Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. The main thing about this is the ability to navigate through oceans without having to craft anything like maps or compasses. The devices should make it easier, not making it the only way to do this.

    On the land we have natural landmarks, like rivers and mountains, on the ocean biomes we have only occasional tiny islands and very rare pieces of actual settleable land.


  2. Is it funnier than Terraria? If yes, I will try it. If no, well, there are tons of games like terraria, but not fun enough that I don't try.

    I don't really know your definition of fun in regards to this type of games. From what I can tell being a massive noob in gnh20 myself, it's heavily based on exploration and figuring out what the hell you're supposed to do. And since it's roguelike, there's perma-death, you will die a lot in this game, and there's a lot of starting over. The world itself is quite interesting and the charming part is that most of the creatures don't care about you and mind their own business - mining, building, crafting, praying, hunting and planting asplosions.

    And knowing that in Terraria multiplayer is a huge part of the fun experience, I warn that there's no multiplayer of any kind and probably won't be one since it's turn-based.


  3. I suggest you guys take a look at this game (yes, it is actually a name of the game, for now at least; sometimes it's also referred to as "The game of my dream").


    As of now it is in ongiong development and grows quite quickly.

    Basically this is roguelike turn-based survival platformer with Terraria style worlds. All things in the world happening turn by turn and wouldn't wait for you. You actually can stand right where you spawned and skip turns. Eventually a living tree can come by, leave its acorns around and start a forest or maybe landslide will occur or underground midgets could perform some form of ritual by reading magic scroll, stuff like that. The main goal is to build teleporter to the second world, but I've yet to do this myself.

    Unfortuntely this game developing mainly in russian, so I can't say if translation is any good. Also there's no english wiki from what I can tell, only russian one, but I may be able to translate some of its articles and post them here if you like.


  4. This will require trees to be rewritten from the ground.

    The main concern from gameplay point is that this will possibly lead to deforesting huge areas in wait for the planted trees to grow back as we all need a lot of wood to progress. I'd say couple of days (as it is right now) is too fast, but couple of years seems way too slow.

    Also in regards to kapok and sequoia saplings bioxx said that he could allow us to grow tiny trees, but he did not to raise the awareness of this types of wood being unrenewable resourse.


  5. I am not feeling free enough to start suggestion thread due to how shy am I.

    This is not for asking for skydome to be changed - it's rather to state that I'm not okay with bloking coordinates from being seen in the game staying the way it is right now.


  6. Yes, I am aware of that. Proper stars require to make existing skydome transparent, with exception for sun and moon, and add second static skydome that changes once per 12 in-game hours. I am pretty sure that sunrises and sunsets aren't parts of skydome so they don't need to be changed at all.

    That's still base classes changing though.


  7. I do not agree that original is always better. Original idea that strikes your head is actually never good and you should iterate on it several times, hatch for a bit, leave it, do some stuff, come back, see what the blazes you've done to it and reiterate it again. And then it might be good. Unless it was bad to begin with.


  8. You actually can follow water ripples to keep the straight line along the row of blocks, but there's almost nothing to tell you if you need to turn and when do you need to turn, if island you're looking for is not on the same row.

    I'm not saying you can't still adapt if coordinates were removed, but in this case addition of meaningful stars would be very nice to aid with navigation. That's how our ancestors navigated before compasses were a thing and maps were unwritten. And there's no need to make stars into constellations as players can do this themselves - just make so the bloody thing doesn't move around.


  9. "Follow the sunrise until you hit the basalt mountain and then travel by boat with the moon setting on your left shoulder.

    This will work, but not always. As I said, on our seed there's bloody huge ocean in between, where there's no mountains. And while you still could refer to patches of basalt on the bottom, they are not that common and I actually can't remember if there is something like that on the way home from spawn.

  10. It's gems, not jems, by the way. #grammar_nazi_in_training

    Silly me. I am sorry, it was 4 in the morning.


    Objects can't go faster than light, but time-space easily can. It's says everywhere they solved the energy problem too, but i just can't find a thrustworthy explanation, so i'm gonna let that to someone else who knows this stuff a little better than i do :

    It's not movement though, the process is somewhat similar to the Big Bang.

    As for energy problem, it didn't solved either. They said that IF (the big one) we can harness a Casimir effect, it could provide us with negative energy density field, but energy yield of it isn't nearly as big as we want it to be to use as propellant principle. And half of this effect actually quantum ones and will break either of Einstein's relativity theories should we try to describe this effects with them.


  11. It was space-time, it was based off Einstein's theories so it should be that.

    Wait, what? Einstein specifically said that everything in this universe moves at exact speed of c through the space-time in relation to the specified reference system. One does not say something moves faster than c and base this statement off of Relativity theory.

    As for warp drive, it must be based on negative energy density field of sorts, which bends space-time by extending it from one side and compressing from another, so you can move while you're not moving and thus not interfering with Einstein at all. But this is only theoretical, and estimated density of enegry that must be removed is somewhere near the equivalent of couple of Jupiters for the purpose of propelling a thing the size of a car. So yeah.

    And why would you want to cut jems anyway? You pound them in mortar, mix with a bit of mayonnaise and then apply the substance all over your face. Rune magic, gentlemen.


  12. On the colored clay:

    As of now white clay patches are fairly noticeable on hillsides and pond bottoms. I've even excavated it from the bottom of the ocean once. Now, if there's matching clay for every type of soil (not exactly matching, maybe, but whatever) wouldn't it make clay harder to find? And if we're keeping current texture, why would clay drop in different colours then?


  13. In the past few days I have observed an astonishing amount of Flowerchild and Better Than Wolves related statements, what in bloody blazes is going on?

    I think it is about Flowerchild's practice to ban those who post suggestions on his forum. But I'm not sure. This one might fit, I didn't see the other statements.

  14. Right now our community is only partially on the server I playing and we're living at about six to seven thousand blocks away from spawn. And almost all of this - is freaking huge ocean with occasional island with nothing or a single tree. Now imagine some of my friend also starts to play on this server. How exactly do I tell him where to go without coordinates? Landmarks? No way I'm letting any other guys to have even a glimpse of knowlegde where I am - they're wiped entire area around spawn from animals, ate the meat and now whining they can't find any food while continiously dying of hunger and fall damage. And they won't hesitate to wipe our farms as well.

    And there's ocean. Towers of cobble from bottom anyone? "Go south untill fourth deep pit, turn west, go till sixth, then again turn south and..." Not to mention that you have to place landmarks while going TO the place for the first time, which for our case - while you're freshly spawned fleeing from ravaging hungry horde. Because when you will try to go back, you won't have any idea where the spawn is.

    At least IRL you can navigate by star location.

    And no, we can't change server right now, we don't have sufficient host.


  15. can only be healed by ... killing hostile mobs

    This basically means that you bound to roam around the map in search for poor little creepers untill your supplies of ointment grow back on the field, since there's hostile spawn protection mechanic and those supplies are bloody long to grow back. You people seem to enjoy to slap others for their mistakes very much.

  16. I haven't seen water draining from these holes at all.

    But as far as I can tell, soil need time to restore after crops being gathered. I was fiddling with it the other day and found out that if you harvested something and then trying to plant crops in the same block of soil, crop will almost immediately disappear. As for why it is like that I have no idea. Maybe it's something about nutrients or irrigation.


  17. What also would be nice is tweaked cow size to make them bigger. Now every single cow you can find is the size of a culf, which doesn't seems right to me.
