Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dockwithme

  1. blueprints are way too op

    Dammit. Sounded good in my head. Also would stop people from just running around and copying people's blocks. Maybe you have to make the chiseled block INSIDE the drafting table! That would be the only way you could copy it. That would alleviate some of those problems!
  2. blueprints are way too op

    I was also under the impression that TFC was more 'hardcore' and it seems the blueprint mechanic IS for more a builder/sandbox/creative type of play. Just like some other people have pointed out, it's not believable to just 'copy' a block, then magically transform another into that shape. I hate to say it, but I'd have to agree that this is definitely a Creative Mode feature. That being said, I keep thinking about all these ideas for the Drafting Table! Like Newcomer200 said, design a new table. Make it kind of expensive (this is the unbelievable part and hard to balance). Have the table take metal to construct? Maybe you need to take an ingot and make brackets out of it. Then use the brackets with a combination of wooden blocks and planks to make the table. The table opens a new GUI which needs you to PUT THE SOURCE BLOCK YOU ARE COPYING in it, along with a blank blueprint (or stack), as well some ink? a feather? and ooh, maybe also a special 'slide rule' tool you need to also create with metal. Ok that got way out of hand...
  3. Star navigations

    Yea, I think this is a very cool element. Maybe not extremely useful, but it's a good task Bioxx could take up when he wants a little down time. Procedurally generated stars? Or have a stash of real-life star clusters/constellations that are randomly strewn in the sky. Better yet, make up constellations specifically for the Terrafirmacraft world! I loved games like Myst where you needed an actual real-life notebook to jot down clues, puzzle pieces, information. I could see myself charting the skies in a notebook, mapping the celestial bodies of my very own TFC world...
  4. blueprints are way too op

    I'm on the same page that there shouldn't be an in-game mechanism to stop this. My feeling is that it is already going to be heavily memory intensive to save the designs for all the blocks/blueprints made by all the people on the server, then you want to add in marking/locking each block that is produced. I haven't played with this mechanic yet, but I read the change log. If all it takes to make blueprints is paper and ink, then maybe we do need this profession to get a little more expensive. It would be interesting to have an investment/resource sink to be able to make/copy/use blueprints. For those that don't need to use them, just go on and keep chiselling away like you normally would. But in order to use blueprints, you need something like a drafting table? Make it require a certain amount of resources that make it fairly intensive to make so that every Joe-Schmo on your server isn't making blueprints and copying people's work.
  5. Star navigations

