Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Graitt

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  1. World goes bad when placing fern in flower pot.

    Confirm this with last 1.6.4 TFC version and last 1.6.4 Forge. Although did'nt check if it was a forgevanilla bug. Google mostly points around TFC or TwilightForest stuff, and we don't have TwF, and TwF is present in those crash-reports. Also states it's only on modded clients, so prob. Forge or TFC. Not that anyone cares about this by now ;} Just for more info.
  2. World Generation controls.

    @Djakuta Excellent idea, seems to be easy to do, compared to the huge requests we made overall, although very reasonable for the gameplay. Also, TerrainControl has an option called MapFromImage, which is about adding a custom .png image of the desired world, simply biome-based, not really related to the post above, but could solve a lot the mapmaking desires. Each colour gets the biome ID assigned to it in the config file. And the generator works by reading the colormap.
  3. Economy

    This thread lacks additional info. And, considering it attracted some friendly and helpful people, I should probably provide this for the sake of time saving at least. Heres the modlist we have right now: TFC ExtraFirma LeatherWaterSac TerraDuellum RusticamMelius ChopALog CustomNPCs TradeBooth Backpacks UnlitTorch CraftHeraldry InfernalMobs SmartMoving MineTweaker3 NotEnoughItems Waila Opis DamageIndicators ArmorStatusHUD StatusEffectHUD BetterGrassAndLeaves Shaders Might be adding InvTweaks and removing Backpacks to replace them with BetterStorage (you can have only one backpack, filled with stuff in this mod - right?). Probably will add SmallBoats or similar. And as Kittychanley noticed, we don't have the full experience of TFC (as to me personally, I'm only making the playable servers for our bunch of adults in a little private community, didn't play for almost 2 years now). We did have a person with more TFC exp. in our DEV crew, but he vanished somewhy long ago. We are not in a hurry either - gonna have a good server or none - just a little over a month spent up to this point. So, all the help is highly apperciated. Thank you for all your advices and support, because as Jaina stated, russian community really needs this sort of a server, and definitely not just a "pack of mods dropped in a folder". As to a few replies above, I should comment: 1. I do think we should not sell too much of things through adminshops. There will be few areas for TradeBooth's, they provide the actual economy in my opinion, so adminshops will just help the whole trading thing to start. Well, they also may provide some balancing mechanics, as if some ore would become extremely rare at one point?. 2. Renewable | infinite items should not be sold to adminshops, or the price should be very cheap. We are going to use at least 3 types of coins already, so that should solve it. 3. About the rarity of ores, it's a bit hard for me to understand how should they be sorted. Did google the whole thing a lot, not to mention the actual config. In the end, they don't seem to provide enough information about the actual rarity, too many extra featues that affect this. Did anyone research this? I've seen the MCEdit-Analyze info, but it's from 2012. 4. Gems should probably be implemented in recipies. But that leads me to a "splash of magic", as in customizing potions or buffs with recipes. Perhaps the incrustation of tools and armor with the addition of some particle effects, buffs, enchantments? It's possible via few plugins and 1 mod, but did not try that yet, maybe some of you know of the caveats? The amount of Infernal mobs already raised... 5. There will be teleportation points and region protection blocks also bought via coins, as Jaina stated. Probably have to add a decorative mod aswell, Decocraft? And customize its recipies too, so that they would be both available for crafting and trading. 6. As to a website, we have it, XenForo, and all is well there. Will add the tutorial | additional | lore info when the project will be ready. English - not native
  4. Version #: 0.78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SMP Suggested Name: Vanilla JungleDesert IDs (names) biomes on ??? TFC biomes Suggested Category: Severe Description: Just a question: If this list is updated, then there should be no JungleDesertbiomes on the map? Problem is I have them on the map, but the blocks are from TFC, so its basically a biome ID problem I guess. Even the way biomes connect to each other looks fine (TFC ones with vanilla ones, which look like TFC ones). The real problem is vanilla mobs are spawning in this biomes instead of the TFC ones. Managed to change the biome ID via WolrdEdit plugin (turned a few chunk to Beach ID), which did solve the problem. But it will be a lot of work to find and change them all via WE (due to it works by making a selection first), so maybe someone has any easier workarounds for this? I do realise this will probably get no support from administration (Cauldron server, though I'm not sure if it is the cause), but I hope its allowed to stay for the help from the community? Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? Have both, Cauldron could be the problem of course, but can't go without it, because of all the stuff needed. English - not native
  5. Client Crash 2 seconds into world loading please help

    -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump Just not sure if you really need this arg. English - not native
  6. Only one seed?

    Buildings could stay because of the way the new world was started. Probably Multiverse plugin or something similar, where basically the world was wiped with the exception of the protected regions, which where protected due to ??? probably a presence of a player in it, when admin used the plugin commands.
  7. [Solved] Terrafirmacraft server crash

    I might be wrong but Operating System: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1is probably not allowing to use more than 2GB RAM for Javabecause of the way this line looksMemory: 936 bytes (0 MB) / 259522560 bytes (247 MB) up to 259522560 bytes (247 MB)Using -Xmx1024M-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m might solve the problem somehow. english - not native
  8. Crazy mob spawning out of control...

    Noticed very similar behavior with the latest 1.6.4 version, if CustomMobSpawner (from MoCreatures) is installed. Totally failed to work this out with CMS's configs, and, well, the conflict was too obvious and behavior - too weird, that I stopped trying, and deleted CMS. And it was a Cauldron server, definetely not a console prank, because I was on it. Did not see anything unusual in it either. english - not native
  9. World Generation controls.

    Generator options and config features are reasonably wanted. Sorry, for that I know this was discussed before for not once, but would be awesome to have some of the Dev's take another look on TerrainControl bukkit plugin which is an open-source b.t.w., and provides wide spectre of generation featurescontrolsoptions. or WorldPainter program open-source aswell, and as welcome as the plugin above.