that was just an advise, if she wanted to get rid of you, well, you wouldn't post again... ever...
  22. soooooo

    I don't think this thread has a rail...
  23. Lock Me Please

    I think this is relevant to this thread
  24. Oceans

    The major force that moves continents and plates is the slab pull and ridge push, it was thought that only convection affected the movement of plates, but it does not even begin to explain measurable velocities like these. So, when there is pull apart there is passive margin, when they encounter each other it can be a forearc basin (oceani x oceanic) or a foreland basin (oceanic x continental or continental x continental)... I think I got all the oceans covered with this.
  25. Oceans

    This is Sumatra, you can see where the oceanic plate hit the other one. Japan is like this also, but there are 3 plates colliding against each other. And look where the 3 plates converge... you know that place, right? Tokyo, a great place to live...