    This sounds like such a cool idea, and serves two purposes: functional and aesthetic. When I first read the topic I thought about how beautiful the night sky would be with varying intensity stars and clusters: I honestly can't remember what the sky looks like now, must not be too pretty . But then I thought about how much time I spend outside at night anyway which is a very small amount of time. I would probably never see this, let only use it as a navigational device. Of course, then I'd get lost at night and WISH I had spent some time looking at the stars...
  6. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Ughh... Well, I see you have stated your opinion on THE REST OF THE SUGGESTIONS IN THIS THREAD being no good. You think redstone is a perfectly adequate solution? And chastise me for stating it doesn't follow the plan that has become apparent BY the devs? So however likely you might believe it to be true, your redstone argument is not an argument, just your opinion as well. So your saying - don't base anything in these forums on what the devs have said. Their opinions and statements mean nothing - just hot air. So let's all suggest crazy things, without comparing it to the goal of the mod and direction is headed in. Smart. I don't mind what people suggest. I stated my thoughts on the suggestion. MY OPINION is that redstone has no place in this mod. It is not real and does not depict a believable process in the real world. I added the comments from devs as source for their (and my) opinion on it. Could it stay? Golly, I guess so. I highly doubt it, and if it did I'm sure it won't be named the same, work the same, or be produced exactly the same. Well you made me look like an ass in this whole post, thanks. Dunk may have made corrections on ASSUMPTIONS. I am taking sources from all over these forums and using them to make an educated guess on the likelihood and plausibility of suggestions. I would rather not spin our wheels in the mud with something that the devs have stated multiple times as being 'dumb,' 'stupid,' and that they 'don't like.' So sorry for trying to be productive here, and sorry if I hurt feelings. You're telling me not to have discipline with suggestions, and that's wrong. This is suggestions forum, yes, and I was merely offering my knowledge and opinion on the subject. So I'm glad I've been made an example of now, and hope you run around the forums and smack down anyone else who does the same. Thanks. Now this seems like something good. It is based on something real, and something we also already have in game. Do we pour the quicklime on a rock surface and light? Or do we have containers for it? This seems cool, and I wonder about the time mechanic of it. Does it burn for one who in-game day?
  7. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    You're looking too shortsightedly at this. I don't think Bioxx wants to introduce something that isn't in his plan for the mod. Just because it is possible to do, doesn't mean he should do it - when in the long run it will just be taken out. Read this thread about the devs feelings on redstone: In the first few pages Dunk posts a few times. I don't want to sound rude or mean, but I'd rather get off of the topic of redstone. Does anyone know of basic ways to create luminescence? Is there a chemical found in ore, or soil, or whatever else that could be reasonably processed and ignited to create light that would be suitable to supply energy for photosynthesis? That would be a great addition to this suggestion (unlike my rambling and arguments). I'm still on the track that fungi would be easiest solution to the lack of underground agriculture.
  8. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    This is an overhaul mod. It's meant to make the minecraft world more believable. Just because it's in vanilla minecraft doesn't mean it will stay in TFC. All I'm saying is that I'm pretty sure they aren't going to keep something like redstone since it's not believable outside of minecraft. Dunk has already said he hates it. If there are alternatives - which I honestly know nothing about - then maybe they will think about incorporating that as source of light. But redstone as it is now in vanilla has NOTHING to do with being a light source. Saying that it already exists in minecraft is not a reason to turn it into something else that it isn't.
  9. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    What you're talking about is redstone taking on properties that it should believably have. If you ask anyone what redstone is, they tell you it's used for transferring electrical-like currents to power things in Minecraft. They don't say 'put it on a torch and it's a red glowing light.' So yes, if you want to keep redstone for the namesake rather than call it by the real name of the chemical that would be used, then that's different. Yes, technology does depend on what you can do with natural things around you, but you have to be technologically advanced enough to perform such things. If you were able to find uranium in the soil of your backyard, could you make a bomb out of it? Just because you can find an ore that can be broken down and ignited to burn emitting light doesn't mean it's something you can just do. I know I've heard people say that Bioxx has stated he will not implement guns for reasons that the mod does not encompass that specific time period. In that sense, even if you could find the things to produce gun powder and a gun, doesn't mean it should definitely be implemented in-game.
  10. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Sounds like an interesting idea, but I think it is beyond the scope and time period for this mod. Redstone is a made up thing from Vanilla, and TFC tries to be as believable as possible. Chemical reactions are somewhat technologically advanced compared to metallurgy (I think). I like to think of TFC as taking place in the Stone Age to the Medieval time period [link to technological ages here] (Someone has to know if Bioxx or Dunk has said what specific time period it is supposed to mimic). I don't know if humans grew plants underground during that period, but I say the best way to go would be to find some examples of how people did that 'back in the day' and try to fit it in to the world of TFC. As you can see, there was early chemistry in the Iron Age, but I really don't know enough about that to say we could produce chemiluminescence.
  11. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Yes, you don't HAVE to farm, but it makes the game feel more complete when you do. I like farming how it is so far. I can set up some rows of soil in a lake, plant some crops, label them with signs (so I know what they are/what nutrient they are taking up), then go off and work on other projects. When I come back, I'll just replant the same crops in different rows that have the specified nutrient on high level. It's been relatively rewarding for me. Though I did feel quite overwhelmed farming, mining, building, and smithing all on my own... Fungi (mushrooms really) I think is an interesting crop that adds an extra layer to farming for people who want exotic things. I don't think it introduces too much in terms of mechanics; we'll just use whatever data the game is already processing (temperature and climate variables) to figure out if fungi can sprout. But again, who knows.
  12. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Yea this is making me a confused dwarf.
  13. Trees models

    Amount of years, amount of days, all the same thing. Someone can change their configs (like a lot of people do) to speed up or slow down growth. What you are asking for is to track how long the player is actually playing the game. That would stop people from being able to do tests on a modified config game...
  14. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Yea telling if a space is enclosed or not would definitely be tricky. But if the bloomery block can detect if it is enclosed with blocks of the right type, maybe a greenhouse block (A special type of door?) could detect if it was enclosed in glass blocks... But to check whether a block has the right humidity to grow fungus shouldn't be that difficult, right? What does TFC track? I know temperature. It tracks water saturation in the soil (for plant growth). So why can't we do a relatively simplified approximation of humidity levels? Maybe only certain climates can grow fungus. Give each climate a predefined pressure value. Make sure the area has low enough light. Make sure the soil has some sort of nutrients for fungal growth. IDK, someone do all this figuring out for me...
  15. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    I like the idea of having underwater plant life, and I'm sure it's something Dunk has thought about. If it's just to look pretty, I'm sure there will be updates for that area of marine life. Since TFC is compatible with forge, I would hope to see some cool plugins/mods come through that can add to TFC specifically where it is lacking at the current time. Even if it is something put together to show a proof of concept for an idea that has been suggested, it would not only be cool but help to further development. I wouldn't want people to blatantly take ideas from this mod and use them for themselves, but I've even thought of diving in and trying out some small aspects of peoples suggestions to see if i can make them work. Oh, and as for redstone, I remember Dunk saying something along the lines of 'Redstone is sh*t!' or something (he tends to talk that way!) and in place of it, develop some sort of water/steam powered mechanics that better suit the believability and time period of this mod. I'm also not sure if you can grow plants underneath of glass (i.e. greenhouse) and if that's part of your suggestion that's a great idea too. I would think if we could grow anything underground it would have to be some sort of fungus being that they are the only things that can grow without sunlight. Introduce a temperature and humidity check to see if there are the right circumstances for them to grow. When you kill pigs/cows/chickens, you not only get the leather/meat, you also get a single item of 'remains.' If you grind it up you can use it as a sort of fertilizer for your underground fungus growth. The only other way I can see growing plants underground is if light definitely passes through glass. Then you could make a long channel to the surface and cover it with glass so that your plants still receive sunlight. (That's how we do it in Dwarf Fortress!!)
  16. laddars

