Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Muju

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. [Solved] Why Can't I Find Clay!?!? 1.7.10

    I haven't seen any peat since build 78. Then again I haven't been looking for it either.
  2. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    Haha. I sometimes like to roleplay or create a scenario to help with immersion into the game. Otherwise playing games becomes a fruitless endeavor for me. I haven't actually read those by the way or any HPL to be honest; unless one counts the Call of Cuthulu game books.
  3. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    I was playing a Hardcore world and lost one of the most aesthetically pleasing worlds that I had come across. As the sun had begun to set for the day I picked up my haul of quartzite and began to make my may back to my shelter. The beautiful quartzite mountains to my back as the sun faded behind them. I made the short journey back to my humble hut nearby. My thoughts drifting into the plans I had conceived for a terraced layering of the hillside before entering the mountains(watching youtube.) Suddenly I felt my footstep falter below me lay the ravine floor approaching with startling speed. My senses became acute as I saw the walls racing upward and the sky grew ever more distant. The moon at three quarters full danced in the night sky. I realized I had walked past my darkened shelter into the nearby ravine. It was then that I woke up sweating on the floor. I knew not of this place I had surely dreamed of I had not come across any quartzite mountains. Nor was my shelter near a ravine. It was instead near a small river that was overlooked by some comglomerate and schist hills. I suppose I will never find this place that I dreamt of(forgot to write the seed down.)
  4. let's talk mobs!

    Hmm. Maybe Bioxx already hinted at it in the suggestion forums under Tracking Skill and possibly putting in animal migration at some point in the future. If that were the case it wouldn't be unreasonable for A Bull, Buck, or Boar to turn on you in the wild to protect it's Herd. We already have animal familiarity to simulate domestication of animals. So one might have to first familiarize themselves with the herd to avoid that herd from attacking. Though it could be something completely different.
  5. [79.6] Kaolinite and Graphite near spawn

    Meps head South for 1200 blocks or so. You should run into a massive Acacia Forest I'm sure you can find all the clay you need.
  6. Torch Poll

    I don't see the personal value of a longer burning light source for the mid to late game that will cost metal being of any value. Why exactly would one need a mid-game light source that still extinguishes?
  7. Torch Poll

    I don't understand what it is with people wanting lanterns when we already have them in a sense. You can easily use the chisel to make a beautiful sconce or streetlamp. I know microblocks can make a server laggy. I would rather see an improvement to microblocks effects on servers; than see lanterns and candles added.
  8. Seed: -5550327637774897830 5331 6634 200 Graphite exposed. 5355 6704 166 Kaolinite exposed. In the T-Section Ravine exposed Malachite you can also find Cassiterite and Hematite samples with a pick. Opposite face of the Kaolinite is some Limonite.