Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Regnilse

  1. volcano request

    This would probably be better in the suggestions category. As for the suggestion idk, if they do get added I hope they are very very rare.
  2. Tracking Skill

    No but they certainly will attack, especially if its mating season or if they half a calf. but I will agree that in general moose don't give a crap if a person is around, or really any other animal, nothing messes with a moose.
  3. [Build 79] Hubertus' Particles

    Works as advertised. Thank you.
  4. New starvation weakness effect

    Thank you my friends, love to all
  5. New starvation weakness effect

    Oh that font is a bit small, but I agree, it gives me that little kick in the pants to go eat again. Because normally you can easily tell if you are hungry but before this update it was harder to notice. I will say that the partials effects are very intrusive so the transparency could be bumped up to maybe 50%.
  6. Body Temperature Tolerance Build Up

    I do like this idea, and I do agree that it shouldn't overpower the need for other things like clothing. Like Maga mentioned you can really notice this effect in Canada(and other places I'm sure), +5 in fall and I'm all bundled up and cold,-5 in spring and I have my jacket open and I'm sweating.
  7. Simply Love This Mod

    It is awesome isn't it, this is just a great mod.
  8. [TFC 0.79.10] TFC Cookbook

    [Just reserving this for the future updates]
  9. Agriculture and farming ideas

    Interesting. I guess I just got lucky then.
  10. B79 Food Preservation

    Considering the view of "salt from salt water" I doubt this is possible. Fish is meat, smoke away!
  11. Agriculture and farming ideas

    Whether is does or doesn't make crops grow faster shouldn't really matter with the in game mechanic. Water makes thing grow better, same with in game, it just makes it slower. Now as far as I know you can harvest crops early but with decreased yields(I could be wrong on this, not 100%), so if non-hydrated crops grow slower they wont be fully grown during your harvests so you get lower yields, which is basically what happens anyway. That's basically why I don't think the hydration needs to change. It gets a reasonable result through a different method.
  12. Agriculture and farming ideas

    Water in moderation is always better than no water, ask any farmer from Saskatchewan to Texas. Crops will mature fuller, faster and better than with out it. Planting on hydrated land should give a benefit over non-hydrated land. It should also be possible to plant crops on non-hydrated land both for believability and for balance, because of the restriction of placing water sources. I am quite happy with the way the mechanic is now, if a change must be made I feel like the 4 block hydration seems low and could be increased, there could also be a way for land to be hydrated based on the rain and terrain. That's all I would change right now, and I don't really think its nessicary.
  13. Tracking Skill

    GreenLeaf's ideas are interesting, I've always wanted to be able to sneak up on mobs in minecraft by shifting and keeping quiet. I'm not sure how the tracking skill will increase, maybe by sneaking over the tracks, regardless this will probably make getting protein harder, so along with this idea maybe trapping could be added too. Mojang did just add some tasty tasty rabbits.
  14. Forged by "playername" tooltip/Player signatures

    This is kind of similar to the rename tool topic they might be able to combined for the final result.
  15. Forging.

    I consider my self decent in forging but i do start mashing on new tools. I wouldn't say forging is hard just tricky. When im having trouble getting the arrows lined up, I force the line up using what ever steps I need, then I do the 3 required steps. Where the green arrow is after, is where it should be on the other side of the red arrow when I start. Do that and its not to hard.
  16. Animal feed - silage

    I find that its not that bad either. Ive heard, hear and there that 5 days is what it takes to get them tame and after a few bumps in the early versions got smoothed out it hasent been much of a problem for me.
  17. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    Yes please. Even if it requires the same durability lost from doing that in detail mode this would be very helpful
  18. Indeed it was bioxx in the smoke rack topic says its not a bug so i doubt this will be changed. All thats lost from this is time and a bit of brine so its no big deal.
  19. Useless wood thing = fuel?

    I'm not quite sure what kind of useless wood your talking about, would this be like lumber and planks?
  20. Reason to go digging and spelunking?

    While ive been getting frustrated with caves i dont think they should be removed. caves are a big part of minecraft and removing them seems odd. As well, im sure there are people who do still find caves fun and removing them would be a big kick in the pants for those people.
  21. Smoke racks

    In the change log for version 0.79.0 it was mentioned smoke racks were added, but since then I havent heard or seen anything about them. Did they actualy get added in 0.79.0 or were they delayed for a future update?
  22. Smoke racks

    The smoked attribute doesnt actualy get removed, its only removed from the tool tip to save space but it is still applied. The dried attribute however is removed from both the tool tip and the food.
  23. dirt->dry grass->grass

    yes, thats basically why I'm ok with this idea.
  24. grain = seed

    While you do use gain for the seed as well, potatoes are the same, I do like the separate items. first-consistency all other crops have seed and it could be a bit confusing if these didn't . second- its good practice to keep your seeds and food separate because of this I dont think its necessary to combine the items, its quite believable that when you harvest you purposely set aside some of the crop for seed right there.
  25. Smoke racks

    I've never tried to eat smoked meat, I've always assumed it was like raw meat and you had to cook it first.