Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About mr_biscuits

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  1. IGN?: Tilhaedan Skype? (if any): What will you do on the server?: Build, farm, prospect, mine Will also be bringing my friends: Glorric and Pwnmander
  2. What are you reading?

  3. Fire-brick may be a real pain to produce but it is oh so important for blast furnaces and the proper storage of napalm like substances. It turns out normal brick can melt, which is why Fort Zverev looks like Hell's lobby.
  4. Drainage Map

    Oh I see, that's very different than what I was imagining. Thanks!
  5. Drainage Map

    So as I understand it one of the factors affecting food flavor is the drainage map of the area in which it was grown. Is this calculated with source block's relative Y values, or the level of flowing blocks and will a source block flowing directly down have an impact?It seems like an awesome mechanic but how it functions isn't very intuitive.
  6. A use for Galena

    I like the idea of lead pipes moving water. A series of lead tuyeres leading from a source block could output a flowing water block at their termination point (not at the highest flow level because people like me would trick it into producing source blocks). The position of the termination point must have a Y value less than or equal to the Y value of the source block from which the pipe started. This would allow for both horizontal movement and U shaped siphons which are both well within the realm of believablity.If the devs wanted to go nuts with plumbing, some lead plates and leather could make a hydrolic ram to push water uphill under its own inertia.Alternatively a line of up to 12 pipes leading from a barrel full of water might place no water block of any kind but spread irrigation for 4 blocks around them. The barrels water level could decay over time and in the summer months players might need to have another barrel feeding into it through another tuyere or refill it from buckets.This might be a fun and interesting way to allow some basic water movements before achieving red steel.If you want to move source blocks before getting red steel perhaps you'd need an aqueduct made from lead lined bricks. Recipe: a stone brick wall with lead single sheets all along the top row. Once placed lead lined brick blocks can be removed but never recovered.
  7. A Hard Lesson to Learn

  8. pumpkins to lamps

  9. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    Summer Fields is awesome! It massively improves the play-ability of TFC!