Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by StrayWolfe

  1. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Sorry about not seeing your post until now. Edits do not show up on my alerts. It is odd that you are having trouble with the ordering of the recipe for the cooking pot. I completely agreethe recipes should be shapeless and as far as all of my tests have gone the cooking pot recipes have always been shapeless.I just tested the last 3 versions of the cooking pot again and other than recipes with salt not registering properly, the recipes work and are shapeless.Which version are you using and which recipe is requiring a shaped recipe? I would love to fix it but I have absolutely no idea how the pot is requiring a shaped recipe when it does not have code to even support that function.
  2. I might be able to do something with the AnvilCraftEvent to make this happen.
  3. Is there a reason for requiring a vanilla brewing stand to produce potions? You could make your own version of the vanilla brewing stand that extends the brewing stand class.Thenjust overwrite all of the methods that involve brewing potions and replace them with your own methods, a potion recipe registry would ideal to give you the freedom of making recipes. I did exactly this with the TFC hopper to replace the hard-coded recipes with a recipe registry and now I can make the hopper press whatever I want with only a couple of line of code. In addition, depending on the methods that need to be replaced this can be fairly easy to do.
  4. I am not sure how you are handling the potion recipes, but would it be easier to substitute a melon for another item like a TFC fruit or some other existing food?
  5. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I don't think you should be able to move the ovenif it is complete since that is the case irl. I am thinking about making the oven drop clay if it is broken before the clay hardens. I probably will not add any weight requirements to moving the clay wall items. I am still on the fence about making a time requirement for constructing the oven. It is possible and it could be an interesting feature but it could also be too mean. Although I do like being mean, so I might end up adding it. Currently , the oven must be place on a stone of some sort, so a multi-tiered oven really isn't possible. The oven can use coal and charcoal if you want to cook food fast, but I don't recommend it, unless you watch it carefully, since it cooks 2x hotter than logs which results in 2x faster cooking and faster burning. However, the taste profiles for coal and charcoal look fairly good so maybe there would be a reason to risk burning the food. I am considering making bigger and better ovens in the future, this is just a "starter" oven, which is why I am trying to only require easy to obtain materials. I am considering a large stone oven and a cast iron oven for future ovens that can get hotter, cook faster, cook more items and possibly have better durability. I do like the idea of durability for the oven. Thanks for the suggestions. Also, there will be cake in the future. The cake is not a lie.
  6. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Just an update. I've made a bunch of progress on the oven. The oven will be made completely out of clay and will require 45 clay balls to complete constructing the oven. You will make a clay wall item that can be placed in the world to start building the oven. You will need to add 8 walls molded around sand to the oven to complete it.With each piece of the oven, another bit of it will be rendered to it. Once you are done building it, you must wait 24 hours for it to harden. You will then need tobuild a fire in it and keep it running for6 hoursto completely harden the oven. After that, you can use the oven to cook bread. I will be using the oven in the future to addbaked goods. In the process of rendering the oven, I have decided to overhaul block rendering for most of my blocks,making them much less resource heavy since some of the blocks need it. I have also attached pics of the steps for building the oven.
  7. I need a good tutorial to learn modding but i can't find anyone!

    This will get you started with TFC addon Development.
  8. If you are looking for some of the health regen for potions, I've already found a solution that works fairly well. @SubscribeEvent public void onHeal(LivingHealEvent event) { if(event.amount > 1 && event.amount < 9 && ConfigSettings.InstantHealingScaling) event.amount = event.amount * ConfigSettings.VanillaHealingMultipier; } This only multiplies health that is in the range of the potions. If you do not like this solution, you might be also be able to make a custom potion to set the health.
  9. In that case, TFC would set the magic damage to 25. If your mod loads first, it would be modified by your code. Then my code would check if the damage is<20 and if it is multiply it up to TFC levels otherwise it does nothing.
  10. This line: (event.source == DamageSource.magic || event.source == DamageSource.wither) && event.ammount < 20 means only process magic damage if it is less than10 hearts, which is currently less than default TFC so it does not do anything anymore other than the wither damage. It is currently only used as a catch all for vanilla magic damage that has not been processed yet by TFC and this code was implemented before TFC made the fix for magic damage. You can multiply the value magic damage however you want and this bit of code should not ever be an issue unless you somehow dip back into vanilla range. It would never do 15000 damage unless the multiplier is set in the config to 750, which it is currently defaulted to 25.
