Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dries007

  1. It is because its not using java 7 to launch minecraft, what launcher are you using?


    If its the vanilla mc one, then you can set the java executable path in the "edit profile" window.


    If multimc, its under Settings->Java->autodetect -> pick java 7, 64 bit.


    If that doesn't work, you should do some googling, there is lots of people with issues like this:


    Here is a video that might help: 


  2. Would it be possible to get a version of this compatible with java 6?


    Sorry for the blunt answer, but why?

    If you are on a mac, update java.

    If not, shame on you for not having java 7 since it first came out.

    I have not heard a legitimate reason for the continued use of java , though, if you can provide me with one, I might change my mind. :P






    Crashes when I Use "R".


    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // Oh - I know what I did wrong!
    Time: 11/11/14 1:59 PM
    Description: Updating screen events
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe.getRecipeOutput()Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;
    -- JUNK --





    I just updated my forge to match the new updated TFC B79.12 with forge I am getting the same error. Will try to update my code chicken but not sure if that will be compatible with this plugin.


    Edit: I have the latest versions of both NEI and ChickenBones.


    Edit: Just updated the NEI plugin in as well (should be made more obvious on OP that there is an update) but I am still crashing when using NEI in game with same error.



    I can confirm the unexpected exit with 79.12/Forge build 1236. Using "recommended" builds of NEI and CodeChickenCore. It was working beautifully before TFC updated. =)



    Hope this helps.



    Confirming the confirms. I'll add mine just in case it's needed.



    It's not just using "R" for me, anything that causes the recipe window to show is causing the crash



    Jup, NEI doesn't work with the version of forge that's required for lastest TFC.

    I suggest either not yet updating TFC + forge, uninstalling NEI or disabling its UI (standard key config "O").



    Yes, I know


    I knew this was coming, and I should have posted about it, sorry.


    New build fixed all of this, get it while its hot!


    ps: Please use some service like pastebin for error logs. Thanks


  3. I see, but is it hard to remove them entirely then? with an own mod or something...?

    I'm going to try a detection algorithm, that detects removed recipes and tries to figure out if the chain has been broken somewhere in between.


    great job, thanks for your efforts



    everytime i use this plug in and press r for the recipe the game crashes and gives no crash report 

    Can you post your log anyways? No log = no help.


  4. If I leave something typed into the search field for a while, it inevitably ends up stuck on that search. As in, no matter what I try to search for, NEI won't change what it's showing me, but otherwise functions as intended (shows recipes, scrolls through pages, gui buttons work). Logging out and back in doesn't fix it, only restarting the Minecraft application altogether fixes it. I'm not sure if it's caused by simply leaving something in the search field for a length of time, or if some other TFC gui interaction causes it without my notice. I've tried doing tons of things and immediately checking NEI after, I haven't found anything that seems to cause it directly or immediately. It just sort'a... happens.


    I think that is an issue with NEI itself. I will try replicating this in my test enviroment and see if I can find out what's happening.
