Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by AwesomeBlock2000

  1. French TFC server (Gro'Craft)

    Salut! Je suis une francophone du Canada. J'ai 15 ans. Je n'ai pas vu beaucoup de bons serveurs TFC, ni les serveurs TFC français, alors je pense qu'il serait amusant de jouer sur ce serveur Mon nom de joueur est AwesomeBlock2000 PS. Je parle anglais aussi.
  2. You're accepted! Welcome to the server. I'll see you on there soon!
  3. TreeTech network TFC b79.13 Server - [Whitelisted] We are no longer accepting applications due to some issues. Not accepting applications until further notice. Hosted out of Canada! The TreeTech network is a small network of servers (TFC, Vanilla, and more to come) We have very nice players and staff and our TFC server is based around Towny and the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's lots of fun making towns with your friends! We accept new players all the time and the whitelist application is simple: In-game-name: Main interests: How long have you played TFC for?: Age: What do you build: How long have you played Minecraft For?: What will you contribute to the community?: What is your personality like?: SERVER RULES: 1.1: No greifing. Period.2.1: No theft. Period.3.1: Keep chat clean.3.2: No profinity3.3: No rude / mean comments for no good reason.3.4: Any shape or form of cyberbullying through the server chat will not be tolerated.3.5: No homophobia!3.6: No racsisim.4.1: Build a minimum of 150+ blocks from spawn. We want to keep a pretty clean spawn area.4.2: Collect resources 150+ blocks from spawn. Again we want to keep spawn pretty.STAFF:TFC Staff include:TFC-Mod: 15Darkstar15 (Nick)TFC-Admin: sierzoe (Zoë)TFC-Admin: Werrt12345 (Aaron)TFC-Owner: AwesomeBlock2000 (John)The mods are:TFC.1.7.10.b79.13 [Download]The plugins we run are:TownyGroupManagerLocketteHealthBarCoreProtectEssentials (Essentials Chat and Essentials Spawn)World GuardWe have been running since 1.4 (2012) as a vanilla server. MinecraftForum for vanilla server coming soon!If you are accepted I will PM you the IP
  4. You guys are both accepted for the server. I remember you from the happy diggers server and it would be great to have you on my server as both of you were very great players
  5. Welcome to TreeTech! Hope to see you on there soon!
  6. Sorry guys, were trying to keep our community at all the same age. Most of our players are in mid-teens so I would suggest trying some of the other servers.
  7. Hey! Thanks for joining! You have been accepted for the server
  8. Accepted! I'll PM you the ip hop to see you on there soon! Thanks for joining TreeTech TFC!
  9. You seem like a great smart guy, It would be great to have someone like you on the server but as I said we are trying to keep it at everyone the same age.. personally I would have no problem with you being on.. but the common majority wants it to be people of all the same age. don't feel too old, the community is mostly younger teens. Try some of the other TFC servers on the forum.
  10. Added! Remember to install the CustomNPC mod too! Thanks for joining us!
  11. Sorry. Most of our players are under 18. Were trying to keep everyone about the same age. Maybe try the "barbaric survival" server
  12. You are both accepted! Ill PM you the ip Thanks for joining us!
  13. Accepted Remember to install the CustomNPC mod as well! Hope to see you on there! And so is your friend.
  14. Both of you have been accepted Thanks for applying!
  15. Fort Zverev as an example of why fire brick is necessary.

    Wow. Fort Zverev looks so creepy... But so cool.
  16. I want a cookie..

  17. [Offline][Francais/French/FR] Serveur entre pote !

    Bonjour! Est que ton serveur est sur le TFC B79/1.7.10? Par ce que je peut parles francais et j'adore le TerraFirmaCraft! (Je suis canadian alors mon francais est ne pas parfait)
  18. Hey! I'm AwesomeBlock2000 and I would love to join your server So IGN : AwesomeBlock2000 Age : 19 Why us? : Well. I love TFC (I have had allot of experience with it) and I want a good server to play on and you guys sound very nice and sound like a great TFC 1.7.10 server Hope to talk to you soon - Ash aka AwesomeBlock
  19. Hey this is AwesomeBlock2000, I am a very (very) frequent player on your server (/stats playtime = 20 days), I have been playing since last march and I love it but recently I was banned by jiro_89 "for duplicating items" first and foremost, I do not use duplication. I like everything legit. Just because I have a lot (I mean A LOT) of metal doesn't mean it was from duplication glitches. Anyways. I don't understand why I was banned. So if someone could respond and tell me why I was banned it would be nice. Thanks. - Block