Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About kozi

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  1. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    Make sure when you click on the google drive link you then click on the download arrow in the middle at the top of the page. If you click on the "Westerlands_32_TFC" folder in the white box it will just explore the file structure, it won't actually download anything Alternatively, use this link:
  2. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    This is a great pack and I've been using it for some time now, though there are a few things that I think could be improved. Many of the ores and rock types look very similar and it can be confusing trying to identify what is what while exploring/mining. The rocks themselves are all the same texture except with some minor color variations between them, which is probably pretty true to life with the exception of some obvious ones like marble, claystone, etc. but I think some more distinct color/texture variations here could make a big difference. Regarding the ores, it seems like most of the ore blocks are very dark gray/black and have the same block texture (two teardrop shapes). I'm not sure what references were used for the original images, but a lot of the ores in the game are actually very colorful and distinctively shaped in real life. Limonite for example often has a bright yellow color to it as shown below, but most skins just make it a dark brownish/gray Tetrahedrite is a very smooth shape in the skin but actually produces very distinct, angular crystals (tetrahedral, hence tetrahedrite): Sphalerite can have some very blood red looking crystals: I understand that all of this takes time, and I appreciate all the work you've put into this pack but I know for me having some more colorful/distinct ores and rocks would make this pack easily my favorite go-to
  3. Waterfalls

    The Enviromine mod actually does something like this already. It splits water sources into 4 categories (dirty, salty, cold, normal) which requires boiling to turn into clean water to drink. The mod also adds in body temperature so cool water is used to lower this if you're overheating. It's a cool feature but there are some other aspects of the mod that I don't care for so I've never bothered using it. It would be neat if TFC incorporated some of the water properties though to increase the survivability challenge.
  4. Thanks for the info. Guess I'm digging a deeper hole!
  5. Version #: 0.79.15 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP Suggested Name: Wood blocks catching on fire through stone Suggested Category:Annoying Description: When using a pit kiln inside my forge room (completely surrounded by stone on the top/walls/floor), some wood blocks that I had set above the stone ended up catching on fire through the stone. Is this intentional? Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Fastcraft, Optifine, MapWriter, NEI, SmartMoving, WAILA/WAWLA If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? Yes
  6. JohnSmith version 0.8 b75

    Can someone re-upload the latest 1.1 version of this? The link above is dead
  7. Waterfalls

    One of the things I always loved about exploring vanilla Minecraft was finding great waterfall landscapes to start building my houses around. However, I noticed TFC doesn't seem to have any kind of waterfall features in the worldgen at all. Are there any plans to implement these? I would love to get back to making secret waterfall entrances and mountain top waterfall villas around a nice lagoon. I realize I could somewhat make these by hand but the buckets needed to transport water blocks come very late in the game. It would also be cool to have the audio scale based on the size of the waterfall. Hearing the roar of a huge waterfall out the window would be awesome.
  8. Less thirst and hunger decrease while idling

    I'm not sure if TFC carries over the same hunger saturation mechanics as vanilla but in vanilla each of those activities had a different effect on your hunger level so in that case, swimming/jumping/mining etc all decreased your hunger saturation faster than just walking or standing.
  9. Less thirst and hunger decrease while idling

    This would kind of imbalance the game since when you're first starting out, you're probably not doing much at night besides hiding away in your house. I normally idle the first couple of nights and read some websites while waiting for the daytime. With what you're suggesting, I'd lose no hunger/drink from this which wouldn't make sense. Even if I'm just sitting around my house doing nothing in real life, I still get hungry after a time. If you want to pause the game and read something just hit esc and bring up the menu...this stops everything. Otherwise I could see people exploiting this and just sit idle in their house through winter or while waiting for crops to grow or something.
  10. Some observations of how people play

    This mod is not about being easy. You're doing yourself a pretty big disservice to the spirit of the mod by playing this way. Obviously you're allowed to play however you want, but balancing nutrition levels is a challenging part of the game and the point where you progress from eating nothing but carrots because that's all you can find to eating full meals which raise all your nutrition levels at once is a nice indicator of "Ok, I'm starting to get civilized and show this world who's boss". I enjoy these little details that show my character progressing from a weak nomad just starting out to a healthy explorer. However, in b78 you used to respawn with 1/2 full nutrition instead of completely full like in b79 and I'm not sure why it was changed. I think spawning with half is better because it discourages things like what you suggested with just killing yourself to get back up to full health. As Kitty pointed out, this too was changed from 78 to 79. The amount of meat you get is now based on your butchering skill and is certainly more realistic than the previous meat explosion that would occur. I could tell you for a fact that if I went out and slaughtered a cow right now I would mess a lot of stuff up and not get much usable meat. Plus this also limits the amount of food available to players at the beginning to make it a bit more challenging, and makes you really avoid having to waste killing an animal if you can since you know you won't get much from it. Kind of a "life or death" type situation. If we're going for realism, I don't think there are many food types that require more than a year to grow. However, I think it'd be interesting to try drastically increasing the decay rate of some of the foods which would force you to have a pretty decent farm to stay alive. I mean if you leave meat sitting out for a few hours, it's going to be gross pretty quickly. Obviously this would be too fast for TFC, but I think if food decayed in a matter of a few days instead of a few weeks it would add some purpose to having a big farm. But I'm sure some people would complain that that's just tedious and they don't want to have to spend so much time collecting food, they'd rather build, mine, etc. Maybe an option in the config files to change the decay rate so each person can play how they want?
  11. App that helps you with smelting

    This app is almost exactly what I needed. I'm looking for something that will basically let me input a list of every ore type/amount that i have stashed away and tell me what alloys I can make with it, how many of each I can make, and what the optimal way to spread out the percentages among the diff ores is. Seems like your app will at least do most of that if I put it in what ores I have and I juts have to specify the alloy I want instead of it giving me a list of what all I can make.
  12. Program for world-overview?

    Have you actually tried AMIDST with TFC? I don't know that there's enough different with the world files that it couldn't at least generate a map for you. It may not be able to pick out all the individual features the way it can with vanilla but it still might be able to at least give you a map of the terrain. The AMIDST forum post says it works with "different versions of Minecraft"....I don't know if that literally means different versions or if they mean different mods, such as TFC. You could also try one of these
  13. Program for world-overview?

    Never done anything with rendering but you could enable cheats in your world and set the game mode to creative to fly around to quickly scope out the area. Adding a mod like Map Writer could then make a map of whatever areas you explore
  14. Ok then why are they not showing up for me? Do they not spawn on sand/gravel tiles? These two spots are both fresh water and there's seaweed but no cattails, even on the blocks that are only one water block deep.
  15. Version #: 0.79.6 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP Suggested Name: Cattails not spawning in fresh water Suggested Category: Minor Description: Not sure if this was intentional or not but since upgrading from 0.78 I haven't seen any cattails spawning to indicate fresh water sources. I've gone through making several worlds while trying to find a good seed and still nothing. In my current world I've been playing on there's a fresh water area right by my house that I can fill my jug up with so I know it's fresh but there's no plants. I've also tried changing resource packs and tried using the default textures as well in the event that it was an issue with textures. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? NEI, Smart Moving