  11. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Thanks for the bug report.It looks like I missed a reference that should have been converted back to the old TFC food items.I just fixed it and it will be in the next update. You can avoid this crash for the time being by using fancy graphics when you are around a sandwich. Honestly, you will likely not see much of a change in performance in converting from fast graphics to fancy. In addition, it will only be a client sided crash due to it being a rendering error.
  12. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Like I said, I still have not done any balancing with the requirements to build the oven. I am not interested in making a chimney extension outside of the current block. Like I said, this is a small personal oven and I am not going to make it a multiblock structure. I have no problem making a multiblock structure, I just do not think it is warrantedin this case. If I make a large oven with a chimney, not to worry, it will be not be like the TFC chimney. The chimney will look as realistic as I can reasonably make.
  13. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    It is made with custom clay bricks that must be fired in the pit kiln. The design is based off of real designs for small brick ovens for home use. There is a tiny chimney on top of the body of the oven which is where the smoke is coming from in the picture. It does not need access to the sky, since it is basically a fire pit surrounded by bricks. If I make a large oven in the future, I might make that have similar requirements to the forge, but at this point I am more concerned with making an oven for small scale baking. I am still trying to decide what it will require to build. I am thinking it will require 32-64 clay, mortar, an igneous intrusive or extrusive stone and a bunch of pit kilns for firing bricks.
  14. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Milk is already drinkable. Just right click a milk bucket in the air. Also I think I've got a design done for the brick oven:
  15. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    You need to find your .gradle file on your computer. For me, it is in C:/Users/[UserName]/.gradle. Once you have that, you need to select the file containing the mcp conf dir for the version of forge you are using:C:/Users/[UserName]/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/[forge version used]/unpacked/conf. You need to have that version of forge installed to use it. Make sure you have run "gradlew setupdecompworkspace eclipse". The project should include the"CodeChickenCore-1.7.10-".Check and make sure the"CodeChickenCore-1.7.10-" is in the project explorer. If not, you might need to addthe jar in the "build path" for the project. Right click the project and select "Build path" then"Configure build path", then use "Add external jars" button under the "Libraries" Tab and find a copy oftheCodeChickenCore-1.7.10-
  16. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I am looking into why the cooking pot isn't being dropped when broken. It does drop the contents and it should remove the firepit.You shouldn't need to break the cooking pot anyway. Just shift + right click the side of the empty pot with the lid on top with an empty hand to retrieve the pot. I have not re-implemented the placing of grain on hard surfaces. Is that something that would be desirable or is the old way prefered?
  17. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    New Features: 0% Remove bread heating by fire 0% GUI-less Prep Table Storage 0% Brick/Clay Oven for cooking 0% Recipes to bake dough in brick oven to get bread Bug Fix: 100% Fix salted meats recipe
  18. New Update This update includes new methods of adding and removing recipes for fire clay. I have also changed the original post to link to a wiki for the instructions so it can be easier to read and easier for me to edit.
  19. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I still have been unable to replicate the inability to use "S" to combine seaweed. Make sure the two items you are trying to combine are both from the same mod and not CWTFC and TFC. I found that removing meat salting recipes broke the "d" quick key for trimming decay from meats. Which would you prefer,I could release a patch for the meat now or I could release an update with more contenta little later?
  20. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    That could be a bug. What food are you using? Meals cannot be combined or have decay removed. Does the "S" and "D" keys work in default TFC? If you have all of your food converted back to TFC food then you can remove Cooking with TFC (CWTFC) and see if that fixes it. If you remove CWTFC, it will delete all CWTFC items and blocks: sandwiches, salads, salts, prep tables, cooking pots, boiled meats, broth, etc.I do not know what else to say since I am unable to replicate this behavior.
  21. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    New Patch on the main page download link This fixes the bug causing clients to be kicked from servers while eating
  22. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Ok, I am able to replicate the crash. It only occurs on servers and only the client is affected. It has nothing to do with KCauldron or food conversion, just the way default TFC food is handled by the client when eaten. I am currently working on a patch. ThereasonI wentto reverting everything back to TFC is to allow this mod to be removed and not lose all of your food. So if you are interested in removing this mod, make sure that all of the food isthe TFC version and if not, throw it on the ground and it will be converted over. None of the food is automatically converted and only animals in loaded chunks will be converted. When you remove the mod you will get a warning about a bunch of items and entities being missing on the next load up of the world. If you have converted everything back to TFC, you would not lose anything but the meals from this mod and salt. Continue on through the warnings and everything should be fine.
