Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About voidbreath

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  1. TFC Skyblock

    Ok so ive run into a bit of a roadblock, i cant find a good way to generate a void world, if anyone has any ideas please share
  2. TFC Skyblock

    my current intention regarding stone will be to make all stone craftable into the next type of stone as people getting salt is or whatever like that isnt much of an issue As for wood im thinking to start them with a vanilla tree and receive various tfc saplings from repeatable quests, the twist is that vanilla wood can only be made into sticks and ill modify early game recipes to be craftable with either logs and sticks or tfc planks
  3. January of 2010 is my best guess based onthis
  4. TFC Skyblock

    Should i make sifting produce TFC ores? as apposed to the normal ex nihilo results, I've been considering something along the lines of poor from gravel normal from sand and rich from dust to kinda approximate the effects of ex nihilo's existing system
  5. TFC Skyblock

    That's the general idea, i also want to go through and modify as many recipes as possible to use the TFC ingots and such as well as a quest book, the biggest challenge at the beginning will of course be expanding the platform as blocks have gravity
  6. TFC Skyblock

    I am currently working on a Terrafirmacraft based skyblock pack, not sure how it will turn out but I'm hoping to gauge reaction and maybe get some suggestions here.