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Posts posted by killster550
*walks into thread, killing people left and right*
because they have looked upon us and determined there is nothing intelligent on this planet.
*walks back out, killing people up and below*
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of course i missed you (even tough iwas gone for a year too), you're our beloved music artist
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Summon past members from the depths, so
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but what was unknown about the pies
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*looks at the victorious army*
these poor men have no idea what is coming for them...i guess ill go buy them some time
*dashes off into the distance, blocking an incoming invasion force 20 times the size of the current army by himself*
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mortal you say? there is much you still have to learn in this universe, Sir Nitrobus *uses him as a human baseball bat against the remaining enemies, without any damage being inflicted upon him*
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no need for that Mr Hartford, the big guns are already here *slices the knife in the general direction of the ship and watches everything explode*
i told you all i needed was 1 knife didnt i?
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*crashlands in the middle of all the fighting, freezing every Imperial bullet and Nitrobus and Grelten in a timelock*
my friends, we have more pressing matters to address, namely: *massive robots teleport in on the other side of the battlefield, engaging everything they see in amazing displays of firepower* anyone got me a knife? their armor is too thick for even me to cut with just my bare hands (any knife will do)
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*summons a insane group of absolute badasses*
*300's and Halo's Spartans rush into battle together*
(in the meantime i have regenerated into my new form, it should be familiar to you i hope (go SDA imagination))
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The Watcher in the Water is who watches the watchers
why is this world so dull compared to fake worlds
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welcome back musician of the heavens ;D
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oh cmon be creative
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enough said
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flying cow-pigs
anyone here capable of formulating questions more than one or the other?
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kittychanley, maybe it'd be a good idea to have some sort of sticky post in suggestions and general including some 'basic' information which otherwise falls into the depths of the forums, like which general ideas are already 100% denied and
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what is up with the delay on SAO season 2
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because the avatar needed some badass moves to accompany his energy bending stuff
manga or anime?
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how do YOU know it CAN describe it?
why is anime so awesome and weird at the same time?
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my brain: wtf's a chryssalid, my heart: doesnt matter, young dead zombie hosts
my brain: oh hey, looks like zombieland, LETS HAVE A MANWICH
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