    I think then, if they could have horizontal planks acquire the same attributes that chiseled stone does to make them climbable like ladders, that would be neat. But again, yours seems really busy, and to make it work smoothly I ASSUME you would need just one horizontal plank per stone face. IDK though.
  17. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Pretty sure redstone is going away, so any underground light sources using this won't be applicable. From what I know (and that's not much) all plants need sunlight to grow. There are a few parasitic plants that don't have chlorophyll, and therefore need to suck nutrients out of host plants. But for this you would need sunlight for the host plants to survive. So, eh. I guess this would be the correct spot for fungi! This includes yeasts(beer!) and mushrooms. They don't require sunlight, rather decaying junk in the ground. It would be cool to see something like this be developed in the game. Though is it necessary? If the devs can implement this without having to add in too much code (make sure planted in dirt and simply look for low light levels) it would be great. But to have to overhaul the game more to add a small diversity of something they have already spent a lot of time overhauling seems misplaced when they have SO many more important things on their plates. I hope it didn't seem like I bashed this idea too much at the end there, because I think added this would be super cool. I just wouldn't expect it (and would rather not see it) until much later down the line.
  18. laddars

    Are you leaving it for some emphasis!? Crazy crazy... I think it would be tough to calculate whether or not carvings like that would be traversable vertically like a ladder. I can see how it could detect if a slab was small enough to be climbed upon (like it already does), but this is a lot more intricate (...if I'm seeing it right. It looks like the whole ladder is at the same depth to the wall). The only way I could see this working is if you laid down the vertical parts first, then the rungs on the next level out from the wall. Then the game could detect (like it does for chiseled stone) that the wood planks are traversable so you'd be able to climb up.
  19. Trees models

    These trees are definitely awesome. At first they looked really foreign, then when I got used to them, I felt like they fit right in - how trees should have been from the get-go. Makes you wonder if these get implemented how it will affect the current implementation of chopping down trees. Those trees are ginormous, and an axe with half durability wont be able to chop a whole one down. Maybe durability loss is based on how many swings it takes to chop down a tree, which in turn is based on the hardness of that wood. Anyways, it's a lot to think about. I like this. It would make TFC seem so much more immersive.
  20. More chisel modes

    Yea that's what I was talking about/commenting on. Sorry for not quoting more. I would think mortar would be a more age appropriate method, but I still don't see a need for it.
  21. More chisel modes

    Lol. I thought that WAS a rule in chess at least... I guess these new modes aren't really necessary if we might be able to make copies/blueprints for our creations. Then you could compile a set of basic plans to do exactly what the OP was suggesting. As for the planning mode - eh, not necessary. If you are that concerned about messing up/experimenting then hop into creative mode (while it still exists). The only improvement I could see happening here is when you have you cursor over a block (and when you have a blueprint equipped) the affected blocks will disappear so you see what will happen when you click. But that might be unnecessary too. Edit: I don't like the idea of glue. :-)
  22. Cartography

    Still don't get it! But okay... What I'm getting at is not putting something highly detailed in the environment in fear that it will feel misplaced. I remember item frame pictures being more detailed, and they don't give off this 'misplaced' feeling. So if we can keep the map images that big as well, maybe we could stay consistent with the minecraft feel. You could also suggest to make maps/anything that goes on walls be made of bigger pieces of paper, and when you place them they take up a 2x2 area, so if item frames are 32x32 (and we stay with that relation), then the 2x2 wall map will be 64x64, which is, eh, decent.
  23. I'm riding the fence of staying on topic.. but adding in a scribe-like profession that can create maps, art, notes, books, BLUEPRINTS (which has been suggesting other threads) which could then be bought by the sculptor to copy designs to turn around and sell...
  24. Cartography

    Yea that would be a problem posting them up on walls too. What size are the images that go inside item frames (in relation to the default 16x16 block face)? Edit: I don't get the Albert Einstein reference??