Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by DocOlds

  1. Nevermind, I found some vanilla vines so I'm all set now.
  2. I've been enjoying this pack for a couple weeks now, very interesting mix of mods. One problem has come up though, I can't seem to find any vanilla items to use in the fermentor. Am I not looking hard enough or are other people in the same boat....
  3. Your having trouble with boots? When I pad my armor skill all I make is boots because they are so easy
  4. I seem to have planted a bugged peach sappling atx=228.07, y=147.62, z=-4886.14 I crashed the moment I planted it and now every time I join the server it crashes because of it
  5. I'm so happy the server lag issue has been resolved. Going to miss a lot of sleep playing here.
  6. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Windows XP wont let me dedicate more then 1g, but since it crashes before anything has a chance to load, I suspect Java 6 is to blame.
  7. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    My mistake, loaded the wrong pack. Downloaded the right one and my PC cant run it, the server search continues I guess.
  8. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    modpack doesnt match the server
  9. Very happy to see this server step up to the new version. I'm sure you will get a ton of interest with how few other open servers there are.
  10. I don't know how I missed the new stuff available in the shops this long, glad to see some more lighting options.
  11. I'm not sure how to increase my ram in the tek launcher. I get crashed out when I try to launch. I will try the other launcher when I get home, but I think its my old java 6 that is causing it. Edit: cant even load the other launcher, requires java 7. Tried manual install, lots of errors on bug screen, but that might just be me being a noob.
  12. My old windows XP pc cant launch this, guess I need a new one
  13. I feel your pain, I never would have ended up on a heavily modded server if whitelists and 3rd party forum signups hadn't steered me away from everything else. Funny thing is, I've only seen one griefer in TFC, and all he did was make his town spawn a death trap. Admin fixed it promptly, life went on. its not like people are going to put "reason for joining: griefing" in their application, so who is the list even keeping out.
  14. Oldsmobilia (VividCraft)

    Atlantis is now under construction and domes cover roughly 16 town plots. If you would like a slice of this underwater paradise, fire up the 8 forges at once and make some serious glass, your going to need it to make your own dome or bribe me into letting you into one of mine.
  15. Oldsmobilia (VividCraft)

    Oldsmobilia is no longer an active town, 15 players joined and nobody lasted a week. Seems my towns always attract players with add. .
  16. This is actually part of the version 79 TFC update. They have a real hardon for people using support beams, you cant even chisel walls smooth anymore if they have anything above them. You have two basic workarounds that dont require a massive tunnel with supports I dig straight down and fall once in a while, where I can easily find and recover my items. Sure beats trying to find stuff under a mountain of cobblestone. Another method that works well is making a roof on the tunnel as you go, and staying under the roof as you mine. I like using quartz for the roof, its cheap and destroys instantly so you can reuse it easily.
  17. This bug has happened before, server looks up and populated but is actually down. I think it is just a matter of the admin noticing the problem and restarting. See you on the playing field soon.
  18. You need to turn off the return to wild option for abandoned plots to prevent abuse. Also, you didn't seem to get rid of the rare mobs, I found one yesterday.
  19. Oldsmobilia (VividCraft)

    We are up to 13 town members and the town is looking more filled in all the time. There is always room for more, still an open town for now.
  20. My weekly quests reset, not at the same time, but they both reset. Time to get out and start killing again.
  21. The server was down for 15 minutes yesterday, I think we may have had to many people online at once.
  22. Oldsmobilia (VividCraft)

    We now have blue steel and a complete enchanting room with bookcases and anvil. Looks like new rare mobs are hanging out around town, so this weapon upgrade is just in time.
  23. Oldsmobilia (VividCraft)

    Oldsmobilia got 5 new members in the first day of open enrollment and is now poised to get top tier metals thanks to Teknonick, who found us the graphite we needed to create the blast furnace! Town plots overlooking the ocean or near the Capital building are still available, but not for long at this rate, act now and be part of the action.
  24. Oldsmobilia (VividCraft)

    This thread contains all the server details and IP