Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Red3Tango

  1. With playing on a cooperative server, I tend to like naming my tools and gear in case I loose something. Or that if someone needs to borrow my stuff. Currently the only way I know of doing this is to cheat in a vanilla anvil (or by enabling some crossover recipes).


    My suggestion would be a way that we can rename items (that wouldnt require levels or vanilla items). Something like the current Name Tags, maybe that they have an item slot where you could put something in, rename, then when you take the item out it uses up the nametag?


    Not sure how viable this is, but figured it would be a nice little feature for us that like naming everything just to name it ;)


  2. So the HUD in the bottom left (by default) is showing that you have javelins in the quiver, then you right-click to throw the same type of javelin from your hotbar. Then at that point it doesnt replace the one on your hotbar with the ones in your quiver, correct?


    Sadly if this still isn't working I really don't know what else it could be unless you are not running the correct version of 0.79


  3. So this may be a stupid question, but do you have the quiver on your back? or just in your inventory?


    If you do have it on your back, you may need to create a new quiver (thinking it could be glitched)


  4. Have you started a new world, reset config files, etc?

    I have tried with javelins made with rhyolite rocks and was working as expected.

    If you could give more information on what you are trying and with what type of javelins, etc


  5. Have you actually tried to do this?

    At least on my game, it DOES reset the knapping (stone/clay) interface, however, when you make a shape it does not give me an item. The slot never allows me to pull out anything additional.

    Edit: re-tested with SSP and SMP, clay will duplicate.


  6. The information can be found in the Change Log

    • [*]
    Added Leather Rack. Right click on the top a horizontal placed log with a soaked hide. Then right click on all of the spots on the hide with a knife to scrape the pieces off. Scraping the last piece off will give the scraped hide.

    As the wiki is still in the process of being updated, make sure you go through the Change Log to see what, and how things have changed.


  7. Version #: 0.79.8

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP and SMP

    Suggested Name: Melting <100% Bloom in Forge gives full ingot mold

    Suggested Category: Minor

    Description: After splitting a bloom, you are able to melt down blooms that are less than 100% (i.e. 40% Bloom) in the forge into a full Ceramic Ingot Mold. So with a full 840% Bloom are are able to split into 8x 100%, and 1x 40%. This 40% can be melted down in the forge, and if you have ingot molds in standby it will melt into one of them and be completely full. Essentially getting 9 complete ingots from only a 840% bloom.


    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes (and No)
    If yes, which mods: FastCraft, NEI, NEI Plugin, MapWriter


  8. You must place a log sideways (so the bark is facing upwards), then right-click while holding the soaked hide to place it on the "leather rack". Take your knife and right-click all over the hide to scrape it. Then place in barrel/vessel of fresh water to rinse it off.


  9. We now have (in 0.79) the option for simSpeedNoPlayers, which is a great feature. Not sure the mechanics behind how this works or what it does behind the scenes, but I was thinking it would be very nice to have an option that would change this based on if there ARE players online. There are a lot of times where I feel the days pass too quickly while playing and would be an interesting mechanic if you were able to increase the length of the days themselves.


    Either way is fine, but just thought it would be a cool option. Not sure about the code, so don't even know if something like this is even possible (without breaking TFC in general)
