Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Torch Poll

    Within the strict constraints of the poll I have to say I dislike the mechanic as it stands. I like the intent and the execution however it impacts too heavily on the aesthetics of the game and I will likely disable it soon. Until viable options for long term or permanent lighting are available that don't involve cludgy solutions like Jack O Lanterns and lava in the late game. I really like the concept of coming back to a mine or cave that has reverted to darkness but it is completely negated by the imposition I feel it places on my creativity and the enjoyment I get from my builds. That feeling I get when I see the winkling lights appear to welcome me home after a long and dangerously journey, is just as important as as the realism and game play improvements the burnout mechanic is designed for.
  2. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    But. But. The spiders scare me. *sniff* :'(
  3. Cave-ins are much more real now and deadly. Mining without proper supports is a recipe for disaster. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder 07 - Mining Supports
  4. Sometimes things just don't go as planned. TerraFirmaCraft : Done from Downunder 06 - The Best Laid Plans
  5. Getting your first pickaxe and a saw are big steps in TFC. We've entered the Bronze Age. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder 05 - First Metal Tools
  6. Ok some walls are in order and perhaps a roof too. It's gonna be rough but it will do for a start. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder - Rude Shelter
  7. Time to finish up our trek in search of a new home base for Season 2. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder - A Place to call Home
  8. Need to find a place to settle down and along the way we'll look at a few options for early game shelters. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder - Cheaty Shelter or not?
  9. As you all know the update to the new Beta .79 version is out and with it come some major changes. Sadly it means we have to bid farewell to our now crumbling .78 world and say G'day to the new. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder - Goodbye, Farewell, G'day
  10. TFC Build 79

    Unfortunately that website seems to be down.
  11. Time to look at farming in more detail and play around with the barrels some more. Infrastructure in TFC can be very satisfying. Hic! TerraFirmaCraft #15 - Yo Ho Ho
  12. Time to start some work on some infrastructure and finish off the house. TerraFirmaCraft #13 - Dance for Me Baby TerraFirmaCraft #14 - Chores
  13. Torch Discussion

    Ok that's fair enough and I appreciate the motive. I won't disable the config option in my LP and see how it goes, not that I expect you'll be watching my B grade little series. I also like the idea of coming back to a darkened Mine and dealing with the squatters. But. I also don't want to lose the simple pleasure of coming home after a long expedition spent huddled in caves and crude shelters to see my homestead in the distance, lights twinkling and beckoning. I play for challenge and earned progression but I also want to see the results of my success echoed in my creations, my progress mirrored in my domain. Folks play for different reasons and have different ideas of tedium and success. For me the middle game is the time when I'm making meaningful and positive changes to my environment and at the end game I wish to be lord of my domain. LOL. (which is a good time for disaster to strike btw)
  14. Torch Discussion

    My concern would be aesthetics not mobs tbh. An important part to any build is the lighting and I feel having to run around every few days relighting everything adds tedium not realism. I have no issue with torches burning out but I think I'll be disabling it in the config until a viable longer term lighting option is available. Lava and jack o'lanterns are clunky, lava is also very late game and carries the additional burden of starting fires.
  15. I really want to get some serious work done on the house so we are gonna have to find some Sequoia logs for the frame. Time to go walkabout. TerraFirmaCraft | Done from Downunder #12 - Sequoia Btw is anyone else having a issue with terrain generation (specifically sand)? You can see what I'm talking about at around 9:15 in the vid.