Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Leosallespoli

  1. soooooo

    Maybe an automated response so you don't even have to open the txt...
  2. soooooo

    *Looks at the all seeing eye*
  3. Particles

    That would be close to how prospecting is irl, but it should be really inaccurate. But still it should give you an expertise through it. maybe analysis of debris?
  4. Animals!

  5. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    TFC, making me believe I'm socialist when I'm a bloody capitalist, but not that much.
  6. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Well, a OCZ Vertex 4 VTX4-25SAT3-256G 256 GB seems very cheap, compared to a new gpu... Plus I have one Tb here, I imagine that 256 is enough for my softwares... I don't really know.
  7. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Hummm... RAM is not a big problem, I got 12gb, but 1300Mhz. Btw, can I change to ssd without having to format my pc? And how?
  8. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    With a lot of expertise, maybe, but when TFC comes out of beta it would be easier and maybe it could be implemented...
  9. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    The link
  10. Official modding API

    There is no such thing as an original idea, nor it is yours, it is an idea. If you're a modder what you can do is implement that idea, the implementation, the methods and classes you use can be yours, although I can probably say that making it yours is just a set back when it could evolve when people can implement it in their own way. I'm against DRM when it restrain innovation and saying that an idea belongs to someone is just that.
  11. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    I will, certainly.
  12. Particles

    I see, what I was planning is not to have the full block, but the boundary increases, like you said, as the entities fall on top, so it doesn't pop blocks out of nowhere. If you want we can work together on this idea and improve all the effects.
  13. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    Why this thread is still alive? *Picks up a pillow* Hush, Hush, every thing is going to be fine. *Puts pillow over the threads mouth*
  14. Official modding API

    The rumor is that its coming out on 1.5, it is coming though.
  15. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    Whaaaaat?? Go home Renadi, you're drunk I like'd it, that is great for servers
  16. Walls of text

    I see what you did there...
  17. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    Well, blocks aren't updated like entities, they activate when their tick comes, without that fluids wouldn't flow and redstone wouldn't work. I don't think this is actually a source of any problems since when blocks are too far they are just stored in the chunk, they are not active anymore. yeah... building from the ground up seems to me as the better choice too and just built an option in the main menu *click here if you want awesomeness* so that it would have both the vanilla chunk and CC
  18. Particles

    And what happened to your try?
  19. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    Sorry, I didn't want to respond this without having more time and I have a big test monday. Anyway as far as the code for 1.0.0 didn't had much on the rendering part, it did affect, yes, but just in order to the render handle far objects. Look at public void loadRenderers() on RenderGlobal, this is the best response I can give you now.
  20. Particles

    Depends of what you mean by stain. in the test I've made I set the particles to change the block they got near to ID 1 (stone), but the idea is to place a small block of leaves on top of the block the particles fall. But you could do anything with it.
  21. Hair products...

    I use babies tears, does that counts?
  22. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    So it is not misinformation, right?
  23. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    Just hoping for common sense isn't working... First thing is that technic pack doesn't have permission from the modders, they just packed things up like they wanted to, second there is no support from the modders if there is a problem in technic pack, they will curse you if say you're using it, lastly TFC has nothing to do with tech.
  24. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    1. Have in mind that the amount of work needed to update this from 1,9,3 beta was a lot. Thus, I am not anywhere near done, expect revisiting most of the new textures (especially those that have placeholders in them). 2. As always, use McPatcher of Optifine for HD texture packs. I prefer the latter due to its mipmapping ability, but either will do. 3. I decided to do the Kenget variant first, next comes the Kantos one. As always, any and every feedback is vastly appreciated! Salutations from sunny Greece, Dante80 C: Impressive! I will have to increase the size of my house just to hang those paintings!
  25. Geological Events

    I thought that to, but then Crysyn said "If Cubic Chunks ever moves forward again and it gets integrated into TFC then you can be assured this sort of thing should happen As for the issues about world gen. I do not think by any means that the world gen is finished so do not frett about that. Bioxx tries to get most of his current-needed World Gen done at once (As was see in the last set of updates where we now have oceans that are OMG big)." And shortly after came an update which changed how the layers are implemented in the world gen... so... yeah... Go figure...