  23. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    This is the same crash report you just posted. According to the report, the crash occurred, 7/2/16 6:20 PM unless your system time is wrong.There are 34 mods loaded: cookingwithtfc is not one of them. FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 34 mods loaded, 34 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAA tfc_coremod{0.79.29} [TFC[coremod]] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJAAAA CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJAAAA NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAA terrafirmacraft{0.79.29} [TerraFirmaCraft] ([1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- UCHIJAAAA DecorationsTFC{1.0.20} [Decorations] ([1.7.10]Decorations-1.0.20.jar) UCHIJAAAA lwstfc{3.9.B79} [Leather Water Sac] ([1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.9.B79.jar) UCHIJAAAA MerchantsTFC{1.1.3} [Merchants] ([1.7.10]Merchants-1.1.3.jar) UCHIJAAAA MerchantsContainersTFC{1.0.1} [Merchants Containers] ([1.7.10]Merchants-Containers-1.0.1.jar) UCHIJAAAA tfcautomatedbellows{1.03} [AutomatedBellowsAddon] ([1.7.10]TFCAutomatedBellowsAddon-1.03.jar) UCHIJAAAA tfccellars{1.010} [CellarsAddon] ([1.7.10]TFCCellarsAddon-1.010.jar) UCHIJAAAA weightingscales{1.0} [TFC Scales] ([1.7.10]TFCScales-1.0.2.jar) UCHIJAAAA tfcudarymod{0.2.31} [TFC Udary Mod] ([1.7.10]TFCUdaryMod-0.2.31.jar) UCHIJAAAA animalsPlus{1.2} [Animals+] (animalsPlus-1.2.jar) UCHIJAAAA bookshelf{} [Bookshelf] (Bookshelf-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAA betterboat{1.1.0} [Better Boat] (BetterBoat-1.7.10-1.1.0.jar) UCHIJAAAA BiblioCraft{1.11.5} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.11.5][MC1.7.10].jar) UCHIJAAAA BiblioWoodsTFC{1.2} [BiblioWoodsTFC] (BiblioWoods[TerraFirmaCraftV0.79.23][v1.2].jar) UCHIJAAAA CarpentersBlocks{3.3.8} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.8 - MC 1.7.10.jar) UCHIJAAAA coralmod{1.7.10_dev} [CoralReef Mod] (coralmod-1.7.10-3.14.jar) UCHIJAAAA nandocore{1.7.10_dev} [NandoCore] (coralmod-1.7.10-3.14.jar) UCHIJAAAA scubadiving{1.7.10_dev} [Scuba Diving] (coralmod-1.7.10-3.14.jar) UCHIJAAAA CraftHeraldry{1.1.3} [CraftHeraldry] (CraftHeraldry 1.1.3.jar) UCHIJAAAA farseek{1.0.11} [Farseek] (Farseek-1.0.11.jar) UCHIJAAAA journeymap{5.1.4p1} [JourneyMap] (journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p1-unlimited.jar) UCHIJAAAA MineTweaker3{3.0.10} [MineTweaker 3] (MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.10B.jar) UCHIJAAAA MobProperties{1.0.2} [Mob Properties] (MobProperties-1.7.10-1.0.2.jar) UCHIJAAAA streams{0.2} [Streams] (Streams-0.2.jar) UCHIJAAAA TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin{} [TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin] (TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAA TFCTweaker{0.01.01} [TFC Tweaker] (TFCTweaker-1.7.10-0.01.01.jar) UCHIJAAAA Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (Waila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar) UCHIJAAAA JustAnotherSpawner{0.17.7} [Just Another Spawner] (JustAnotherSpawner-0.17.7.jar) If Cooking with TFC was loaded, you would see this line: UCHIJAAAA cookingwithtfc{1.7.10-} [Cooking with TFC] (CookingWithTFC-1.7.10- Check for the crash report again as I think you have copied the wrong report.
  24. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Sorry. I don't think this is the correct crash report; the date on it is 7/2/16 6:20 PM and this reported crash has nothing to do with eating.
  25. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    You have actually been able to make fruit juice from TerraMisc since the last update. Could you post the crash report? I am unable to replicate the crash. Thanks.