Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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About BlazeAndAce

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    Freshly Spawned

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  1. Make sure you have all required Addons installed, inculding Streams-Addon and its Core Addon as described in the Streams post. Links to the needed Addons are in the initial post, but read the install insturctions of the addons carefully in their designated posts. Otherwise you will get errors. This is what your mod folder has to look like : Of course you can also use a minimap mod/fastcraft etc. but these mods are the required to join the server
  2. Bob_Saget54 KickersubFroggeh You are now whitelisted ! See you on the server.
  3. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    Looks really cool ! Does it totally stop decay or just slow it down though ? I would kinda feel like cheating when it conserves food forever
  4. Thank you, you are correct this number was a misconception since i was told it was x amount of chunks not blocks. Post edited accordingly The terrain is still beeing generated on a seperate machine though and messures 20k x 20k atm. For me however this is not a race to have the biggest map in any means. Its purly meant for fun and will mainly stick to friends and a bunch of interested people. Also the worldborder might differ from actual map size when we are convinced it benefits gameplay and may be in- / and decreased accordingly.
  5. World information - fully pregenerated and pre-rendered in Dynmap - Map will be expanded as needed - Visit our Dynmap
  6. [*]Server Status: or 24 / 7 running Rules: Application: MISC: Mod Links: [*]Streams Mod [*]Cellars Mod [*]Water Sac Additional Help & Information: [*]Server Idle To prevent the server ticking (Food decay etc.) the server goes in standby-mode when no player is online. Therefore Dynmap is sadly not available when no player is logged in. [*]Shader Config if you wish to use shaders with custom water blocks including Streams river blocks, edit your shader's gbuffers_wqater.wsh file to replace the line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9) {with the following line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9 || mc_Entity.x == 426 || mc_Entity.x == 427 || mc_Entity.x == 428 || mc_Entity.x == 429 || mc_Entity.x == 430 || mc_Entity.x == 431 || mc_Entity.x == 500 || mc_Entity.x == 501 || mc_Entity.x == 502 || mc_Entity.x == 503 || mc_Entity.x == 504 || mc_Entity.x == 505 || mc_Entity.x == 506 || mc_Entity.x == 507 || mc_Entity.x == 508 || mc_Entity.x == 509 || mc_Entity.x == 510 || mc_Entity.x == 511 || mc_Entity.x == 512 || mc_Entity.x == 513 || mc_Entity.x == 514 || mc_Entity.x == 515 || mc_Entity.x == 516) { [*]Server Hardware: CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1271 v3 @ 3.60GHz (8 Cores) Uplink: 1000 Mbit Ram : 6GB true Ram [*]Server IP / Adress