Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by RogueHydra

  1. Back from the dead.  Had a computer failure years ago and FINALLY got enough money to get a new computer.

  2. Singleplayer server problems

    It's not optifine - I hadn't played in ages though myself since my computer's been down but recently had some minor issues but I solved them because it was just a silly mod installation mistake since things have changed since I last had MC installed. It only took me 10 minutes to do a little research on the matter and I was up and running in no time. I have optifine and smart moving installed as well and the game runs without issues. So please, like waveshaper said, crash logs. Can't debug things based on word of mouth.
  3. Computer specs.

    Make sure it has dedicated GFX card. I play on a laptop w/o one so I can't record games or anything unless it's built into the game itself (and this laptop is over 4 years old too, if not more) so, even with optifine, I only get about 30-50fps on a good day. As soon as I start doing serious working of blocks on the surface my fps drops. So yeah, GFX card is a must. (I'm still amazed this computer can even run Portal 2 and get a consistent 30-40fps in co-op)
  4. Camp/base/home defense

    Since it takes more time to get a home started, how about an additional use for the flint and all the sticks you'll have. Making spike pits from sharpened sticks or extra flint tools would be a good start. I've found that playing on hard difficulty, the mobs can sneak up on me a lot more easily since I'm more focused on work at hand like making torches or slicing up logs into planks. Had a creeper get my home twice while I was working.
  5. The TFC Wiki and Minerals/Ores

    Yeah, from my point of view, letting people know where ores spawn isn't going to disrupt the way the game is played. It just gives you some knowledge on where to start looking for what you want to find
  6. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    I think I spoke too soon. Plus I haven't played D&D in over 15 years. Been a few days.
  7. The TFC Wiki and Minerals/Ores

    Maybe because they hadn't noticed and didn't delete those pages (if they want to). They don't have time to work on the mod AND monitor the wiki.
  8. Ore Tiers

    This is getting ridiculous and unrelated to the ore now. Bioxx himself has said, this is NOT to become a numbers game. It's final, and not going to be changed. No spoilers. We're not posting that information and if it gets posted, it gets removed. If you want numbers, you can get them yourself. There's a reason there is a small durability loss for imperfect smithing, it's to show you didn't get it perfect. So try and do better. Just handing out the exact method to make perfect tools removes the learning. As for the wiki, I think it's to be treated as the game's instruction manual (albeit incomplete and not 100% accurate due to its nature). It's a guide, not a walkthrough. The information that (to me) seems reasonable would be, as in the anvil, the top button moves it a little, and it moves further with the lower buttons, increasing with each motion. A number such as 1, 2, 3, or 4 would be a no-no.
  9. Are you talking about the sprite for the dropped gems? I was actually thinking about doing exactly what you're talking about months ago. I just never got around to it as I've been incredibly busy. (So busy that I've been behind TONS of artwork on agriculture - sorry guys) P.S. - just got my repaired tablet from Wacom so I'm back in business again!
  10. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    This thread has successfully rolled a critical fail check
  11. Period Appropriate Transport + Logistics

    Maybe use llamas (too)?
  12. Additional Chisel Functions

    Yeah. I think it'd be cool to see it but I'm completely indifferent on whether or not it actually gets added lol.
  13. Additional Chisel Functions

    It were me. I are nay sayer:Just for shits n giggles. There are so many Yes votes that a single no vote isn't going to affect it.
  14. Additional Chisel Functions

    Me, just to add flavor. I actually would like to see it
  15. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    By "terrane" you mean terrain right? And point 2 I think is something Dunk is planning on working on since I believe he recently expressed an interest in creating biomes in that fashion. Also, swamps don't just form at sea level. A swamp is an area of land that retains water very well (either permanently or temporarily). Elevation isn't a requirement. You could have a swamp that's at a higher altitude and actually freezes over. Edit: Oh and temperature isn't purely elevation related. Some deserts in the world drop below freezing at night. Also I believe most minerals in TFC are already rock-type-restricted in generation (unless I totally missed an update and that got changed).
  16. How to Start Mining?

    That's when the pro-pick comes into play. What's extremely helpful is having rei's mini map installed. I usually set waypoints where I picked up ore from the rocks (I usually end up with about 30 or so by the time I have my pick and pro pick ready). Go prospecting in an area where it seems like you had a high chance of getting ore instead of the rock when you were picking them up. I can't recall the range of the sluice so I can't say where to prospect around it.
  17. TFC + RedPower2

    Haha no, not a hippy I think. BUT, technically (and loosely under the early definition) you would be a hacker in my opinion . I don't really code much any more so I can't say I am anymore but I wrote crypto software as a bit of a hobby while I was studying my BS in computer science.
  18. Go to hell

    Well the other dimension is still an abstract thought set at the moment. We haven't started and (afaik) we don't plan on starting actual work on it any time soon. It's just nice to have a concept up.
  19. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    Yeah I started randomly color marking parts of the skin to see what the face's orientation was (top didn't always mean up), which meant Left was rotated roughly 90 or so degrees. So some parts of the skin I had to paint sideways.
  20. Go to hell

    I've suddenly been inclined to tell people not to think of this dimension as "the nether" as that is a minecraft dimension. This is TFCraft... maybe we have a totally different dimension (or set of dimensions even!) Maybe it's The Other
  21. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    Guides is probably a better place, just make sure to link/notify so everyone knows ;D
  22. TFC + RedPower2

    I personally don't care. Some people (not to name names) take things like modding WAAYYY too seriously. I normally don't like talking bad about people but I've witnessed how someone has talked down to people in the community and seems to me, just like a self-righteous ass hat that thinks they're better than everyone else. I've been involved in mods for various games for YEARS (about 15-18 years-ish I think) and never seen such animosity over "copyright" of a modification.
  23. Go to hell

    I wasn't getting upset or anything, so shh lol And as for the nether, so far it's going to be dark dark claustrophobic cave-ey.
  24. Unable to get cobblestone or smooth stone

    No problem