Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Coursaire

  • Rank
    Freshly Spawned

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Miskatonic University
  • Interests Reading, writing, struggling to survive in the unforgiving wilderness, lava castles
  1. A Bit of a Spooky Adventure

    Well, I found a similar forest in another world, so I guess they are a thing now... I'm kind of tempted to try an expedition to cross one. With enough provisions and some decent combat gear, I'm sure it could be done... I've taken to calling it the Enderwood. Hella cheesy, I know, but it rolls off the tongue more easily than "creepy impenetrable acacia forest."
  2. A Bit of a Spooky Adventure

    Not much of a forumite but since Halloween is tomorrow and I just had a bit of an adventure in TFC I thought I might as well share. So I started up a new game yesterday, eager to try out the new update. It was a pretty average game in all: I settled down in a forested plain on a basalt layer and quickly got a full set of copper tools. I had everything I could have wanted, save for three things... jute, flux, and fruit. I guess the area I landed in had a terrible climate or something, I don't know. The only thing to do, of course, was pack up for a trip and go a-journeying, and that's exactly what I did. There was ocean to the east and west, and I knew there was nothing worthwhile for a few days to the north, so I turned myself south and started walking. After two days I was standing on the crest of a basalt cliff overlooking a wide plain. At the very edge of my load distance was a big green smudge--a forest, finally. With any luck, there would be fruit trees there, or at the very least a new stone. I guess the surface stone layers are bigger in this version, because I'd seen nothing but black rock the whole journey. As soon as I reached the edge, though, I realized this forest was unusually dense. I've seen my fair share of jungles and sequoia groves, but the leaves were so thick here the sky was almost entirely blocked out. As soon as I stepped inside, I could see why: it was a huge forest of acacia trees, broad branches overlapped. I confess I got a little excited! I've never seen a forest of just acacias like that. The stone here was diorite, but I figured I might be able to find something else if I just kept walking. At first, it wasn't too bad: there were enough breaks in the canopy for me to stay in the light most of the time, and any zombies that trailed after me burned to a crisp. But after midday the leaves became thicker, until I was lucky to spot a patch of sky more than a block wide. But I kept going, the stubborn dumbass that I am, thinking that the forest couldn't be that big. I was wrong. I spent three days walking in that forest, one of them in the rain. After the second day I started scouting to the east and west, trying to see if I was just following some weirdly long strip, but no luck. I guess I can add "vast, nigh-impassible acacia forests" to the list of things added in the update. The sun was so dim that it might as well have been constant night. I probably would've died in there if it weren't for the odd cave and hot spring that let me catch my breath. Those woods were... weird. I know it's dumb to treat it as if it was anything but a randomly generated, absurdly large bunch of trees, but when you're under constant by the undead, it's hard not to feel anxious about weird things, even when they're only a little weird. Like the fact that the only vegetation in the forest was acacias and grass--no vegetables, no fruit trees, no bushes. Or the strange round clearing with the deep round pool in its very center, where I rested one night as Endermen whispered in the trees. There were a lot of Endermen in those woods, now that I think of it... more than I usually see, even when traveling at night. Once I tried to chop down one of the trees, thinking that at least I wouldn't leave empty-handed. I'm sure it was coincidence, but as soon as it fell a swarm of zombies spawned almost on top of me and nearly beat me to death. Anyway, it was clear to me that I wasn't going to find jute in there anytime soon, and the only rocks I'd found were diorite. On the third night, disgusted, I decided to turn back. I didn't know how big those woods were, and was beginning to run low on food. Funny enough, it was easier to get out of the forest than to go in. I guess I got turned around inside, because after half a day I was standing in the sun on an unfamiliar plain. In front of me, to my vast surprise, was a small patch of mature jute plants. I scrambled to grab them, glad that this trip wasn't a total waste... and as I gathered them up, I realized that the stone was paler here. I picked up a rock. Limestone. After a day of wandering and grabbing every rock I could find I stumbled onto a familiar landmark and found my way home, no trouble. Still haven't gone back to those woods, though. I think I'll restrict my explorations to the north from now on. TL;DR I got lost in a spooky acacia forest and still managed to find exactly what I was looking for. Happy surviving, everyone!