Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by killster550

  1. 5 word story

    run away before he kills
  2. The weird side of YouTube

    maybe not weird enough, certainly painful poor idiotic robb stark, named his child after sean bean, curse of sean bean kills the child, his wife, himself, his mother, and every friend he brought to the party save one.
  3. Last comment wins

    *WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* epic! do it again, again, again!
  4. Last comment wins

    *stands next to the popped universe* DO IT AGAIN, COOL! havent felt such a surge of power since the big bang! (for the record, im just some extradimensional being who can just literally 'sidestep' any event if i choose so)
  5. Last comment wins

    *stands next to SDA staring at his caterpillar-esque mutant self* hmm....quite interesting...could you make other forms too? i'd like to see what all of these me's could become *shows SDA a infinite supply of killster550's*
  6. Last comment wins

    *snaps fingers, sda turns into fire* a bang you said huh? i can do that. *goes into fingersnapping frenzy, hitting SDA with a giant amount of fire time and time again, extinguishing the old fire for the new, causing tremendous trauma*
  7. Last comment wins

    *is in the other half* *whistles* nice explosion......but why such a big device? *snaps fingers, multiverse simply ceases to exist*
  8. Last comment wins

    butterfly effect causes omnijar to explode into a rainbow of power and colors SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYY... oh and everyone is dead.
  9. Last comment wins

    *keeps blasting out energy, decorating the entire world with nice looking jars*
  10. Last comment wins

    *arrives* i am sick and tired, of these motherfucking frogs in this motherfucking universe! *dimensional shifts all frogs into the french dimension* now, shall we get this started? *blasts out a massive surge of power*
  11. Name Me!

    /me keeps sitting on the rock chomping him as if i care, the thread is dead
  12. Name Me!

    *walks around in the dead thread* ah nostalgia....i miss this kind of craziness... *kicks the thread around a little, just past the next few planets* guess it really is dead huh? *sits on a rock, bored as hell*
  13. Last comment wins

    *turns into ichigo kurosaki from bleach* *slices your vertical slice horizontally, making it disperse.* enough with the massive attacks mkay? *snaps fingers and atomizes everyone in the topic*
  14. I'm back and somethings missing

    alas i cannot remember a crazy lamathingie, and CHANGE IS FOR THE WEAK! no really, if i want to do stuff like name me topic, i just tap into my vast reserve of insanity mixed with a shitton of anime and gaming experience )
  15. I'm back and somethings missing

    for a example of what me and sda can do, look up the name me thread in the off topic :3 thats just us going absolutely apeshit with fantasy, not even the slightest bit regular derail
  16. Last comment wins

    *keeps returning more and more powerful than you can possibly imagine* *glances at gxbit, absolutely atomizes every particle of his particles*
  17. I'm back and somethings missing

    probably since the most important squad from your world is squad 7 :3 also *draws a symmetrical superkatana* here you go noodles, a nice symmetrical weapon to slice any unsymmetrical noodles with
  18. I'm back and somethings missing

    but it is a MAGICAL number though
  19. I'm back and somethings missing

    how about lunatics...lunatics is good OH SHIT ITS THE LUNATICS, AND THEY EVEN BROUGHT THE NOODLE, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! (how i imagine dunk's mind sometimes ^ ) naah, im a squad 7 kinda guy, even if i dont have naruto sakura sasuke kakashi yamato or sai with me :/
  20. I'm back and somethings missing

    guess the OLD old squad is gone, but a new old squad has arisen
  21. Last comment wins

    *arrives on foot* why yall crazy idiots riding on giant robots and shit when you can just do this? *shifts across the landscape due to hyperspeed* XD
  22. Last comment wins

    *solidifies stronghold of craziness* well then, shall we march unto victory then, my Wolf?
  23. Want to come back - help me find computer parts

    dude, TFC doesnt require that high of a budget at all, im rocking this on a windows 7 AMD 4250 HD internal vid card with 4 gigs of RAM ddr2, on a core i5, nothing special XD just dont go throwing your settings into the crazy zone but if you do want to game, that thing is a wet dream for any gamer XD
  24. Last comment wins

    *arrives very late to the conversation* ahhhhh, a gathering of my favorite army of lunatics, goons, floating eyes and crazy noodles i feel right at home already
  25. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    (riiight) *lies on the ground, bleeding out* fuck that gold-cloak guy, he outmatched both me and seras victoria within milliseconds. if you guys meet him, just run for it, unless you have a lot, and i mean a FRIGGIN LOT of firepower