Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About EastAPOLO

  • Rank
    Wood Cutter
  • Birthday February 24

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Interests Programming, Video Games, Technology, Heavy Metal, Anime, and trying out different Operating Systems.

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  1. Last comment wins

    Živeo TFC najbolja igra na svetu ! 01010000 01101001 01111010 01111010 01100001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01000010 01001100 01011001 01000001 01010100 00100001
  2. What do you listen to while you play?

    Heavy metal \m/ !
  3. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    Personally I like to listen to heavy metal a lot but sometimes some orchestral music is good so I can take a break sometimes, but either way I love both heavy metal and orchestral music.
  4. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    Metallica!!!!!!!! I love their songs,for whom the bell tolls, and Master of Puppets are my favorites.
  5. [79.28] Pretty Good Starting Zone

    Dude this is awesome! thanks for sharing.
  6. Anybody use or has used Linux before? (gnu/linux)

    Wow that looks like a awesome desktop and yeah Manjaro is really good I like it and consider it the friendly version of Arch Linux done right in my opinion. However some updates may break your system as I have seen happen to some people but it is not nearly as much as on Arch Linux and happens rarely which is one of the many reasons why I like Manjaro Linux. So thanks for sharing your experience and opinions, always great to talk to people about Linux and I agree about your points why Linux is awesome.Love the Minecraft icons by the way they look awesome!
  7. Anybody use or has used Linux before? (gnu/linux)

    Apparently OpenSUSE was the noob friendly distro back in the day and then Ubuntu came along. At least that is what I heard, but personally I think it is now for Intermediate to advanced users since Ubuntu is considered the go-to distro for new users.
  8. Anybody use or has used Linux before? (gnu/linux)

    I have seen this kind of timeline before and I like how detailed it is and provides a easy to see history of distributions themselves and other ones based on them. There are "some" distributions in that chart I have never tried before, so I guess its time to fire up Virtualbox.
  9. Anybody use or has used Linux before? (gnu/linux)

    Heptagon_ru I think Linux Mint is better then Ubuntu and the reasons why are, Itincludes proprietary software like codecs for video, making you not have to install ityourself like in Ubuntu, It includes a traditional desktop like in Windows whereUbuntu's Unity is more optimized for touchscreen/tablets but still usable on a PC. A pro forUbuntu in my opinion since it is similar like Mac is that its great for you if you like Mac and it hasa company behind it and generally looks nicer like in Windows. Both of them have a greatcommunity to help you with issues and since Linux Mint is based off Ubuntu they are very similar and include the same software in their repositories.“What about sophisticated DVD/CD writers and grabbers, which can set writingspeed, or EAC analogs? Stuff for working with USB flash drives, like forbenchmarking them, making bootable. Backup software? Torrent clients? Do majorcompanies, like e.g. Intel, make their software for their e.g. SSDs for Ubuntu/Minttoo? E.g. Inted SSD Tool, for updating SDD firmware?"Sophisticated DVD/CD writers and grabbers, yes, depending on what your expectations areI would recommend one called xfburn. Benchmarking USB flash drives I think there issoftware for that, but personally I have never used one, and making them bootable,yes, backup software, yes, Torrent clients, yes. For the SSD Tool for updating SSDfirmware and things like that it depends if Intel or any company supports Linux, so what Iwould do is go check on the company's website or just google it if anybody else hasthe same SSD you do or any issue. You can try checking the Drivers Manager on Linux Mint or Ubuntu and see if your SSD has any proprietary drivers it needs and if it is supported before checking on the internet. Hope this helped. If you want more information check out the links I give which is a really detailed article, two Youtube channels that give you good information about Linux, and the Ubuntu Forums for these type of questions where people are really experts. =========================== What I use on Linux================================================================Everything I do on Linux and need already exists especially for typing Word documents, watching videos, making videos with a video editor, etc... Only thing I would complain about is the lack of support of Games on Linux and some Windows programs I rely on which you can try to get working in Linux with Wine, sort of like a Windows emulator. If you type on google Winehq or just Wine on Ubuntu or Linux Mint's package manager you will be able to install it. One example of a Windows program I rely on is Notepad++ I got it working using Wine no problem, works like a charm and installs.
  10. Favorite: Linux Mint I personally used Ubuntu Linux which was my first distribution and it is the most popular/widely used version of Linux that most experienced users will recommend to beginners. So it was a good option. Now I have used or tried Linux mint (based on Ubuntu), Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux, openSUSE Linux, Manjaro Linux (based off Arch Linux) and Debian Linux (What Ubuntu is based off of). Even though Ubuntu is based off of Debian it has its own software repositories and makes things a lot more easier in my opinion to install then in Debian if you don't know what you are doing. If you don't know what a Linux Distribution is the definition is as follows "ALinux distribution(often called a distro for short) is an operating system made as a software collection based on theLinuxkernel and, often, on a package management system." My main OS that I use is Windows 7 but if I had to use Linux only it would be Ubuntu for how easy it is to use and all the software it has that is easy to install with the click of a button.... or two. One last thing to note is Linux has different DE (Desktop Environments) to choose from compared to Mac OSX or Windows where it's only one. Remember I am not a expert but I try to help as best I can. Wrapping that up I want to ask what is your favorite Linux OS or which one have you used before if you ever used one?
  11. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    Personally I haven't heard of it (survivorship bias) but it looks pretty cool especially the military example when comparing it to Bill Gates. I love reading about World War 2 or wars in general and learning about them and the individuals involved and what they did. Mostly why I like Sabaton and as a Sabaton fanboy I am glad you like them. I have listened to Nightwish and Manowar and I agree that Sabaton changes their music a bit with unique sounds and not many repeats taking inspiration from other bands. If you listen to their Carolus Rex Album they have such a nice choir/symphonic mix I think its called and it sounds beautiful, I think you would like it. Your idea about their music being used as a background for war games sounds awesome! especially that Nightwish and Manowar mix that they have is great! Oh and by the way I listened to Van Canto the Primo Victoria cover and some of their other songs like Metallica Master of Puppets and I think they nailed it! It was awesome. I got to go to a Sabaton, Delain, and Nightwish concert (3 bands in one concert) which believe it or not Sabaton stole the show I mean it turned into a mosh pit when Sabaton came and you couldn't move where you were standing barely at that point. Of course Nightwish had the best effects and symphonic music in that concert in my opinion then Sabaton and Delain considering they were the main band and Sabaton/Delain were support bands. So I hope to go to a Van Canto concert one day as well and have a great experience and sorry for my rambling I talk too much lol. PS: Have you seen this? Such a good song by Manowar in my opinion. m/ !!!!!!
  12. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    Never heard of Rush before gonna go check them out, love hearing new or old bands I never listened to.
  13. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    Judas Priest Awesome band! I would say I prefer them to iron maiden but all of them are great bands. Listened to Rammstein before love the band, and Sabaton even made a cover of one of their songs called Feuer frei. Rammstein is awesome especially when performing live in my opinion.
  14. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    I like a band called Sabaton they are a Swedish Heavy metal band and they are pretty cool in my opinion. My 2nd favorite is a German Heavy metal band called Powerwolf but Sabaton for sure is number one for me. Whats your favorite heavy metal band? Sabaton Powerwolf