Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Regnilse

  1. I'm not quite sold on this idea, especially since there isn't really any benefit in going to larger x values. I would be ok with more difficult mobs depending on the Y value or "biome" specific difficulties.


  2. This totem thing is pretty neat, even if magic stuff isn't really believable I think this would fit well in TFC. I like the chisel idea but that could make totems to easy to make. If you could incorporate gems in to it, it would make it more difficult to make, at least for higher quality totems.


    In the mean time you could chisel out a totem and rely on the placebo effect for the buff :)


  3. hmm that's interesting and kinda cool,


    if it is implemented I would want it so they could get close to the fire depending if your in the area. so if your not nearby then a zombie wouldn't have the incentive to cross the scarey fire, but the closer you are to the zombie, the less scarey the fire becomes until it doesn't matter. In this way you cant just huddle by a fire and be 100% safe, I also think this is interesting because you have to work to keep your area safe, you can' just set it up and leave it


  4. What I'd like to have is a different kind of beam that would allow to mine up and down easily.


    Digging up is the only part of mining and caving I don't really like because there isn't a good way to do it "safely", at some point you have to rely on the random chance of the rock not falling


  5. I think I was briefly, I noticed I had the materials to make brass but i promptly checked the wiki and found that it wasn't useful.


  6. What I've done is lowered the cave-in and propagation chance to 1/50 and 35% this makes cave-in much less devastating, beyond that use support beams everywhere even outside of your mining area. Once you figure out the best way to use the support beams, mining in caves is no problem, even with the regular configs.


  7. That perfect makes me jealous

    Indeed, there are so many combinations and tastes for foods, filling the list to what it is by default took about 7 days, 2-3 hours per day to fill it, at one point I think I had 50 million different meals and for me none were perfect.


    If its not to much trouble would you be able to put the foods you used in the food page and give it a quick run, just to make sure it does correctly find the meal you made.


    You said some of the foods had the same tastes in your world and the list, did you get the foods in the creative menu. Because I don't think the foods from creative will be the same as the foods from your world.


  8. Then its confirmed, we like!


    It could also be useful for other things beyond ornate statues, like for some future tool or something



    Like the idea, but maybe 64 ingots is a bit much...

    I would be ok with 32 ingots, I think that's what a one block high ingot stack uses, I would hope though that depending on you mold it wouldn't take all that. What about 6 units per mico block 3200U/512Mb=6.25U/Mb i hope i did that right.


  9. Hello, your english seems just fine to me, probably better than mine :D


    Did you replace the default food tastes that comes with the cookbook with the foods from your own world?


    Second question is did you get any output from the cookbook not just perfect meal, did it give any good ones?


    I think .15 changed brining to make it change the tastes but that shouldn't change the cookbook if you use the new tastes.


  10. Support beams are kinda useless now, it wont prevent any cave ins even when you mine a block directly next to it. Placing horizontal beams before a cave in is impossible.


    I used to like the old support beams, now I don't even use them anymore, it does not help even a little bit to prevent cave ins


    I Think cave ins should be a lot less common but way more catastrophic when it happens.


    It is possible to place beams in a cave and be safe, you just need to place some extra ones down outside of the area your mining in, as for before caves, ya kinda, bioxx said he was going to look in to to see if something could be done to stop cave ins when first finding caves.



    There is a config setting just for this, in the file TFCOptions you can set the chance that a cave in will occur, and the chance of it propagating, if you want rare but devastating cave ins i would suggest InitialCollapseRatio=100+ and porpogateCollapseChance=75 that should get you what you want.



    Also, after seeing this image, if you are going to scan 4 blocks ahead for a a cave in, you should make the protection from a support beam a little bigger. or else you can't mine 2 blocks ahead without causing a cave in


    this can only happen if the block marked X has an air block under it, which isn't to common. also you could add more support beams if its a cave supporting that area.


    The only this I would like changed with support beams is there should be a safe way to dig up, I know you can dig up but its not fully supported and could cave in


  11. I have no evidence to support this but I'm sure its coming, soup seems like it would fit perfectly in the food system and it would be a good way to stretch food if its is scarce.
