Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Nimindil

  1. [0.79.24] Nice survival island

    Nice seed, but strangely enough for me the rocks is Dolomite, and not limestone :\ I am however running 79.25, maybe that's why. I was really looking forward to limestone though. oh well Will explore more tomorrow edit: silly me typod the seed got it right now, yay limestone
  2. More Accurate Tastes to TFC2 Foods

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. I'm excited for this re-write and understand it will be one hell of a mammoth task, so hurray for taking it on! Now something I always really liked about TFC was the veriety in food, decay on it and preparing it. I love that you have to scout for seeds and food at first and then slowly get a farm going, mix foods to keep yourself healthy and hunger affects your work efficiency. How ever I always felt that the food preparation was woefully limited to sandwiches and salads. I know things will be different, but maybe new food preparation techniques and "tabs" for them can become available as your cooking skill increases? I've always felt a severe lack of stews and pies in game myself, and things like mugs and pans or crockery would also increase our options. The tiered access through skill levels could also make for a more gradual increase in effectiveness of food. Another thing I love is the taste profiles, but I'd like some spices and herbs. Just little things like mint, oregano, thyme, rosemary and other plants that have a strong flavor changing ability that have been around for a long time. These herbs and spices (which are harder to get and won;t be available until you get a higher gameplay tier) should be rare, but could also be used in magic/religion/ritual and or healing. herbs are ofcourse weak in their natural forms but can, with a high enough skill level in agriculture, be cultivated into more potent forms. The drying and smoking mechanic is cool, but not very early game, while as a hunter gatherer the main thing you would do to make things last through winter is attempt to dry the berries and strips of meat or fish in the wind and sun. Especially fishing could use some early game access, maybe with sticks creating a small fish trap in running water. This could extend the stone age/ hunter gatherer experience. Or possibilities of gathering small amounts of protein in the form of slugs, bugs, cockles and mussels on shorelines and from tree stumps, or in caves. Wild birdsnests providing small eggs could be interesting too. Getting a huge food surplus is also quite remarkably easy, especially when you play on your own. Many servers I've seen either remove decay or severely weaken it because of the nature f servers to run all the time, but this means every player has so much food, they can never eat it all. but even on single player, once you have a few small farm plots set up, you're set for life. I'd like to see yields of crops and seeds, even in the wild, to vary with your agriculture level, aided by possible technologies (such as soil enrichment with woodash or compost, irrigation ditches and staking plants) and environmental factors ( riverbeds that get inundated with fertile muds, rain or other soil related things) plus disasters that can ruin yields, like droughts or crop disease (especially with large monoculture farms). Maybe even allow us to cultivate purely cosmetic plants with high agriculture levels, to beautify our builds, ranging from bushes to flowers. This way food will remain a challenge for a long time. Disease or natural death in livestock may also make this more challenging, because now once you have a couple of breeding animals, you're set for plenty. Possibly these factors can increase and decrease with game difficulty, increasing decay, disaster, drought and disease with difficulty, and decreasing yield and the effectiveness of technologies. I hope this wasn't too long or difficult, but I really like the farming and cooking aspect of TFC and feel it can be so much more. And pies, who doesn't love pies? ceramic pie shape, dough, ingredients give you a raw pie, bake it in your firepit or oven, and you have pie! yes, a reference to current tfc, sorry for that. I really hope I didn't break any of the rules, as I went from food prep to early game gathering to agriculture. thanks for reading!
  3. [Closed] [0.79.28] FeudalFirmaCraft OPEN

    I like this server, very much so I've been mostly alone since discovering it yesterday though, which is a pity
  4. Nice Seed I'm using (79.10)

    oooh, very nice seed. I'm using 79.25 and the landscape is the same, but my rock types are different, I'm on rhyolite, dolomite and gabbro... lats see if we can find some flux <edit> checked the wiki, dolomite is flux, yay!
  5. Oooh nice! it took me 2 days to build the basic layout, detailing it will be a longer project. This is awesome! will post screenies when it's a bit more detailed
  6. Clay Tablet

    How about blackboards/slates? they were used for very early writing and could give Gypsum and Graphite a new function (as chalk to write with) Maybe we don;t even need a special item to write on, just use gypsum or graphite (or an item to write with derived thereof) on raw stone, and you can write a message, which will get erased by rain/water. not sure how early-game writing this will be, but I tend to have a hard time finding reed for paper... So a portable one page stone slate and bit of chalk, or a wall of stone I can scribble on would really help with notes.
  7. A Place to Lay Your Head

    By now we have a charming looking straw and hide bed you cannot sleep in but resets your spawn, however when/if bodytemp is introduce i have been thinking: Sheepskins with their wool would keep you warmer at night as would fur. the only mobs we have in the world that actively have fur are Wolves and Bears, both very dangerous... Fashioning a bed out of their fur (which would have to be created for the purpose, ofcourse) would be very dangerous, thus not easily obtained, but also quite warm and comfortable! Depending on if it is a thatch blocks bed or a proper bed with a fur cover, they would be more comfortable or less so. Personally I think the recipe of woolcloth on planks sounds uncomfortable, I'd prefer a thrud step added: making father cushions! Say one woolcloth surrounded by 8 feathers, makes one cushion, you need 3 for a bed? Just brainstorming here lovely ideas. I'd love to see furs in any case (should maybe make a suggestion for them officially hah) Either as warmth or deco items..
  8. Hello I'm new to the forum.

    Aye I lived through winter (febuary now) by slaughtering a wildpig... my own pigs had oodles of piglets (3 pregnant pigs all at huge litters... too many to house) so I have no idea if I can even eat all that meat when they become ready for slaughter... I expanded the farm a bit building sheds for my animals, I now have 3 sheep and a bed, 3 fields and a horse. Now to grow enough grain to familliarize them all well.Also I just settled at my spawn (literally the same pond i spawned next to) and it;s at z -10600... so just in the sweetspot? it's a rather nice spawn , I may write down the seed for others. I haven;t dared cross any oceans yet, but am exploring around, I'm right on top of plenty of iron, copper and bismouth and even found some casserite nearby. I found a bit of platinum while panning and there's gold in the hills too. and there's a few hotsprings nearby All in all not bad, except no flux so far.Flux will be my next mission! and then a blacksmith! Ah I love this mod!
  9. Hello I'm new to the forum.

    Hi! i;m new, i discovered terrafirmacarft about a week ago, and now have a decent seed (plenty of wood, andesite top layer, clay, lots of fruit trees and some animals) and have played that world about two rl days, We're at the edge of the first winter and I have a breeding pair of cows, 4 pigs, a nice little farmhouse next to a lake made of wood, logs and thatch (found a way to use planks to spiderproof my thatch) a small farming area, and ive even located some sheep. I ave one dog, and it keeps attacking my cattle, so i keep it leashed indoors (can you make them sit/stay in another way? I only have one rope and need to for the sheep) I've yet to make a bed or any armor, and I cannot find any flux stone so far (I've searched quite a way now.)Really this post is just to say hello on these forums (an invaluable resource i;ve already fond, next to the wiki)My main questions so far are : how terrified must I be of winter? is there any way to find salt and or flux reliably or is it just dumb luck? I've not even found a topstone change yet, even when tree types change and biomes do change. oh and how did world generation change? because I hear people on the forum say they know how far they are from the equator, how do you know? So hello all, sorry if I'm breaking rules... new and such.